The effect of highly digestible carbohydrate and protein sources included in pre-starter diets of broilers on their performance

dc.contributor.advisorPieterse, E.
dc.contributor.authorPretorius, Charne
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Animal Sciences.
dc.descriptionThesis (MScAgric (Animal Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years, the aim of the production of broilers became more focused on the increase of the performance of the birds in order to increase profit. To obtain an increased performance with broiler chicks, it is necessary to look at the development of their gastrointestinal tract, the feed requirements and the ability to digest certain nutrients in the period post hatch. Research have shown clear evidence of increased performance of chicks by the inclusion of certain carbohydrate and protein sources in the prestarter diets, but in contrast to this there are also some research that found no significant effects on the performance of broilers when certain carbohydrate and protein sources were included in the pre-starter diet. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect that a product containing specific carbohydrate and protein sources, included in the pre-starter diets of broiler chicks, would have on their performance. It was believed that the products to be tested would result in increased performance of the chicks in the following growth phases. Special emphasis was placed on the average daily gain (ADG), feed intake, cumulative feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR), European production efficiency factor (EPEF) and the protein efficiency ratio. Different inclusion levels of the different raw materials were investigated in the first trial. Three raw materials and a control were compared using a summit dilution process at 100:0, 66:34, 50:50, 34:66 and 0:100. Specific production parameters such as ADG total live weight gain, feed intake per week, cumulative feed intake, FCR, EPEF and PER were measured and calculated in order to determine if there were any significant differences between the treatments with the different raw material inclusions on the performance of the chicks. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found between the 13 treatments for the ADG, total live weight gain, feed intake per week, cumulative feed intake, FCR, EPEF and PER. The results therefore indicated that there were no significant differences between the different inclusion levels of the different raw materials and no significant differences for the production parameters for animals receiving diets with various levels of the three raw materials. It is thus concluded that these raw materials can be successfully utilised in pre-starter diets of broiler chicks. The effect of the contribution of sugar to the metabolisable energy (ME) of the raw materials was tested in a commercial grower trial. The three raw materials had inclusion levels leading to supply of either 12% or 18% of the ME in the form of sugar. No significant differences were found between the seven treatments for ADG, total live weight gain, feed intake per week, cumulative feed intake, FCR, EPEF or the PER. It was concluded that the percentage in contribution of sugars between 12 and 18% to the ME of the prestarter diets had no significant effects on the production parameters tested.en
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die produksie van braaikuikens word daar deesdae al hoe meer klem gelê op die verhoging van die produksie van die kuikens om dan dus ‘n verhoging in die wins te bewerkstellig. Om hierdie verhoogde produksie by braaikuikens te kan bereik, is dit nodig om na eienskappe van die kuiken soos die ontwikkeling van die spysvertering stelsel, die nutrient- behoeftes van die kuiken en die vermoë om sekere nutriënte te kan verteer in die periode na uitbroei. Sommige navorsing het gewys dat die insluiting van sekere koolhidraat – en proteïen bronne in die voor-aanvangs diëete van braaikuikens, lei tot ‘n positiewe effek op die produksie van die kuikens, waar ander navorsing geen effek gevind het nie. Daarom was die doel van die huidige navorsing gewees om te toets wat die effek van die insluiting in die voor-aanvangs dieet van braaikuikens ‘n sekere produk met ‘n spesifieke koolhidraat –en proteïen bron samestelling op die produksie van die kuikens sal wees in die daaropvolgende fases. Dit was verwag dat die insluiting van hierdie produkte in die voor-aanvangs diëte van braaikuikens ‘n positiewe effek sou hê op die produksie van die kuikens. Spesiale klem was gelê op die parameters soos gemiddelde daaglikse toename (GDT) voer inname, kumulatiewe voer inname, voeromset verhoudings (VOV) Europese produksie doeltreffendheids- faktor (EPEF) en die proteïen doeltreffendheids faktor (PER). Verskillende insluitings vlakke van die verskillende produkte wat getoets is, is in die eerste proef ondersoek. Die drie produkte is deur middel van ‘n piek verdunnings proses by verhoudings van 100:0, 66:34, 50:50, 34:66 en 0:100 met mekaar vergelyk. Spesifieke produksie- parameters soos die GDT, lewende massa, weeklikse voer- inname, kumulatiewe voer- inname, VOV, EPEF en die PER is gemeet. Geen betekenisvolle verskille (P>0.05) was vir die 13 behandelings verkry nie. Die resultate het derhalwe getoon dat daar geen betekenisvolle verskille tussen die verskillende insluitings vlakke van die onderskeie produkte was nie en dat daar geen betekenisvolle tussen die produksieparameters van die kuikens wat die diëte met die verskillende insluitingspeile van die drie roumateriale ontvand het, was nie. Daarom is tot die slotsom gekom dat hierdie roumateriale suksesvol in die vooraanvangsdieet van braaikuikens aangewend kan word. Die effek van die bydrae van die suiker tot die metaboliseerbare energie (ME) van die produkte was in ‘n kommersiële groei proef getoets. Die drie rou materiale was by beide 12- en 18% ingesluit. Geen betekenisvolle verskille (P>0.05) was vir die sewe behandelings vir GDT, lewende massa, weeklikse voer- inname, kumulatiewe voer- inname, VOV, EPEF en PEF verkry
dc.format.extent80 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectBroilers (Chickens) -- Feeding and feedsen
dc.subjectDissertations -- Animal sciencesen
dc.subjectTheses -- Animal sciencesen
dc.subjectDissertations -- Agricultureen
dc.subjectTheses -- Agricultureen
dc.subjectCarbohydrates in animal nutritionen
dc.subjectProteins in animal nutritionen
dc.titleThe effect of highly digestible carbohydrate and protein sources included in pre-starter diets of broilers on their performanceen
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