Morbidity, mortality and neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely low birth weight neonates in the first year of life: a retrospective cohort study

dc.contributor.advisorLloyd, Lizel Georgien_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorHolgate, Sandien_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMusiime, Graceen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Neonatal deaths are a leading cause of child mortality worldwide, with sub- Saharan Africa bearing the largest burden. Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) neonates (less than 1000 grams) have the highest mortality. There is a lack of data evaluating long- and shortterm outcomes of ELBW neonates in South Africa and because of variations in outcomes over time and between different regions, existing statistics cannot be easily transposed. Given the increased focus on reducing neonatal mortality, data are needed to guide resource allocation and policy development to optimise outcomes. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe the morbidity, mortality and neurodevelopmental outcomes at one year corrected gestational age (CGA) of ELBW infants treated at a tertiary hospital. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of live-born infants treated at Tygerberg Hospital (TBH) between 1 January and 31 December 2016. All live born ELBW infants were included. Eligible infants were identified via the Vermont Oxford Network database. Data were extrapolated from this database and additional data were obtained from patient records. Followup data from time of discharge until one year CGA were obtained from high-risk clinic case notes. Multiple logistic regression and survival analysis were undertaken in STATA to identify risk factors for mortality. Results: A total of 256 ELBW infants were admitted during the study period, 240 born within TBH and 16 transferred from surrounding medical facilities. The majority were managed in the neonatal high-care wards, with only 11.3% admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at any time during their hospitalisation. Respiratory distress syndrome was diagnosed in 83.2% and 93% required nasal continuous positive airways pressure (NCPAP). The survival to hospital discharge rate was 63.3%. The majority of deaths occurred in the first three days of life (19.5%; 95% CI 14.7–24.3%). Cause of death was documented as extreme prematurity in 41% of the inpatient deaths. Birth weight was a significant predictor of mortality (hazard ratio 0.99; 95% CI 0.992–0.999). Of the 151 neonates who survived until discharge, 11 died following discharge and 86 were lost to follow-up (57%). Sixty-five neonates attended followup at one year CGA: 2.6% of these had severe neurodevelopmental impairment and 37.3% manifested no significant developmental delay, as assessed clinically according to extent of delay in neurodevelopmental milestones. Conclusions: Mortality and morbidity rates remain high among ELBW neonates. In order to improve survival, resources need to be allocated to neonatal resuscitation, surfactant therapy, NCPAP and increasing availability of NICU beds. Further research is needed to adequately assess long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes of ELBW neonates in this setting.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Neonatale sterftes is ’n hoofoorsaak van kindersterftes wêreldwyd, met Afrika suid van die Sahara wat die grootste las dra. Neonate met ’n uiters lae geboortegewig het die hoogste sterftesyfers. Daar is ’n gebrek aan data wat die lang- en korttermynuitkomste van neonate met uiters lae geboortegewig in Suid-Afrika evalueer, en as gevolg van die streeks- en tydelike variasies kan bestaande statistieke nie maklik oorgedra word nie. Gegewe die toenemende fokus op die vermindering van neonatale sterftes, is data nodig om hulpbrontoekenning en beleidsontwikkeling te rig om uitkomste te optimaliseer. Doelstelling: Die doel van hierdie studie was beskrywing van die morbiditeit, sterftes en neuroontwikkelingsuitkomste op een jaar gekorrigeerde gestasie-ouderdom van neonate met uiters lae geboortegewig wat in ’n tersiêre hospitaal met beperkte toegang tot neonatale intensiewe sorg weens hulpbronbeperkings behandel is. Metodes: Hierdie studie was ʼn retrospektiewe kohortstudie van lewendgebore neonate wat in Tygerberg Hospitaal (TBH) tussen 1 Januarie en 31 Desember 2016 behandel is. Kwalifiserende neonate is via die Vermont Oxford Netwerk-databasis geïdentifiseer. Data is uit hierdie databasis geëkstrapoleer en bykomende data is uit pasiëntrekords verkry. Opvolgdata vanaf hospitaalontslag tot en met een jaar gekorrigeerde gestasie-ouderdom is vanuit hoërisiko-kliniekpasiëntnotas verkry. Veelvuldige logistiese regressie en oorlewingsanalises is in STATA gedoen om risikofaktore vir sterftes te identifiseer. Resultate: Altesaam 256 neonate met uiters lae geboortegewig is gedurende die studietydperk opgeneem – 240 gebore in TBH en 16 vanaf omliggende mediese fasiliteite oorgeplaas. Die meerderheid neonate is in die neonatale hoësorgsale behandel, met slegs 11.3% wat te eniger tyd tydens hul hospitalisasie in die neonatale intensiewe eenheid opgeneem is. Hialienmembraansiekte is by 83.2% gediagnoseer en 93% het nasale deurlopende positiewe lugwegdruk benodig. Die oorlewingskoers tot hospitaalontslag was 63.3%. Die meerderheid sterftes het in die eerste drie dae van lewe (19.5%; 95% CI 14.7–24.3%) plaasgevind. Die oorsaak van dood is opgeteken as uitermate prematuriteit in 41% van sterftes tydens hospitalisasie. Geboortegewig was ’n beduidende voorspeller van sterftes (gevaarverhouding 0.99; 95% CI 0.992–0.999). Van die 151 neonate wat tot ontslag oorleef het, het 11 ná ontslag gesterf en 86 (57%) het nie opvolgbesoeke bygewoon nie. Vyf-en-sestig neonate het die opvolgkliniek op een jaar gekorrigeerde gestasie-ouderdom bygewoon; 2.6% hiervan het erge neuro-ontwikkelingsgebreke gehad en 37.3% het normale ontwikkeling gehad. Gevolgtrekkings: Sterfte- en morbiditeitsyfers bly hoog onder neonate met uiters lae geboortegewig. Ten einde die oorlewing van hierdie neonate te verbeter, moet hulpbronne aan neonatale resussitasie, surfaktantterapie, nasale deurlopende positiewe lugwegdruk en verhoogde beskikbaarheid van neonatale intensiewesorg-beddens toegeken word. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die langtermyn-neuro-ontwikkelingsuitkomste van hierdie babas voldoende te assesseer.en_ZA
dc.format.extentix, 25 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectNewborn infants -- Mortalityen_ZA
dc.subjectBirth weight, Lowen_ZA
dc.subjectNewborn infantsen_ZA
dc.subjectSurfactant treatmenten_ZA
dc.subjectNeonatal resuscitationen_ZA
dc.subjectNeurodevelopmental outcomesen_ZA
dc.subjectNeonatal deathsen_ZA
dc.titleMorbidity, mortality and neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely low birth weight neonates in the first year of life: a retrospective cohort studyen_ZA
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