Isini nenkcubeko kwiincwadi zedrama zesiXhosa'

dc.contributor.advisorSatyo, P. N.en
dc.contributor.authorMalahla, Melikhayaen
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.en
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.en
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines gender relations in four Xhosa drama books. It aims at establishing the influence of culture on gender representations of female and male characters. Culture is observed in the context of patriarchy, which influences the way men and women are portrayed in the dramas. Men and women in the dramas are portrayed as cultural stereotypes. They behave in similar and predictable ways. These characters illustrate a moralistic theme thus conveying a patriarchal message. In this study, culture is viewed as too comprehensive, a concept to be forced into definition that will be acceptable to everyone. Culture can be used to refer to a general process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development. It might be to suggest a particular way of life, whether of people, a period or a group. Storey (1993 : 20) "Culture" embraces everything, which contributes to the survival of man. According to Payne (1997 : 190) "gender" refers to the ensemble of cultural forms, meanings, and values conventionally associated with women and men. The thesis is arranged as follows: Chapter 1 introduces the aim, the scope, the theories and the methods of the study. Chapter 2 deals with the development of plot within episodes in the four dramas. A critical evaluation of the dramas is undertaken. Chapter 3 deals with a man and a woman as character in Xhosa drama under a study. A detailed analysis of the main male and female character in each drama is undertaken. Furthermore, a critical summary of how the male and female character has been portrayed in the dramas is presented. Chapter 4 presents depiction of Xhosa culture in the Xhosa dramas. From each drama, certain selected aspects of culture are explored and an investigation of the portrayal of these aspects is undertaken. Chapter 5 summarizes the findings of the study.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die verhoudings tussen geslagte in vier Xhosa drama boeke. Die doel is om die invloed wat kultuur op die manlik en vroulike karakters teenwoordig, vas te stel. Kultuur word waargeneem in die konteks van patriargisme, wat die manier waarop mans en vrouens in die drama uitgebeeld word, beïnvloed. Mans en vrouens word in die dramas as kulturele stereotipes uitgebeeld. Hulle tree op dieselfde en voorspelbare maniere op. Die karakters illustreer In moralistiese tema en dra sodoende In patriargale boodskap oor. In die studie, word kultuur as te omvattend beskou, In konsep wat aanvaar word deur almal. Kultuur kan gebruik word om na In algemene ontwikkelingsproses wat intellektueel, spiritueel en asteties is te verwys. Dit mag wees om In sekere soort leefwyse uit te beeld, hetsy van mense, In periode of In groep. Storey (1993:20) beskryf "kultuur" as alles wat tot die oorlewing van die mens bydra. Volgens Payne (1997: 190) verwys "geslag" na die samestelling van kulturele vorms, menings en waardes wat konvensioneel met mans en vrouens geassosieer word. Die tesis is as volg uiteengesit: Hoofstuk 1 stel die doel, die omvang, die teorie en metodes van die studie voor. Hoofstuk 2 handeloor die ontwikkeling van die komplot binne episodes van die vier dramas. In Kritieke evaluasie van die dramas word gedoen. Hoofstuk 3 handeloor die karakters van In man en In vrou in die Xhosa dramas. In gedetailleerde ontleding van die dominante manlike en vroulike karakters van elke drama word gedoen. In Kritiese opsomming van hoe die manlike en vroulike karakters uitgebeeld word, word ook gedoen. Hoofstuk 4 stel die tipiese uitbeelding van die Xhosa kultuur in die Xhosa dramas voor. Vanuit elke drama word sekere selektiewe aspekte van kultuur ondersoek en In inspeksie van die uitbeelding van die aspekte word gedoen. Hoofstuk 5 bevat die bevindinge van die studie.af_ZA
dc.format.extent169 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen
dc.subjectXhosa fiction -- History and criticismen
dc.subjectCulture in literatureen
dc.subjectGender identity in literatureen
dc.subjectDissertations -- Xhosa literatureen_ZA
dc.titleIsini nenkcubeko kwiincwadi zedrama zesiXhosa'
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