Die verhewe simboliese kapitaal van skoolhoofde op 'n plattelandse dorp
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Hierdie artikel fokus op die inwerking van ’n plattelandse-dorp-konteks op skoolhoofde se leierskappraktyke. Skole in Suid-Afrika verskil drasties van mekaar ten opsigte van konteks, en skoolhoofde se leierskappraktyke is konteksverbonde praktyke. Die fokus is op aspekte van skoolhoofde se identiteitsvorming in ’n spesifieke landelike-dorp-konteks. Die navorsingmateriaal vir die artikel is afkomstig uit ’n omvattende navorsingsprojek oor die skoolhoofde van plattelandse skole op ’n dorp met die skuilnaam Cogmans in die Wes-Kaap. Gefokusde semigestruktureerde een-tot-een onderhoude is gebruik om inligting te versamel deur na skoolhoofde se eie stories oor hul eie leefwêreld te luister ten einde dit moontlik te maak om die storie van elkeen se sosiale leefwêreld te kan konstrueer. Op hierdie wyse is professionele verhale oor skoolhoof wees op ’n plattelandse dorp verbind aan die kritiese ontleding van die skoolhoofde se vorme van kapitaal, in besonder simboliese kapitaal. Die artikel is geskoei op die toepassing van die teorie van Pierre Bourdieu. Bourdieu se konsepte van veld, kapitaal, praktyke en habitus word aangewend as teoretiese lense om die ontledende fokus van hierdie artikel uit te lig, naamlik hoe die skoolhoofde van die skole op ’n plattelandse dorp se plattelandse konteks en elke skoolhoof se eie habitus hulle op ’n bepaalde wyse posisioneer wat meewerk in die manifestering van ’n verhewe mate van simboliese kapitaal van die skoolhoofde. Ons wil aanvoer dat “landelikheid” sentraal is in die aard van hulle habitusvorming, meer spesifiek die wyse waarop hulle sosiale kapitaal gegenereer word in wat ons beskryf as die verhewe simboliese kapitaal van hierdie skoolhoofde in hierdie spesifieke plattelandse-dorp-konteks.
This article presents a discussion of the impact of a rural town on the leadership practices of school principals. The town is located in South Africa’s Western Cape Province about 200 kilometres from Cape Town. Our point of departure is that schools in South Africa differ dramatically from one another depending on the nature of their class, gender, race and geographic dimensions. In the case of this article we suggest that the rural location of the schools under discussion is a primary articulator of the identities of schools and the nature of leadership practices established in them by their principals. The focus of the article is on the complex ways in which principals in this rural town go about establishing their leadership practices in their respective schools. The article provides insight into school principals’ practices at the intersection of their respective schools’ everyday functioning on the one hand and their rural social context on the other. This is a much neglected area in the school leadership literature.
This article presents a discussion of the impact of a rural town on the leadership practices of school principals. The town is located in South Africa’s Western Cape Province about 200 kilometres from Cape Town. Our point of departure is that schools in South Africa differ dramatically from one another depending on the nature of their class, gender, race and geographic dimensions. In the case of this article we suggest that the rural location of the schools under discussion is a primary articulator of the identities of schools and the nature of leadership practices established in them by their principals. The focus of the article is on the complex ways in which principals in this rural town go about establishing their leadership practices in their respective schools. The article provides insight into school principals’ practices at the intersection of their respective schools’ everyday functioning on the one hand and their rural social context on the other. This is a much neglected area in the school leadership literature.
CITATION: Spies, J. & Fataar, A. 2014. Die verhewe simboliese kapitaal van skoolhoofde op 'n plattelandse dorp. LitNet Akademies, 11(3):459-487.
The original publication is available at http://www.litnet.co.za
The original publication is available at http://www.litnet.co.za
Rural schools -- South Africa, Education -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Bourdieu, Pierre, 1930-2002, School principals -- South Africa
Spies, J. & Fataar, A. 2014. Die verhewe simboliese kapitaal van skoolhoofde op 'n plattelandse dorp. LitNet Akademies, 11(3):459-487.