Exploring the return-to-competition experiences of injured team sport athletes

dc.contributor.advisorGrobbelaar, Heinrichen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDavis, Nikitaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (M Spor Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Participation in sport has an inherent risk of injury that athletes willingly accept. For most athletes, sustaining injuries are a negative experience, but they tend to respond differently to it and throughout the ensuing rehabilitation period. For competitive team sport athletes or players, a speedy and successful return-to-competition (RTC) after injury is critical. Some players may not be psychologically ready to RTC following injury, despite completing their physical rehabilitation programmes and receiving clearance from their medical teams to do so. The study aimed to explore and analyse the lived experiences of injured team sport athletes before they return-to-competition and after. Seven elite participants (5 men, 2 women; 5 national team players, 2 provincial team players, 6 rugby players, 1 field hockey player, Mean age: 24.57 years) were interviewed and completed three quantitative questionnaires (respectively measuring fear avoidance, psychological responses and psychological readiness) in the lead-up to and shortly after their first competitive match/tournament. Qualitative information on personal and situational factors that influenced each participants’ cognitive appraisal, emotional and behavioural responses were elicited, in line with Wiese-Bjornstal et al.’s (1998) Integrated Model of Psychological Response to the Sport and Injury Rehabilitation Process. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted, two interviews per participant. Firstly, after their first on-field training session, and secondly, after the first competition/game. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using descriptive phenomenology, applying both inductive and deductive reasoning. This method allowed for a rich description of each participants’ unique experiences. Four themes (and multiple sub-themes) emerged when collating the findings from the seven individual cases. 1) Established identity (athletic and personal); 2) Cognitive appraisal (positive and negative appraisals, perceived benefits, sense of loss, overcoming adversity); 3) Emotional responses (positive and negative responses, fear of the unknown, fear of re-injury, concerns about previous performance levels and external perceptions); and 4) Behavioural responses (rehabilitation adherence, avoiding maladaptive behaviours, using social support and self-talk). In-vivo quotes provided a rich narrative and description of selective findings for each participant. The quantitative data revealed moderately high fear avoidance levels among all the participants pre- and post-RTC. Three participants had moderate psychological readiness and confidence levels before their RTC, suggesting that they may not have been psychologically ready to return yet. Two participants who completed their rehabilitation during the COVID-19 national lock-down and only returned when sport resumed approximately six months later, revealed more favourable rehabilitation experiences and greater psychological readiness to RTC, in part because they did not experience the normal pressure to return quickly. These findings raise questions about the extent to which medical teams consider psychosocial factors when making decisions about the resumption of training and readiness for competitions. The study paves the way for future research that may extend Wiese-Bjornstal et al.’s (1998) and other injury-related return-to-sport decision-making models, by incorporating specific concerns associated with the RTC phenomenon. Medical teams should consider psychosocial information pertaining to psychological readiness to RTC, re-injury anxiety and concerns about pre-injury performance levels. Coaches and management teams should ensure the social reintegration of players into the team environment especially after lengthy injury lay-offs.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sportdeelname het ’n inherente risiko aan beserings wat atlete gewillig aanvaar. Die opdoen van beserings is vir die meeste atlete ’n negatiewe ervaring, maar hulle reageer verskillend hierop en dwarsdeur die daaropvolgende rehabilitasietydperk. ’n Spoedige en suksesvolle terugkeer na kompetisie (TNK) na ’n besering is krities vir kompeterende spansport atlete of spelers. Sommige spelers is dalk nie sielkundig gereed vir ʼn TNK na ’n besering nie, ten spyte daarvan dat hulle hul rehabilitasieprogramme suksesvol voltooi het en goedkeuring van hulle mediese spanne ontvang het om weer deel te neem. Die studie het ten doel gehad om die belewenis van spansport atlete wat enige besering opgedoen het wat hulle vir ten minste twee maande buite aksie gelaat het, te verken en te ontleed. Daar is met sewe elite deelnemers (5 mans, 2 dames; 5 nasionale spanspelers, 2 provinsiale spanspelers, 6 rugbyspelers, 1 veldhokkiespeler, Gemiddelde ouderdom: 24.57 jaar) onderhoude gevoer en hulle het drie kwantitatiewe vraelyste (wat onderskeidelik vreesvermyding, sielkundige response en sielkundige gereedheid) in die aanloop en kort na hulle eerste mededingende wedstryd/toernooi voltooi het. Kwalitatiewe inligting oor persoonlike en situasionele faktore wat elke deelnemer se kognitiewe evaluering, emosionele en gedragsreaksies beinvloed het, is ontlok, in ooreenstemming met Wiese-Bjornstal et al. (1998) se Integrated Model of Psychological Response to the Sport and Injury Rehabilitation Process. Veertien semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer, twee per deelnemer. Die eerste onderhoud het plaasgevind na afloop van die deelnemer se eerste oefensessie, en die tweede onderhoud na afloop van hul eerste kompetisie/wedstryd. Die onderhoude is getranskribeer en geanaliseer met behulp van beskrywende fenomenologie deur gebruik te maak van beide induktiewe en deduktiewe beredenering. Hierdie metodes het voorsiening gemaak vir ʼn ryk beskrywing van elke deelnemer se unieke ervarings. Vier temas (en veelvuldige subtemas) het na vore gekom toe die bevindinge van die sewe individuele gevalle saamgevat is. 1) Gevestigde identiteit (atleties en persoonlik); 2) Kognitiewe evaluering (positiewe en negatiewe evaluerings, waargenome voordele, gevoel van verlies, om teespoed te oorkom); 3) Emosionele response (positiewe en negatiewe response, vrees vir die onbekende, vrees vir herbeserings, kommer oor vorige prestasievlakke en eksterne persepsies); en 4) Gedragsreaksies (nakoming van rehabilitasie, vermyding van wanaangepaste gedrag, gebruik van sosiale ondersteuning en selfgesprek). In-vivo aanhalings verskaf ’n ryk narratief en beskrywing van selektiewe bevindings vir elke deelnemer. Die kwantitatiewe data het matige hoe vreesvermydingsvlakke onder al die deelnemers pre- en post-TNK aan die lig gebring wat daarop dui dat hulle dalk nog nie sielkundig gereed was om terug te keer nie. Twee deelnemers wat hul rehabilitasie tydens die COVID-19 nasionale inperking voltooi het en eers teruggekeer het toe sport ongeveer ses maande later hervat is, het gunstiger rehabilitasie ervarings en beter sielkundige gereedheid vir TNK geopenbaar, deels omdat hulle nie die normale druk ervaar het om vinnig terug te keer nie. Hierdie bevindinge laat vrae ontstaan oor die mate waartoe mediese spanne psigososiale faktore in ag neem wanneer besluite geneem word oor die hervatting van oefening en gereedheid vir kompetisies. Die studie baan die weg vir toekomstige navorsing wat Wiese-Bjornstal et al. (1998) en ander beseringsverwante terugkeer-na-sport besluitnemingsmodelle kan uitbrei, deur spesifieke bekommernisse wat met die TNK-verskynsel geassosieer word, in te sluit. Mediese spanne moet psigososiale inligting oorweeg wat verband hou met sielkundige gereedheid vir TNK, herbeseringsangs en kommer oor prestasievlakke voor ʼn besering. Afrigters en bestuurspanne moet die sosiale herintegrasie van spelers in die spanomgewing verseker, veral na langdurige beseringsafleggings.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 159 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAthletes -- Sports injuries -- Rehabilitationen_ZA
dc.subjectMotivation (Psychology) -- Sportsen_ZA
dc.subjectPreparedness -- Sportsen_ZA
dc.subjectAthletes -- Physiological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectPhysical education and training -- Sportsen_ZA
dc.subjectCOVID-19 (Disease)en_ZA
dc.titleExploring the return-to-competition experiences of injured team sport athletesen_ZA
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