An historical and archaeological perspective of colonial Stellenbosch, 1688-1860

dc.contributor.advisorDeacon, H. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVos, Hendrik Nicholasen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of History.
dc.descriptionThesis (M.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1993.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a study of how the colonial settlement at Stellenbosch changed form its beginnings iin 1680 until the middle of the nineteenth century. Historical, archaeological and architechtural information was used to trace the growth of the settlement through altering course of the Eerste River and the construction of the construction of increasing numbers of public, private and farm buildings. It is possible to show that the placement and style of the buildings and the refuse associated with them, reflect the social values of the colonists at different times. FOur descriptive stages in the development of Stellenbosch are recognized. Initially, European traditions were transposed and simplified in what was for the settlers new invironment. A consequence was that buildings were poorly constructed using less suitable materials and none of the earliest buildings have survived. The second stage of experimentation led to the evolution of the standardized 'Cape' building patterns. In the final tages these were adapted to conform to the innovative Georgian and Victorian styles. An implication of the dynamic changes in material culture and social order that can be shown over the centuries in Stellenbosch, is that the present cultural conservation practice of 'restoring' buildings to reflect an idealized view of the past is suspect. There can be no substitute for detailed studies of material culture and context.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is 'n studie van he die koloniale nedersetting te Stellenbosch verander het sedert sy begin in 1680 tot die middel van die 19de eeu. Geskiedkundige, argeologiese en boukundige inligting is gebruik om die groei van die nedersetting na te spoor soos geopenbaar deur veranderings in die loop van die Eersterivier en die oprigting van toenemende getalle openbare, private en plaasgeboue. Daar kon getoon word dat die plasings en style van geboue, asook gepardgaande vullis, die maatskaplike waardes van die koloniste gedurende verskillende tye weespieel. Vier beskrywende stadiums in die ontwikkeling van Stellenbosch kon vasgestel word. Aanvanklik is Europese tradisies oorgebring en vereenvoudig in 'n omgewing wat vir die setlaars nuut was. Gevolglik is geboue swak saamgestel uit minderwaardige boumateriaal, sodat geeneen van die vroegste konstruksies behou gebly het nie. Proefnemings gedurende die tweede stadium het tot die evolusie van geboue gelei, wat 'n hoogtepunt bereik met die totstandkoming van genormaliseerde 'Kaapse' boupatrone. In die finale stadiums is hierdie boupatrone aangepas by nuwe Georgiaanse en Viktoriaanse style. Een implikasie van die dinamiese verandering wat, soos getoon kan word, oor die eeue heen op Stellenbosch plaasgevind het ten opsigte van stoflike kultuur en die maatskaplike orde, is dat die huidige kultuurbewaringspraktyk waarvolgens geboue en hul omgewings 'gerstoureer' word om 'n geidialiseeerde beeld van die verlede te weerspieel, gewantrou behoort te word. Daar kan geen plaasvervanger wees vir uitgebreide studies van stoflike kultuur in kontekstuele verband nie.af_ZA
dc.format.extent294 pages : illustrations.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectArchaeology and history -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectStellenbosch (South Africa) -- Antiquitiesen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Archaeologyen_ZA
dc.titleAn historical and archaeological perspective of colonial Stellenbosch, 1688-1860en_ZA
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