Feasibility of a mindfulness-based intervention for stress reduction and resilience for medical students at a large teaching hospital and medical campus in the western cape : a randomised controlled, comparative trial with supportive counselling

dc.contributor.advisorAlexander, Debra Whitingen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBoyd, Nicola Lindyen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Psychiatry.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : The high levels of stress experienced by medical students is cause for concern due to the negative academic and emotional consequences both for themselves, as well as their future patients and professional careers. South Africa’s context contributes additional unique stressors for South African medical students. Research is showing that mindfulness-based interventions are effective for the treatment of psychological issues as well as of benefit to healthy individuals. Online delivery of such interventions increase accessibility for time-constrained participants. There is limited information about the potential of online mindfulness-based interventions to increase medical students’ wellbeing, self-compassion and to address perceived stress. This feasibility study aimed to provide information by investigating the effects of a six-week online, teacher-facilitated mindfulness-based intervention for medical students in comparison to supportive counselling. An evaluative, experimental, mixed-methods design included the randomisation of 45 self-selected participants to one of two groups. Quantitative data was collected online at pre-, post- and 8-week follow up. A post-course completed feedback questionnaire, provided qualitative data to provide an understanding of participants’ experience of the programmes. Results indicated significant positive changes in both groups’ wellbeing, decreased perceived stress and self-reported, enhanced stress management. Unexpectedly, a significant change in decreased self-compassion was noted over the time period. Mindfulness reflected as a statistically significant treatment effect in the mindfulness group at post-course analysis. Based on the findings, an introduction of a stress management programme for medical students is recommended – one which includes mindfulness and stress- related psychoeducational components as part of a wider mental health strategy. A main study would contribute further information to this area and whether findings could be widened to benefit tertiary students in South Africa.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Mediese studente se hoë stresvlakke is kommerwekkend as gevolg van die negatiewe akademiese en emosionele nagevolge vir hulself en hul toekomstige pasiënte en professionele loopbane. Die Suid Afrikaanse verband dra by tot onge-weewenaarde addisionale stres vir Suid Afrikaanse mediese studente. Navorsing dui daarop dat bewustheidgebaseerde intervensies effektief is vir die behandeling van sielkundige probleme, maar ook voordelig is vir gesonde individue. Boonop verhoog die aanlynaanbieding van hierdie intervensies toeganklikheid vir deelnemers met tydsbeperkinge. Daar is egter beperkte inligting rondom die potensiaal van aanlyn bewustheidgebaseerde intervensies om mediese studente se welstand en self-deernis te verhoog en waargenome stres aan te spreek. Hierdie haalbaarheidstudie het ten doel om die gevolge van 'n ses week lange aanlyn, onderwyser-gefasiliteerde bewustheidgebaseerde intervensie vir mediese studente te vergelyk met dié van ondersteunende berading, om inligting te verskaf vir ’n groter ewekansige-beheerde proef. ‘n Waardebepalende, eksperimentele, gemengde metodesontwerp het 45 deelnemers hulself ewekansig in een van twee groepe geplaas. Kwantitatiewe data is aanlyn versamel voor en na die kursus, sowel as by agt weke se opvolging. ’n Terugvoervraelys is na die kursus voltooi en het kwalitatiewe data verskaf wat deelnemers se ervaring van die programme weerspieël. Resultate het beduidende positiewe veranderinge in beide deelnemersgroepe se welstand aangedui het, sowel as ’n afname in nood en waargenome stres met positiewe veranderinge in stresbestuur. ’n Onverwagte, dog beduidende afname in self-deernis is ook opgelet. Bewustheids het as ‘n beduidende statistiese verskille tussen die twee groepe getoon na kursus analise. Ingevolge die bevindinge word daar aanbeveel dat dit voordelig sou wees om ’n stresbestuursprogram vir mediese studente te skep wat bewustheid en stresverwante psigo-opvoedkundige komponente bevat as deel van n breër geestesgesondheidstrategie. ’n Hoofstudie sal verdere inligting bydra tot hierdie area en bevestig of bevindinge veralgemeen kan word te voordeel van tersiêre studente in Suid-Afrika.af_ZA
dc.format.extent[236] pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectMindfulness-based cognitive therapyen_ZA
dc.subjectMedical students -- Psychological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectStress management for medical residentsen_ZA
dc.subjectSelf-care, Healthen_ZA
dc.subjectResilience (Personality trait)en_ZA
dc.titleFeasibility of a mindfulness-based intervention for stress reduction and resilience for medical students at a large teaching hospital and medical campus in the western cape : a randomised controlled, comparative trial with supportive counsellingen_ZA
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