An exploration of secondary school learners’ career-related needs : perspectives from grade 9 learners and teachers in three low-income communities in Soweto

dc.contributor.advisorNaidoo, Anthony Vernonen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorRabie, Stephanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMaketekete, Tiisetso Katlehoen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The primary goal of career guidance and counselling is to assist individuals to make well-informed decisions about various vocational options by providing the necessary information and knowledge. While this may seem like a simple and straightforward task, it becomes a challenge when there are education inequalities within a developing country and access to such services is restricted. A large majority of high school learners in South Africa who come from low-income communities is faced with having to make important career-related decisions such as choosing their subject choices without the necessary guidance and knowledge to do so. Therefore, adequate career counselling and guidance services need to be established that consider the reality of learners who come from under-resourced backgrounds. This study aimed to explore the needs and experiences of Grade 9 learners and their respective Life Orientation teachers with special reference to their career-related needs. The study involved participants from three schools in the South Western Township, also commonly known as Soweto in Johannesburg, Gauteng. Semi-structured qualitative surveys and focus groups discussions were conducted in order to capture the needs and concerns that the learners and teachers had. Through the use of thematic analysis, the study sought to understand whether the respective schools offered career guidance programmes or services to the Grade 9 learners, particularly pertaining to choosing their subjects. Additionally, input from the teachers was sought to further understand their perspectives as well. The participants’ narratives were contextualised in relation to the ‘tenets’ of Gottfredson’s theory of Circumscription and Compromise. Findings of the study suggest that the learners from the Soweto schools were receiving less than adequate access to information and knowledge about career-related topics. In addition, the findings indicate that teachers and parents also need to be access to knowledge and training from the schools, and community based hubs and NGOs about career education in order to assist learners make well-informed decisions.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van beroepsvoorligting en -berading is om individue te help om ingeligte besluite oor die verskillende beroepsopsies te neem deur die nodige inligting en kennis te verskaf. Alhoewel die taak maklik en eenvoudige voorkom, word dit 'n uitdaging as daar ongelykhede in die onderwys in 'n ontwikkelende land is, en toegang tot sulke dienste beperk is. 'n Groot meerderheid jongmense in Suid-Afrika wat uit lae-inkomste gemeenskappe kom, word gekonfronteer met belangrike loopbaanverwante besluite, soos hul vakkeuses, sonder die nodige leiding en kennis om sulke besluite te kan neem. Daarom moet doeltreffende beleidsrigtings ontwikkel word, met inagneming van die werklikheid van leerders wat van 'n hulpbronbehoewende agtergrond afkomstig is, wat 'n versperring kan veroorsaak en hul loopbaanontwikkeling kan beperk, om goeie nagevorsde beleide te implementeer wat voldoen aan hierdie jongmense se behoeftes. Hierdie studie was daarop gemik om die behoeftes en ervarings van Graad 9-leerders en hul onderskeie onderwysers te ondersoek met spesiale verwysing na hul loopbaanverwante behoeftes. Die studie betrek deelnemers van drie skole in die South Western Township, ook algemeen bekend as Soweto, in Johannesburg, Gauteng. Semi-gestruktureerde kwalitatiewe opnames en fokusgroepbesprekings is gevoer om die behoeftes en bekommernisse wat die leerders en onderwysers gehad het, vas te stel. Deur middel van 'n tematiese analise het die studie probeer verstaan of die onderskeie skole loopbaanvoorligtingsprogramme of dienste aan die Graad 9-leerders bied, veral wanneer dit tyd was om hul vakke te kies. Boonop is insette van die onderwysers gesoek om ook hul behoeftes te verstaan. Die vertellings van die deelnemers is gekontekstualiseer in verhouding tot die beginsels van Gottfredson se teorie van Omskrywing en Kompromie. Die bevindings van die studie dui daarop dat die leerders in lae-inkomste-gebiede gelyke toegang tot inligting en kennis oor loopbaanverwante onderwerpe benodig. Verder, dui dit ook aan dat onderwysers Stellenbosch University en ouers ook kennis en opleiding van ‘hubs’ en NRO's oor loopbaanopvoeding benodig om die leerders by te staan om goeie ingeligte besluite te kan neem.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectVocational guidance -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectHigh school students -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectLife orientationen_ZA
dc.subjectCareer Counsellingen_ZA
dc.subjectLow-income high school studentsen_ZA
dc.titleAn exploration of secondary school learners’ career-related needs : perspectives from grade 9 learners and teachers in three low-income communities in Sowetoen_ZA
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