Rivet and wire rope reinforcement in extrusion-based printed concrete.

dc.contributor.advisorVan Zijl, Gideon P. A. G.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorKruger, Jacquesen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBester, Frederick Albrechten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: From its ancient origins, concrete stands as a testament to human ingenuity, evolving over millennia to become an indispensable material of modem construction_ Its journey, from rudimentary applications in ancient civilisations to the sophisticated techniques of today, mirrors the relentless pursuit of innovation in humanity. The historical trajectory of concrete, spanning from debated origins around 10 000 to 20 000 years ago to the architectural marvels of the Roman Empire, has been marked by continuous advancements The period between 1750 and 1910 witnessed a surge in further innovation, heralding the modem era of reinforced concrete This era is characterised by the advent of various reinforcement methods and the onset of scientific explorations into the intricate synergistic relationship between reinforcement and concrete. However, as we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, the construction industry faces a paradigm shift. The environmental implications of construction, coupled with the inefficiencies inherent in traditional methods, necessitate the exploration of innovative concrete construction techniques. Among these, additive manufacturing with concrete, specifically extension-based concrete printing, emerges as a promising avenue to revolutionize the contemporary construction landscape. However, its widespread adoption hinges on addressing critical challenges, especially the automated integration of reinforcement during the printing process. This dissemination delves deep into extrusion-based concrete printing, aiming to address the pressing issue of reinforcement integration. Drawing Inspiration from the historical evolution of concrete reinforcement, the research seeks to further the extant knowledge of reinforcement strategies for extension-based concrete printing. Through a systems approach review, twelve unique reinforcement strategies are evaluated by gauging their alignment with the advantages of this novel technology. The research highlights the potential of fibre and wire rope entrainment as longitudinally aligned reinforcement technologies, given their alignment with the construction automation potential of the overarching additive manufacturing process. Furthermore, by enhancing the functionality of existing fastening technology, the dissemination introduces and experimentally evaluates a novel blind rivet-based reinforcement strategy. The research shows the potential of this strategy to bridge the interlayer interfaces during printing and enhance the structural integrity of printed concrete objects. The study also delves into the composite action of printed concrete and longitudinal wire rope reinforcement, assessing the reliability of different anchorage methods, culminating in the establishment of analytical smeared-cracking models grounded in established standards These models provide deeper insights into the behaviour of printed concrete reinforced with longitudinally aligned wire ropes. In essence, this dissemination offers a comprehensive exploration of reinforcement strategies for extrusion-based concrete printing It aims to aid in bridging the gap between traditional construction techniques and the potential of additive manufacturing in construction Through rigorous experimentation and analysis, the research provides a roadmap for the futile of reinforced concrete printing, paving the way for more efficient and innovative construction methodologies. The findings presented herein are composed to shape the next chapter in the storied history of concrete, merging the lessons of the past with the possibilities of the future. en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Van sy antieke oorsprong staan beton as 'n getuigskrif van menslike vemuf_ wat 00T millennia ontwikkel het om 'n onmisbare materiaal van modeme konstmksie te word Sy reis, van rudimentére toepassings in antieke beskawings tot die gesofistikeerde tegnieke van vandag, weerspieel die onophoudelike soektog na innovasie in die mensdom_ Die historiese trajek van beton_ strekkende van betwiste oorspronge rondom 10 000 tot 20 000 jaar gelede tot die argitektoniese wondenverke van die Romeinse Ryk, is deurlopend gekenmerk deur vooruitgang_ Die periode tussen 1750 en 1910 het 'n toename in verdere innovasie beleef_ wat die moderne era van gewapende beton aangekondig het. Hierdie era word gekenmerk deur die opkoms van verskeie bewapeningsmetodes en die begin van wetenskaplike ondersoeke na die ingewikkelde sinergistiese verhouding tussen bewapening en beton. Egter, soos ons die uitdagings van die 21Ste eeu navigeer, staar die konstmksie bedryf 'n paradigmaskuif aan_ Die gewmgsimplikasies van konstmksie, saam met die inherente ondoeltreffendhede in tradisionele metodes, oodsaak die ondersoek na innoverende betonbou tegnieke_ Onder hierdie is toevoegingsvervaardiging met beton, spesifiek ekstrusie-gebaseerde dmk van beton, wat na vore kom as 'n belowende laan om die kontemporére konstmksielandskap te rewolusioneer_ Die algemene aanvaarding daarvan hang egter af van die aanspreek van kritieke uitdagings, veral die outomatiese integrasie van bewapenmg gedurende die drukproses. Hierdie proefskrif is gefokus in ekstrusie-gebaseerde beton druk, met die doel om die dringende kwessie van bewapeningsintegrasie aan te spreek_ Deur inspirasie te put uit die historiese evolusie van betonversterking, poog die navorsing om die bestaande kennis van bewapeningsstrategiee vir ekstmsie gebaseerde beton dmk te bevorder_ Deur 'n stelselbenaderingsoorsig, word twaalf unieke bewapeningsstrategiee geevalueer deur hul belyning met die voordele van hierdie nuwe tegnologie te meet. Die navorsing beklemtoon die potensiaal van vesel en draad tou as longitudinaal belynde bewapeningstegnologiee, gegewe hul belyning met die konstmksie outomatisering potensiaal van die oorhoofse toevoegingvavaardigmgsproses. Vader, deur die funksionaliteit van bestaande vashegtingstegnologie te ekstrapoleer, stel die proefskrif voor en evalueer eksperimenteel 'n nuwe klinknael gebaseerde bewapeningsstrategie. Die navorsing toon die potensiaal van hierdie strategie om die interlaag koppelvlakke tydens diuk te oorbrug en die stmkturele integriteit van gedmkte betonvoorwerpe te verbeter_ Die studie ondersoek 00k die saamgestelde aksie van gedmkte beton en longitudinale draad tou bewapening, deur die betroubaarheid van verskillende verankering metodes te ondersoek_ wat uitloop in die vestigmg van analitiese gesmeerde kraak modelle gebaseer op gevestigde standaarde_ Hierdie modelle bied dieper insigte in die gedrag van gedmkte beton bewapen met longitudinaal belynde draad toue. In opsomming bied hierdie proefskrif 'n omvattende ondersoek na bewapeningsstrategiee vir ekstrusie-gebaseerde dmk van beton_ Dit poog om te help in die oorbrugging van die gaping tussen tradisionele konstruksietegnieke en die potensiaal van toevoegmgsvervaardiging in konstmksie. Deur deeglike eksperiment en analise, bied die navorsing 'n padkaart die toekoms van gewapende beton dmk, wat die weg baan meer doeltreffende en innoverende konstruksiemetodologiee. Die bevindinge wat hierin aangebied word, is gemik om die volgende hoofstuk in die roenllyke geskiedenis van beton te vorm, deur die lesse van die verlede te kombineer met die moontlikhede van die toekoms. af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 178 pages : illustrations.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshConstruction industry -- Automationen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshReinforced concreteen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshStructural analysis (Engineering)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshExtrusion processen_ZA
dc.titleRivet and wire rope reinforcement in extrusion-based printed concrete.en_ZA
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