Nursing students’ perceptions of the barriers to applying theory to practice in clinical placement settings

dc.contributor.advisorCornelle, Youngen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorAnneline, Robertsonen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorChekerwa, Petronellaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Nursing & Midwifery.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Background: Healthcare organisations today increasingly demand that nursing graduates be assertive, operational and able to make informed decisions regarding patient care and provide quality care to patients. To achieve this level of performance, nursing students should acquire sound theoretical information in various disciplines, while mastering their practical skills to successfully combine theoretical knowledge with practice. Hence, clinical placements are crucial in ensuring nursing students’ ability to master nursing competencies. Nursing knowledge is taught in the classroom as a theory, which is translated into skills in skills laboratory sessions. Skills are applied in the clinical setting to provide meaningful, patient-centred care. Because theoretical application takes place outside the classroom in a complicated and dynamic environment comprising staff, patients, and preceptors, this setting and relationships within can either enhance or hinder students’ professional development. Student nurses in the clinical setting often have difficulty correlating the taught theoretical material with what they practice in the clinical setting, hence, they are unable to provide competent care to patients. This study aimed to explore nursing students’ perceptions of barriers to applying theory to practice in clinical placement settings. Such information would be valuable to decrease patient care risk and provide a more satisfying learning experience for the student nurse.Methods: The study used a qualitative descriptive approach to explore the perceptions of 15 nursing students through three focus group interviews, on the barriers to applying theory to practice in clinical settings. The Health Research Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University, and the selected Higher Education Institution in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, granted permission to conduct the study. Purposive sampling was used to select participants, and Creswell’s six step framework was used to analysis the data. Results: The themes that emerged were: The ability of the students to apply theory to practice; Situational barriers; Personal barriers; Interactions with other parties and Strategies suggested by the students to facilitate the application of theory to practice. The study determined the skills that the fourth-year students mastered and those that they still needed help. Furthermore, barriers to utilising theoretical knowledge in the clinical placements settings were related to the situation, the person and the interactions with other parties. Strategies suggested by the students to facilitate the application of theory to practice included improved communication between the nurse educator, clinical supervisor and preceptors. In addition, ideally one clinical supervisor for each facility should be assigned, for students to receive more supervision. Conclusion: The findings demonstrated that it was difficult for student nurses to engage in clinical activities or to learn effectively without the necessary supervision and guidance. Barriers exist in the clinical environment and faculty, which disabled them from translating theory into practice. From their experience with such barriers in the first three years of their study, nursing students shared some effective strategies in facilitating theory to practice. Additionally, clinical supervisors and preceptors are urged to support and mentor the students throughout their clinical placement by providing more supportive-educative environments.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Gesondheidsorgorganisasies vereis vandag al hoe meer dat verpleeggraduandiassertief en operasioneel sal wees, en die vermoe het om ingeligde besluite te neem tenopsigte van pasientsorg en voorsiening van kwaliteitsorg aan pasiente. Om hierdie vlak vanoptrede to bereik, moet verpleegstudente wyse teoretiese informasie in verskeie dissiplinesontvang terwyl hulle terselfdertyd hul praktiese vaardighede bemeester vir suksesvollekombinasie van teoretiese kennis met praktyk. Daarom is kliniese plasings van uiterstebelang om te verseker dat verpleegstudente die vermoe het om verpleegvaardighede tebemeester. Verpleegkennis word onderrig in die klaskamer in die vorm van teorie, en hierdieinligting word vertaal na vaardighede in die vaardigheidslaboratoriumsessies. Vaardighedeword toegepas in die kliniese area om betekenisvolle en pasientgesentreerde sorg te verskaf.Teoretiese toepassing vind plaas buite die klaskamer in ’n gekompliseerde en dinamieseomgewing met personeel, pasiente en preseptore, en daarom kan die omgewing enverhoudinge studente se professionele ontwikkeling of aanhelp, of verhinder. Vir studente isdit dikwels problematies om in die kliniese omgewing die teoretiese materiaal waarin hulleonderrig is, te korreleer met die praktyk, wat hulle onbevoegd laat om vaardige sorg aanpasiente te lewer. Deur hierdie studie word daar gepoog om die ervaringe vanverpleegstudente oor daardie hindernisse wat toepassing van teorie in die praktyk beperk inkliniese plasings areas te ondersoek. Sulke inligting is waardevol om pasientsorgrisiko teverminder en om meer bevredigende leerondervindinge vir die studentverpleegster tebewerkstellig Metode: Daar is gebruik gemaak van ’n kwalitatiewe, beskrywende benadering in die studieom die persepsies van 15 verpleegstudente m.b.t. die hindernisse in die toepassing van teoriein die praktyk in kliniese areas te ondersoek, deur middel van drie fokusgroepe. Die Gesondheidsnavorsing Etiese Komitee van Stellenbosch Universiteit en die geselekteerde Hoer Opvoedings Instelling in die WesKaap provinsie van Suid Afrika het toestemmingverskaf vir die studie. Doelbewuste proefsteekneming is gebruik om deelnemers te kies, en Creswell se ses-stap raamwerk is gebruik om data te ontleed. Resultate: Temas wat ontstaan het was: Die vermoe van studente om teorie toe te pas totparktyk, Hindernisse m.b.t die situasie, Hindernisse m.b.t. die persoon, Interaksie met anderpartye en Strategiee voorgestel deur studente om die toepassing van teorie na praktyk tefasiliteer. Die studie het die vaardighede bepaal wat die vierdejaar-studente bemeester het,sowel as daardie waarmee hulle steeds hulp benodig. Verder is hindernisse tot gebruik van vteoretiese kennis in die kliniese plasings in verband gebring met die situasie, die persoon enmet interaksies met ander partye. Strategiee voorgestel deur studente om die toepassing vanteorie tot praktyk te bemiddel, het ingesluit verbeterde kommunikasie tussen dieverpleegopvoeder, kliniese toesighouer en preseptore. Ook behoort een kliniese toesighouertoegewys word per fasiliteit, sodat studente meer toesig ontvang. Slotsom: Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het getoon dat dit moeilik was virstudentverpleegkundiges om betrokke te raak in kliniese aktiwiteite of om effektief te leersonder die nodige toesig en leiding. Hindernisse bestaan in die kliniese omgewing en fakulteitwat dit vir hulle bemoeilik om teorie in praktyk om te skakel. Met behulp van hul ervaringe metsulke hindernisse in die eerste drie jaar van hulle studie, kon verpleegstudente strategiee watbehulpsaam was met fasilitering van teorie na praktyk, deel. Daarbenewens wordtoesighouers en preseptore aangespoor om deur die skepping van meer inspirerendeomgewings die studente te ondersteun en te mentor regdeur hul kliniese plasings.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 122 pages ; includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subject.lcshNursing students -- Attitudes en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshNursing -- Study and teachingen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshNursing -- Practiceen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshNursing students -- Training ofen_ZA
dc.titleNursing students’ perceptions of the barriers to applying theory to practice in clinical placement settingsen_ZA
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