Low cost sensor monitoring using mesh connected ultra-low power long-range transceivers

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The deployment of a sensor monitoring, or telemetry, system can reduce the upkeep cost and time investment for a farmer in the rural agricultural sector. This thesis investigates the design of a relevant network simulation tool and physical test platform. Several networking terms are discussed and used to compare and select applicable mesh routing protocols. The AODV protocol is selected, and investigated, for implementation into the remaining components of this research. Network simulation tools are investigated to predict and minimize real world deployment issues. SatSim is selected and modified f or i ncreased terrestrial link accuracy by introducing a new signal propagation simulation tool. The simulation results are compared to measured, real world, values to show their accuracy and performance. Mesh network node hardware is designed, and built, to meet low power, low cost, and long transmission range requirements. A large focus is placed on component selection. The hardware performance is characterised to prove its ability. Firmware is designed to implement a modified AODV p rotocol. Its performance is then compared to the relevant routing standard and simulator results. The results prove the designed system is functional with SatSim acting as an effective n etwork p lanning t ool. Recommendations f or i mprovements are also made.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontplooiing van ’n telemetrie-stelsel kan die onderhoudskoste en tydbelegging vir ’n boer verminder. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die ontwerp van ’n relevante netwerksimulator en fisiese toetsplatform. Verskeie netwerkterme word bespreek en gebruik om toepaslike maasroeteringsprotokolle te vergelyk en te kies. Die AODV-protokol word gekies, en ondersoek, vir implementering in die oorblywende komponente van hierdie tesis. Netwerksimulators word ondersoek om werklike ontplooiingskwessies te voorspel en te minimaliseer. SatSim word gekies en aangepas om simulasie akkuraatheid te verbeter deur ’n nuwe sein voortplantingsimulator te gebruik. Die simulasieresultate word vergelyk met werklike waardes. Maas netwerk node hardeware is ontwerp, en gebou, om te voldoen aan die lae krag, lae koste, en lang transmissie afstandsvereistes. Die hardeware werkverrigting word gekarakteriseer om sy vermo¨e te toon. Sagteware is ontwerp om ’n gewysigde AODV-protokol te implementeer waarvan die werkverrigting vergelyk word met die roetestandaard en simulatorresultate. Die resultate bewys dat die ontwerpte stelsel funksioneel is met SatSim wat as ’n effektiewe netwerkbeplanningsinstrument o p tree. Aanbevelings vir verbeterings word ook gemaak.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.