Exploring fatigue amongst people living with multiple sclerosis in the Western Cape

dc.contributor.advisorCoetzee, Bronwyneen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorPretorius, Chrismaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorvan Niekerk, Nicolaas Jacobusen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Rationale and Aim Multiple sclerosis fatigue (MS-F) is a distressing and disabling symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS) that is commonly experienced by people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS). Whilst a substantial body of knowledge exists on MS-F, phenomenological insight into the significance of MS-F within PwMS’s lives is sparce – both globally and nationally. Consequently, the present study sought to explore the lived experiences of MS-F amongst MS-F sufferers in the Western Cape (WC). To this effect, the present study aimed to identify and clarify how PwMS in the WC understood MS-F as a feature of life (FOL). This includes how PwMS in the WC perceived and made sense of: (a) MS-F as a symptomatic experience, (b) MS-F impacts on daily life, (c) MS-F management, and (d) coping with MS-F. Worldview and Theoretical Orientation The present study assumed a constructivist worldview. As such, this study ascribed to a relativist ontology as well as a transactional and subjectivist epistemology. Furthermore, interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was adopted as a theoretical orientation to guide the research. Here IPA guided the research through its theoretical foundations of phenomenology, hermeneutics, and ideography. Research Design and Methodology To elucidate lived experiences, an exploratory and cross-sectional research design was employed. Through purposive sampling, 12 MS-F sufferers living in the WC were recruited according to specific inclusion/exclusion criteria. These participants completed a biographical questionnaire, the Patient-determined Disease Steps (PDDS), and the Chalder Fatigue Scale (CFQ) for descriptive purposes. Additionally, they also participated in individual semi-structured telephonic interviews to collect experiential accounts of living with MS-F. These interviews were audio recorded and transcribed. Hereafter, I selected the six most data rich and sophisticated accounts for subsequent IPA analyses. Results The present study identified four understandings (i.e. superordinate themes) as characterising participants’ lived experiences of MS-F. Participants understood MS-F as a symptom through its symptomatic features. Here participants perceived MS-F as a lack of energy, an ever-present inconsistency of life, and a subjective mind-body phenomenon. Furthermore, participants understood MS-F as restricting their capacity to participate in the world. This understanding comprised notions of a restricted functional capacity and losses of both independence and spontaneity. MS-F management was understood as the planned accommodation of MS-F through energy maintenance. Here MS-F management was perceived as preparatory in nature whilst energy maintenance signified a route to realising MS-F management. Lastly, participants understood coping with MS-F as the acceptance of the fatigued self and a fatigued life. Here, coping involved an acceptance of MS-F and its restrictions on life as well as an acceptance of MS-F as a FOL. Conclusion MS-F is a meaning-laden phenomenon. It is a symptom with a considerable intrapersonal presence and has substantial implications and consequences for life. Here the present study provides a more person-centred insight into the significance of MS-F within PwMS’s lives. These findings may prove valuable to existing theory as well as to those working with MS-F sufferers.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Rasionaal en Doelwit Veelvuldige sklerose moegheid (VS-M) is ’n angswekkende en benadelende simptoom van veelvoudige sklerose wat algemeen onder mense met veelvuldige sklerose (MmVS) voorkom. Alhoewel daar aansienlike kennis rakende VS-M bestaan, is fenomenologiese insig tot die lewenservarings van MmVS skaars – beide globaal en nasionaal. Gevolglik is die doel van die huidige studie om die lewenservarings van VS-M onder Wes-Kapenaars met VS te ondersoek. Tot hierdie effek, het die huidige studie beoog om uit te vind hoe MmVS in die Wes-Kaap VS-M as ʼn aspek van hul lewens verstaan. Dit het ingesluit hoe MmVS in die Wes-Kaap waargeneem en sin gemaak het van: (a) VS-M as ʼn simptomatiese ervaring, (b) VS-M se impakte op alledaagse lewe, (c) VS-M bestuur, asook (d) VS-M hantering. Wêreldbeeld en Teoretiese Oriëntasie Die huidige studie is vanuit ʼn konstruktivistiese paradigma onderneem. As sulks, was ’n relatiwistiese ontologie sowel as ʼn transaksionele en subjektiewe epistemologiese posisie beklee. Vervolgens is interpretatiewe fenomenologiese analise as a teoretiese raamwerk gebruik om die navorsing te lei. Hier was navorsing deur IPA se teoretiese grondbeginsels van fenomenologie, hermeneutiek en ideografie gelei. Navorsingsontwerp en Navorsingsmetode ʼn Verkennende deursnitstudie-navorsingsontwerp was toegepas om lewenservarings te ondersoek. Deur middel van doelgerigte steekproefneming was 12 VS-M lyers in die Wes-Kaap volgens spesifieke insluitingskriteria/uitsluitingskriteria gewerf. Hierdie deelnemers het ʼn biografiese vraelys, die “Patient-determined Disease Steps”, en die “Chalder Fatigue Scale” vir beskrywende doeleindes voltooi. Hulle het ook deelgeneem aan individuele, semi-gestruktureerde telefoniese onderhoude om ervaringsvolle beskrywings van lewe met VS-M in te samel. Onderhoude was met behulp van oudio-opnames opgeneem en getranskribeer. Daarna het ek die ses mees dataryke en gesofistikeerde beskrywings vir opvolgende IPA analise gekies. Navorsingsresultate Die huidige studie het vier begrippe geïdentifiseer wat deelnemers se lewenservarings van VS-M karakteriseer. Deelnemers het VS-M duer middel van VS-M se simptomatiese kenmerke as ʼn simptoom verstaan. Hier het deelnemers VS-M as ’n afwesigheid van energie, ʼn ewig teenwoordige inkonsekwentheid, en ʼn subjektiewe verstand-liggaam verskynsel waargeneem. Verder het deelnemers waargeneem dat VS-M beperkend was tot hul kapasiteit om aan die wêreld deel te neem. Hierdie begrip het persepsies van beperkte funksionele kapasiteit en verliese aan onafhanklikheid en spontaniteit ingesluit. VS-M bestuur is verstaan as die beplande akkommodering van VS-M deur energiehandhawing. Hier was VS-M bestuur as voorbereidend van aard waargeneem, terwyl energiehandhawing ’n weg na die bestuur van VS-M aangedui het. Laastens het deelnemers die hantering van VS-M verstaan as die aanvaarding van ʼn moeë self en ʼn moeë lewe. Hier het hantering ʼn aanvaarding van VS-M en verwante gevolge, asook die aanvaarding van VS-M as deel van die lewe behels. Gevolgtrekking VS-M is ʼn betekenisvolle verskynsel. Dit is ʼn simptoom met ʼn omvangryke intrapersoonlike teenwoordigheid wat aansienlike implikasies en gevolge vir die lewe het. Die huidige studie bied ʼn meer mens-gesentreerde insig tot die betekenis van VS-M vir MmVS se lewens. Hierdie bevindings kan ’n waardevolle bydrae tot bestaande teorie sowel as vir diegene wat met VS-M lyers werk, lewer.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxi, 222 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMultiple sclerosis -- Psychological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectMultiple sclerosis fatigueen_ZA
dc.subjectMultiple sclerosis-related fatigueen_ZA
dc.subjectInterpretative phenomenological analysisen_ZA
dc.titleExploring fatigue amongst people living with multiple sclerosis in the Western Capeen_ZA
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