Improved methods to recover HIV-1 integrated proviruses and integration sites

dc.contributor.advisorVan Zyl, Gert Uvesen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDelaney, Kayla Eileenen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Pathology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background Long-lived HIV-1 infected cells that form part of the latent HIV-1 reservoir represent a major barrier to HIV-1 cure despite antiretroviral therapy (ART). The majority of these cells contribute to a persistent HIV-1 infection through clonal expansion. Many methods exist to study clonal expansion by identifying identical integration sites in different cells. However, the majority of proviruses are defective and until recently, methods did not exist to enable the simultaneous characterisation of integration sites and integrated proviruses, to identify which HIV-1 infected cell clones harbour intact proviruses. As recent methods are laborious and expensive, more efficient methods of linking intact proviral sequences and their cognate integration site are required. In addition, third-generation sequencing platforms allow for real-time long read-length sequence data which is ideal to characterise proviruses. These methods provide faster and simpler genome assembly than short read length second-generation sequencing platforms. Therefore, the overall aim of this study was to contribute to the HIV cure agenda, by improving our understanding of true HIV reservoirs by developing methods that would improve the characterisation of HIV-1 infected cell clones that harbour intact HIV genomes. Methods Intact proviral genomes are rare and attempts to enrich and link these proviral sequences to their integration site were investigated. The Integration Site Loop Amplification (ISLA) assay published by Wagner et al. (2014) was adapted for HIV-1 subtype C. Verification by Sanger sequencing showed that no integration sites were recovered and the “Premium whole genome amplification” method from Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ (ONT) third-generation sequencing technology was attempted as an alternative method. To investigate the utility of ONT sequencing, the “Amplicons by Ligation” method was utilised to sequence 9 near-full-length provisionally intact HIV-1 proviral sequences, previously sequenced by Illumina MiSeq. The consensus sequences for ONT sequencing were generated through a custom bioinformatic pipeline and compared to the Illumina MiSeq consensus sequences. Results The modified ISLA approach for HIV-1 subtype C or Premium whole genome amplification method did not succeed in recovering the HIV-1 proviral integration sites, of rare intact HIV-1 genomes. For near-full-length HIV genome sequencing, the “Amplicons by Ligation” protocol ONT sequencing achieved high coverage across the HIV genome and apart from hypervariable HIV-1 envelope there was a near perfect concordance between the consensus sequences generated with ONT and the previous Illumina MiSeq sequences, with an overall concordance of >99% for 8 out of 9 samples. Conclusion HIV-1 integration sites were not recovered in this study and efficient methods for simultaneous and efficient identification of intact proviral genomes and their integration sites remain unavailable. ONT sequencing allows for efficient and accurate sequencing of long fragments in real-time which may overcome technical barriers and eliminate laborious, time-consuming and expensive methods currently used for integration site identification and near-full-length HIV-1 genome sequencing. As part of the research towards future possible HIV cures, it remains a priority to investigate the persistence of cells harbouring intact HIV-1 genomes, and the role of clonal cellular proliferation in their survival.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Die grootste struikelblok om MIV-1 te genees, ten spyte van antiretrovirale terapie (ART), is langlewende MIV-1 geïnfekteerde selle wat deel uitmaak van die latente MIV-1 reservoir. Die meerderheid van hierdie selle dra by tot die handhawing van MIV-1 infeksie deur klonale vermeerdering. Verskeie bestaande metodes word gebruik om klonale vermeerdering te ondersoek deur die identifisering van identiese integrasie lokusse in verskillende selle. Nietemin is die meerderheid van proviruses defektief. Tot onlangs, het metodes wat die gesamentlike karakterisering van integrasie lokusse en geïntegreerde provirusse, moontlik maak, om vas te stel watter MIV-1 geïnfekteerde selklone intakte provirusse huisves, nie bestaan nie. Aangesien onlangse metodes baie moeisaam en duur is, is meer doeltreffende metodes wat intakte provirusse en hul onderskeie integrasie lokusse met mekaar verbind, benodig. Boonop laat derde generasie volgordebepalingstegnologie blitsvinnige lang-leeslengte volgordebepaling toe, wat ideal is vir die karaktisering van provirusse. Hierdie metodes laat vinniger en makliker genoom samestelling toe in teenstelling met kort-leeslengte tweede generasie volgordebepalingstegnologie. Gevolglik is die oorhoofse doel van hierdie studie om tot die MIV genesing-agenda by te dra deur ons begrip van MIV-1 reservoirs te verbeter, met die ontwikkeling van metodes wat die karakterisering van MIV-1 geïnfekteerde selklone wat ongeskonde MIV genome huisves, laat vooruitgaan. Metodes Ongeskonde provirale genome is skaars en pogings om hierdie provirusse te verryk en te verbind met hul onderskeie integrasie lokusse is ondersoek. Die “Integration Site Loop Amplification” (ISLA) metode wat deur Wagner et al. (2014) gepubliseer is, is aangepas vir MIV-1 subtipe C. Die nagaan hiervan deur Sanger volgordebepaling dui daarop dat geen integrasie lokusse herwin is nie; en is die “Premium whole genome amplification” metode van Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) derde-generasie volgordebepaling as alternatiewe metode gebruik. Om die gebruiklikheid van ONT volgordebepaling te ondersoek, was die “Amplicons by Ligation” metode gebruik om 9 naby-vollengte voorlopig-ongeskonde MIV-1 provirusse, waarvan die volgorde voorheen deur Illumina MiSeq bepaal is, gebruik. Die konsensusvolgordebepaling vir ONT is gegenereer deur ‘n pasgemaakte bio-informatika pyplyn en vergelyk met die Illumina MiSeq konsensus volgordebepalings. Bevindinge Die aangepasde ISLA MIV-1 subtipe C of “Premium whole genome amplification” metodes was nie suksesvol met die herwinning van die provirale integrasie lokusse van raar ongeskonde MIV-1 genome nie. Die “Amplicons by Ligation” metode van ONT was gebruik om die volgorde van naby-vollengte MIV genome te bepaal, met ‘n hoë leesdekking oor die MIV genoom. Buiten vir die hoogsveranderlike MIV-1 membraan geen was daar ‘n amper-perfekte ooreenstemming tussen die konsensus volgordebepaling gegenereer met ONT en die Illumina MiSeq volgordebepaling, met ‘n totale ooreenkoms van >99% vir 8 van die 9 monsters. Samevatting MIV-1 integrasie lokusse was nie ingesluit in hierdie studie bevindings nie en doeltreffende metodes vir gesamentlike identifisering van ongeskonde provirale genome en hul integrasie lokusse bly onverkrygbaar. ONT volgordebepaling laat doeltreffende en akkurate volgordebepaling en lang-leeslengte blitsvinnig toe. Dit kan moontlik tegniese versperrings van huidige tydrowende en duur metodes, om integrasie lokusse en naby-vollengte MIV-1 genoom volgordes te bepaal, oorkom. As deel van die navorsing oor moontlike genesings vir MIV, bly dit ‘n prioriteit om die voortlewing van selle wat ongeskonde MIV-1 genome huisves, en die rol van klonale sellulêre vermeerdering in hul oorlewing te ondersoek.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxx, 128 pages : illustrations.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCHER cohortHIV-1, integration sites, HIV reservoir, CHER cohort, HIV provirus, Third-generation sequencing, Oxford Nanopore technologies, nanopore sequencingen_ZA
dc.subjectRetrovirus infectionsen_ZA
dc.subjectRetrovirus infectionsen_ZA
dc.subjectAntiretroviral agentsen_ZA
dc.subjectThird-generation sequencingen_ZA
dc.titleImproved methods to recover HIV-1 integrated proviruses and integration sitesen_ZA
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