Assessing the value of a South African-developed educational nutrition board game in selected Grade 4 primary school learners and their life orientation educators in the City of Cape Town district

dc.contributor.advisorDu Plessis, Lisanne Monicaen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorOldewage-Theron, Wilnaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorTurner, Anna Jacomina Carolinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Division of Human Nutrition.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Objectives: To measure the impact on nutrition knowledge; to ascertain the opinions and practices related to nutrition and physical activity, tuck shop visits, and dietary quality of Grade 4 learners; as well as the perceptions on and acceptability of the ‗Fun Food Game‘ (FFG) as nutrition education tool as evaluated in selected Grade 4 learners and educators. Design: A before-after, experimental study with analytical components. Setting: A purposive sample of four schools in the City of Cape Town district of the Western Cape province. Schools A and B in a higher socio-economic area served as intervention school (HIS) and control school (HCS), whereas schools C and D were in a lower socio-economic area and served as intervention school (LIS) and control school (LCS). Subjects: Grade 4 English-speaking boys (n=85), girls (n=90) and Life Orientation educators (n=10). Methods: Pre-tested questionnaires were used to determine change in nutrition knowledge, opinions and practices, both related to nutrition and physical activities in a pre-and post-setting, as well as the perceptions on and acceptability of FFG as a nutrition education (NE) tool for Grade 4 learners and educators. A ‗Dietary Diversity Questionnaire‘ was used to establish the ‗Dietary Diversity Score‘ (DDS), and to note tuck shop visits. Questionnaires were pre-tested in a pilot study. Results: Increased nutrition knowledge and improved opinion on nutrition and physical activities were measured in all schools, but practices related to nutrition and physical activities as well as visits to the tuck shop showed mixed results. In the pre- and post-setting, a DDS of 5 was measured in the HIS and HCS, with a DDS of 5 in the pre- and 6 in the post-setting in the LIS and LCS. Fewer learners had a DDS<4 in the post-setting. Consumption of most food groups and eating breakfast were higher in the post-setting. Bringing lunch boxes to school scored lower in the intervention schools. More tuck shop visits were reported in the LIS and LCS. Most (80% n=8) educators indicated a strong need for NE for themselves. All educators indicated self-learning as a means of familiarising themselves with the content of NE. Sources of nutrition advice included magazines (90% n=9), the Internet (80% n=8) and textbooks (70% n=7). A strong need for NE was expressed by all educators; however, they stated that it should not increase their work load. Educators ‗strongly agreed‘ that the educational nutrition board game FFG can be classified as ‗Health Promotion‘. Overall, learners indicated that playing FFG was a positive experience. Conclusion: Playing FFG and/or having an increased awareness regarding nutrition and physical activities at schools could have had a positive impact on nutrition knowledge and behaviour that could have resulted in positive behaviour, but no definite conclusion can be made in this regard. Nutrition behaviour was more positively influenced in the lower socio-economic schools. Implementing the Health Promoting Schools concept, where Nutrition Education Programmes form part of a multi-component strategy, is recommended.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel: Om die impak van voedingskennis, opinies en praktyke verwant aan voeding en fisiese aktiwiteite, snoepiebesoeke asook dieetkwaliteit van Graad 4 leerders te bepaal, sowel as die persepsie en aanvaarbaarheid van ‗Fun Food Game‘ (FFG) as hulpmiddel in voedingsopleiding soos geëvalueer deur geselekteerde Graad 4 leerders en -onderwysers. Ontwerp: ‗n Voor-na, eksperimentele studie met analitiese komponente Omgewing: ‗n Doelbewuste groepskeuse van vier skole. Skole A en B in ‗n meer gegoede area het as intervensie skool (HIS) en kontrole skool (HCS) gedien, terwyl skole C en D in ‗n minder gegoede area as intervensie skool (LIS) en kontrole skool (LCS) gedien het in die Stad Kaapstad distrik van die Westelike Provinsie. Deelnemers: Graad 4 Engelssprekende seuns (n=85), dogters (n=95) en Lewensoriënteringsonderwysers (n=10) Metodes: Voorafgetoetsde vraelyste is gebruik om te bepaal of voedingskennis, opinies en praktyke beide verwant aan voeding en fisiese aktiwiteite, voor en na die studie verander het, asook die persepsie en aanvaarbaarheid van FFG as ‗n hulpmiddel in voedingsopleiding vir geselekteerde Graad 4 leerders en onderwysers. ‗n Dieetdiversiteit Vraelys (‗Dietary Diversity Questionnaire‘ – DDQ) is gebruik om ‗n Dieetdiversiteit Telling (‗Dietary Diversity Score‘ – DDS), sowel as snoepiebesoeke te bepaal. ‗n Loodsstudie is uitgevoer om die vraelyste te toets. Resultate: ‗n Toename in voedingkennis en verbeterde opinies oor voeding en fisiese aktiwiteite is in alle skole gevind, maar praktyke oor voeding en fisiese aktiwiteite, asook snoepiebesoeke het gemengde resultate getoon. In die voor- en na-toetsing is ‗n DDS van 5 in HIS en HCS bepaal, met ‗n DDS van 5 in die voor- en 6 in die na-toetsing in LIS en LCS. Minder leerders het ‗n DDS<4 in die na-toetsing gehad. Inname van die meeste voedselgroepe sowel as ontbyt het in die skole toegeneem. Die bring van kosblikke het in die intervensie skole verminder. Die hoogste frekwensie snoepiebesoeke kom voor by die LIS en LCS. Meeste (80% n=8) onderwysers het ‗n sterk behoefte aan voedingsopleiding vir hulself aangedui. Alle onderwysers dui aan dat die inhoud van voedingskennis deur selfleer verhoog word. Tydskrifte (90%, n=9), Internet (80%, n=8) en handboeke (70%, n=7) word as bronne van voedingsadvies beskryf. ‗n Sterk behoefte vir opvoedkundige voedingsopleiding is deur al die onderwysers aangedui, maar sonder dat dit hul werkslading moet verhoog. Die onderwysers is ―sterk oortuig‖ daarvan dat die opvoedkundige voedingsbordspeletjie FFG, as ―Gesondheidsbevordering‖ geklassifiseer kan word. In die algemeen het leerders dit baie positief ervaar om FFG te speel. Samevatting: Die speel van FFG en/of ‗n groter bewusmaking van voeding en fisiese aktiwiteit wat by die skole plaasgevind het, kon ‗n positiewe impak op voedingskennis en -gedrag gehad het, wat kon lei tot positiewe gedrag, maar geen definitiewe gevolgtrekking kan gemaak word in die verband nie. Voedingsgedrag in die mindergegoede skole is meer positief beïnvloed. Implimentering van die Gesondheidsbevorderende Skole konsep, waar Voedingsopleidingsprogramme deel vorm van ‗n multi-komponent strategie, word aanbeveel.af_ZA
dc.format.extent210 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectNutrition education -- toolen_ZA
dc.subjectChildren -- South Africa -- Nutritionen_ZA
dc.subjectFundamental educationen_ZA
dc.subjectNutrition education -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Human nutritionen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Human nutritionen_ZA
dc.titleAssessing the value of a South African-developed educational nutrition board game in selected Grade 4 primary school learners and their life orientation educators in the City of Cape Town districten_ZA
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