Attitudes and personal behaviours of professional health care personnel towards fellow employees living with HIV/AIDS

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study was undertaken to establish professional health care personnel’s attitudes and personal behaviours towards their colleagues living with HIV and AIDS in a rural government hospital, Mokhotlong - Lesotho. Three fundamental principles from the Belmont report (1976) generally guided the ethical measures engaged in this study; beneficence, respect for persons and justice. Quantitative methodology was used to elicit information; due to the personal nature of some of the questions inherent in an instrument that questioned personal values and attitudes, the research chose the instrument to be a self-administered questionnaire. The population of this study included 39 professional healthcare personnel from six different disciplines, however, the researcher categorised them into three main strata, namely: medical services (12.8 %, n = 5), nursing services (59.0 %, n = 23), and support services (28.2 %, n = 11). The results of this study has indicated that, a vast majority of the respondents had very positive attitudes and supportive behaviours towards PLWHIA and/or their CLWHIA. It is important for the institution to design and implement HIV/AIDS related programs, activities and policies that can provide support to both professional and nonprofessional health care personnel about HIV/AIDS-related issues; such as shaping their personal behaviours and attitudes towards HIV infection, as well as promoting care for PLWHIA and/or their CLWHIA and opposing stigmatization.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die houding en persoonlike gedrag van professionele gesondheidswerkers teenoor kollegas, wat MIV-positief is, te bepaal. Die studie is onderneem in ‘n landelike hospitaal in Mokhotlong, Lesotho. ‘n Steekproef van 39 professionele gesondheidswerkers is vir die studie gebruik. Hierdie gesondheidswerkers het ses verskillende dissiplines verteenwoordig en is deur die navorsing in drie strata, naamlik mediese dienste, verpleegdienste en ondersteuningsdienste verdeel. Resultate van die studie toon aan dat die meerderheid van die proefpersone wel ‘n goeie kennis van MIV/Vigs het en dat hulle ‘n positiewe houding het teenoor teenoor mede-werkers wat met MIV leef. Die studie beveel aan dat instellings MIV/Vigs-verwante programme moet ontwikkel in implementeer ten einde steun te verleen aan professionele en nie-professionele gesondheidswerkers wat met persone werk wat MIV-positief is. Die programme moet veral bevorderlik wees vir die bou van gesonde houdings teenoor MIV-pasiënte en moet ook daarop gemik wees om stigma te verminder.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
HIV infestions -- Lesotho, Health care personnel -- Lesotho, AIDS (Disease) -- Lesotho, UCTD, Health care personnel -- Lesotho -- Attitudes, HIV positive persons -- Lesotho -- Public opinion