An EMC framework for South Africa

Venter, Francois A
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis pursues the establishment of a new Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) framework for South Africa. The aim of this framework is to ensure that the user is protected from sub-standard products as well as to ensure that products such as medical devices operate safely within the electromagnetic environment. The thesis presents a basic introduction into EMC and then overviews current worldwide legislation. After this information is studied a new framework is proposed for South Africa. This framework covers all areas of industry and the standards with which one has to comply as well as the procedure for demonstrating the compliance of the product. In order to establish the basis whereby smaller manufacturers can show compliance by means of in-house testing, a method for establishing measurement accuracy is also presented. In conclusion some standard measurements and an overview of some alternative measurement techniques are presented.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek en stel 'n nuwe Elektromagnetiese Versoenbaarheids (EMV) raamwerk voor vir Suid Africa. Die doel van die raamwerk is om 'n eenvormige stelsel daar te stel waarteen produkte getoets kan word om die publiek teen onder standaard produkte te beskerm. In sekere gevalle help die raamwerk ook om te verseker dat produkte soos mediese toerusting veilig werk in die Elektromagnetiese omgewing. Die tesis lê 'n basiese inleiding oor EMV voor en gee 'n opsomming van huidige wêreldwye wetgewing as inleiding tot 'n raamwerk vir Suid Afrika. Nadat die inligting bestudeer is, word 'n nuwe raamwerk vir Suid Afrika voorgestel. Die raamwerk dek die hele elektroniese industrie, spesifiseer die toepaslike standaarde en voorsien die metodes hoe voldoenning aan die vereistes bewys moet word. Die tesis verskaf ook riglyne hoe kleiner vervaardigers kan bewys dat hulle voldoen aan die vereistes, deur in-huis toetsing. Tesame met 'n oorsig oor basiese meet tegnieke en alternatiewe tegnieke word 'n metode daar gestel vir sulke vervaardigers om hul metings se akuraatheid te bewys.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.
Electromagnetic compatibility, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering