Factors influencing Nurses’ decisions and actions when applying standard precautions for infection prevention in a private hospital in Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are considered a leading risk factor for patients and healthcare workers in healthcare environments (Haile, Engeda & Abdo, 2017:1). Both nurses and patients are exposed to infections that use various transmission modes, including droplets, contact and airborne transmission (Haile et al., 2017:1). Standard Precautions for infection prevention and control (IPC) must form part of nursing activities to break the chain of infections and to manage and reduce HAIs. The increase in the number of HAIs occurring among patients means that nurses should comply with Standard Precautions to protect themselves and the patients. However, research shows that there are a number of factors that influence nurses when they have to implement Standard Precautions while engaged in nursing practice Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore and describe the contextual factors that influence nurses' decisions and actions with respect to applying Standard Precautions as part of their nursing practice. This was done in a Namibian private healthcare setting with the goal of informing IPC training and strategies in an effort to facilitate nurses' consistent and correct application of Standard Precautions at the study site. Methodology: The study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive study design. Participants contributed data during three focus group discussions where discussion was stimulated with semi-structured open-ended questions as triggers. The study sample was drawn from the population of nurses (registered nurse/midwife and enrolled nurses) working at the study site in November 2017. A thematic analysis guided by Boyatzi’s approach was used to analyse the narrative data. Findings: Four broad themes emerged from the data. These themes and their accompanying sub-themes referred to the healthcare giver’s knowledge of Standard Precautions, stumbling blocks, factors that help and Reinforcing Behaviour Change.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Infeksies wat geassosieer word met gesondheidsorg (IAG’s) is tans die grootste risikofaktor vir pasiënte en gesondheidsorgwerkers binne die gesondheidsorgomgewing (Haile, Engeda & Abdo, 2017:1). Beide verpleegkundiges en pasiënte word blootgestel aan infeksies wat op verskeie maniere oorgedra word, byvoorbeeld druppels, kontak of deur die lug (Haile et al., 2017:1). Verpleegkundiges behoort standaard voorsorgmaatreëls na te kom tydens verpleegaktiwiteite om infeksies te voorkom en te beheer (IVB). Sodoende kan die ketting van infeksies gebreek word en IAG’s bedwing en verminder word. Die toename in hierdie soort infeksies onder pasiënte beteken dat verpleegkundiges standaard voorsorgmaatreëls moet nakom om hulleself en pasiënte te beskerm. Navorsing toon egter dat verskeie faktore ʼn rol speel wanneer verpleegkundiges standaard voorsorgmaatreëls moet nakom terwyl hulle sorg gee. Doelwit: Die doel van die studie was om die kontekstuele faktore wat verpleegkundiges se besluite en optrede wanneer hulle standaard voorsorgmaatreëls moet nakom terwyl hulle verpleeg te ondersoek. Die studie is in ʼn Namibiese privaat gesondheidsorginstelling onderneem met die doel om IVB-opleiding en -strategieë te verryk om sodoende die verpleegsters se konsekwente en korrekte implementering van standaard voorsorgmaatreëls fasiliteer. Metodologie: Die studie het gebruik gemaak van ʼn kwalitatiewe benadering met ʼn beskrywende studie-ontwerp. Data is ingesamel deur middel van drie fokusgroepgesprekke waar gesprekke gestimuleer is met semigestruktureerde oopeinde vrae as snellers. Die steekproef is geneem uit die populasie verpleegkundiges (geregistreerd en ingeskrewe) wat by die hospitaal werksaam was gedurende November 2017. ʼn Tematiese analise begelei deur Boyatzi se benadering is gebruik om die narratiewe data te analiseer. Bevindinge: Vier breë temas het uit die data te voorskyn gekom. Hierdie temas en die meegaande subtemas het verwys na die gesondheidswerker se kennis van standaard voorsorgmaatreëls, struikelblokke, aspekte wat bydra en motiveerders vir gedragsverandering.
Thesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Medical care -- Infection prevention -- Namibia, Healthcare-associated infections -- Namibia, Standard precautions for infection prevention and control -- Namibia, Nurses -- Knowledge and learning -- Namibia, UCTD