The relationship between leader emotional intelligence and psychological climate : an exploratory study

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study, conducted in a clothing manufacturing plant, investigated the presence of a single psychological climate in an organisation, as well as the relationship between two increasingly important constructs namely: leader emotional intelligence and the psychological climate of an organisation. Of a total employee population of 1725 a sample of 600 participants were drawn. 297 Completed responses were returned for analyses. An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was conducted on both The Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Test (SUEIT), which is designed to measure emotional intelligence, and the Organisational Climate Questionnaire of Koys and DeCotiis, which measures psychological climate. Stepwise discriminant analysis provided evidence to accept the proposition that a single psychological climate existed in the organisation. The results of a Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression and discriminant analysis indicated that emotional intelligence is significantly, positively related to psychological climate as a dependant variable.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Eksploratiewe studie is onderneem in 'n klere vervaardigingsonderneming om ondersoek in te stel na die aanwesigheid van 'n enkel sielkundige klimaat, asook die verwantskap tussen twee belangrike konstrukte, naamlik emosionele intelligensie en sielkundige klimaat in 'n organisasie. 'n Steekproef van 600 deelnemers is geneem uit 'n populasie van 1725 waarvan 297 voltooide antwoorde ontvang en geanaliseer is. 'n Eksploratiewe Faktor Analise (EFA) is op beide die Swinburne Universiteit Emosionele Intelligensie Toets (SUIET), en die Organisasie Klimaat Vraelys van Koys en De Cotiis, wat onderskeidelik emosionele intelligensie en sielkundige klimaat meet, uitgevoer. Bewyse deur middel van stapsgewyse diskriminante analise is ingewin om die hipotese te aanvaar dat 'n enkel sielkundige klimaat in die organisasie aanwesig is. Die resultate van 'n Pearson korrelasie, meervoudige regressie en diskrimante analise het aangedui dat emosionele intelligensie beduidend, positief verwant is aan sielkundige klimaat as 'n afhanklike veranderlike.
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Emotional intelligence, Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Executives -- Psychology, Organizational behavior, Work environment -- Psychological aspects