Exploring a rumen-modelled carboxylate platform for the conversion of agricultural wastes to green chemicals and fuels in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The notion of a “biobased economy” in the context of a developing country such as South Africa (SA) necessitates research and development of technologies that i) utilize sustainable feedstocks ii) have simple and robust operation iii) could work at small scale and iv) produces a variety of valuable bioproducts, fitting the biorefinery concept. One of the technologies that have been gaining increased global interest is the carboxylate platform based on ruminants. This platform uses mixed/undefined anaerobic co-cultures of rumen microorganisms to convert a variety of organic biomass to volatile fatty acids (VFA). VFA are short-chain fatty acids with two to four carbon atoms, which include acetic acid (C2), propionic acid (C3) and butyric acid (C4). These fatty acids have a wide variety of applications including the production of hydrocarbon fuels through electrolysis. Technological modelling has shown that each VFA corresponds to the production of a mixture of alkane hydrocarbons when using Kolbe electrolysis that may range from methane to octane depending on the average chain length and yield of alkyl groups in the produced VFA. Therefore, in order to produce higher alkanes, there is a need to produce VFA with higher yields of alkyl groups. In turn, these yields depend on a variety of operational aspects and input feedstocks used that need to be optimized to make the process economically feasible. Some of the operational challenges that need to be addressed include directing the microbiome into the desired products; Optimization of fermentation parameters and developing strategies for the preservation of the core microbiome involved in the production of the VFA. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of utilizing the ruminal carboxylate platform in SA to convert locally abundant sustainable organic feedstocks to VFA towards hydrocarbon fuel production. The study was separated into two research chapters: 1) Optimisation of the in-vitro anaerobic rumen fermentation conditions and selection of ideal SA organic waste products including fruit wastes (apple, grape and citrus pomace) and invasive plants (Prosopis juliflora) in terms of degradability, VFA yield and utility to serve as substrates for electrochemical conversion to hydrocarbons. 2) Examine the potential of preserving the core ruminal microbiome involved in VFA production using the two most common cryogenic agents (glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide) and analyze population dynamics to determine any shifts using β-diversity distance metrics. It was shown that all organic waste products have the potential to serve as substrates for electrochemical conversion with citrus pomace showing the highest utility with 136 mM concentration of VFA (fractional yield of 0.52 out of a possible 0.75) and 12.16 mmol alkyl.g-1 present for conversion. Comparison of fresh rumen with glycerol preserved rumen showed Similarity index (β-diversity scale of 0 to 0.8, with 0.8 being the most diverse) with unweighted unifrac between the communities was 0.359 while the comparison of fresh rumen and DMSO cryo-preserved rumen was 0.250. This showed that both glycerol and DMSO cryo-preserved the rumen fluid without dramatic shifts in the community but the DMSO cryo-preserved community better resembled the core microbiome on the fresh rumen inoculum. This was further supported by analysis of VFA production and digestibility of pomace substrates with the preserved microbiome showing significantly similar yields to the fresh rumen inoculum. The results of this study further highlighted the potential of using a rumen-based carboxylate platform as a small-scale alternative towards biofuels production.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beweging na ‘n ‘bio-gebasseerde ekonomie’ in die konteks van ‘n ontwikkelde land soos Suid-Afrika (SA), benodig navorsing en ontwikkeling in tegnologieë wat i) volhoubare ‘bronne’ gebruik ii) gebaseer is op eenvoudige en robuuste werking iii) kan werk op kleinskaal en iv) ‘n verskeidenheid van waardevolle bioprodukte kan produseer wat in ‘n bioraffinadery konsep pas. Een van die tegnologieë wat globaal groeiende belangstelling getoon het, is die karboksilaat platform, wat gebasseer is op die rumen van herkouers. Hierdie platform gebruik gemengde/ongedefinieerde anaerobiese ko-kulture van rumen mikroorganismes wat ‘n verskeidenheid van organiese biomassa na vrye vetsure (VVS) omskakel. Vrye vetsure is kort ketting vetsure met twee tot vier koolstof atome, insluitend asynsuur (C2), propionsuur (C3) en bottersuur (C4). Hierdie vetsure het ‘n wye verskeidenheid van toepassings insluitend die produksie van koolwaterstof brandstowwe deur elektrolise. Tegnologiese modellering het gewys dat elke VVS korreleer met die produksie van ‘n mengsel van alkane koolwaterstof wanneer Kolbe elektrolise gebruik word, wat kan wissel van metaan tot oktaan afhangend van die gemiddelde kettinglengte en opbrengs van alkiel groepe in die geproduseerde VVS. Dus, om hoër alkane te produseer, is daar ‘n behoefte om VVS te produseer met hoër opbrengs van alkiel groepe. Op hul beurt hang hierdie opbrengste af van 'n verskeidenheid bedryfsaspekte en inset voerstowwe wat geoptimaliseer moet word om die proses uitvoerbaar te maak. Sommige van die operasionele uitdagings wat aangespreek moet word sluit in, die rig van die mikrobioom in die gewenste produkte; optimalisering van fermentasieparameters en die ontwikkeling van strategieë vir die behoud van die kernmikrobioom wat betrokke is by die produksie van die VVS. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die haalbaarheid vir die gebruik viii van die rumenkarboksilaatplatform in SA te evalueer deur plaaslike en volop volhoubare organiese voerstowwe na VVS te omskep vir die produksie van koolwaterstof. Die studie is in twee navorsingshoofstukke verdeel: 1) Optimalisering van die in-vitro-fermentasie omgewing vir rumen mikroörganismes; die seleksie van ideale SA organiese afvalprodukte, insluitend vrugte-afval (appel-, druiwe- en sitruspulp) en indringerplante (Prosopis juliflora) in terme van afbreekbaarheid, VVS-opbrengs en doeltreffenheid om as substrate vir elektrochemiese omskakeling in koolwaterstowwe te dien. 2) Ondersoek die potensiaal om die kern ruminale mikrobioom wat betrokke is by VVS-produksie te behou tydens storing, met behulp van die twee mees algemene kriogene middels (gliserol en dimethyl sulfoxide) en om die populasie dinamika te bepaal vir enige verskuiwings deur gebruik te maak van β-diversiteitsafstandstatistieke. Alle organiese afvalprodukte het potensiaal getoon om as substrate vir elektrochemiese omskakeling te dien, met sitruspulp as die doeltreffenste met 136 mM konsentrasie VVS (breukopbrengs van 0.52 uit 'n moontlike 0.75) en 12.16 mmol alkiel.g-1 teenwoordig en beskikbaar vir omskakeling. Die vergelyking van vars rumen met glyserol-preserveerde rumen het getoon dat die ooreenkoms-indeks (β-diversiteitskaal van 0 tot 0.8, met 0.8 die mees uiteenlopende), met 'n ongeweegde unifrac tussen die gemeenskap 0.359 was, terwyl die vergelyking van vars rumen en DMSO-preserveerde rumen 0.250 was. Die resultate het aangedui dat gliserol en DMSO die rumenvloeistof kon krio-preserveer sonder dramatiese verskuiwings in die gemeenskap, maar dat die DMSO krio-preserveerde gemeenskap beter vergelyk het met die kernmikrobioom van die vars rumen-entstof. Dit is verder ondersteun deur die analise van VVS-produksie en afbreekbaarheid van vrugtepulp-substrate met die krio- preserveerde mikrobioom wat beduidend soortgelyke opbrengste getoon het as die vars rumen- entstof. Die resultate van hierdie studie beklemtoon die potensiaal vir die gebruik van 'n rumen- gebaseerde karboksilaatplatform as kleinskaalse alternatief vir die produksie van biobrandstof.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Rumen-modelled carboxylate platform, Rumen -- Microbiology, Organic waste products, Electrochemical conversion, Agricultural wastes -- Recycling -- South Africa, UCTD