The impact of Umalusi’s quality assurance and accreditation process on principals and educators at independent schools.

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examined the effect of Umalusi’s quality assurance and accreditation procedure on sixteen principals and teachers from four different independent schools in South Africa’s Western Cape province. Using purposive sampling, the four schools chosen for this study revealed that the participants did not believe Umalusi had any positive impact on the quality of education in their schools. Instead, the implementation of Umalusi’s policies resulted in increased workloads for teachers, who were required to provide evidence of policy implementation. A shift towards compliance instead of core teaching responsibilities was noted. Despite the South African Constitution and education law supporting independent schools, Umalusi’s accreditation process is perceived to hinder the establishment of new schools. The quality assurance and accreditation processes are overcomplicated and come with high application fees, which can lead to costly implications for non-compliance. The current legislation and regulations do not allow Umalusi to accredit special needs schools that adapt the CAPS, resulting in a one-size-fits-all approach that does not suit all schools. Additionally, Umalusi was perceived to hold independent schools to a higher standard of accountability than the standard of accountability that the education department requires from public schools. While participants were negative towards Umalusi, they acknowledged the necessity of external evaluation and monitoring of independent schools, specifically to protect vulnerable parents. The study highlighted the importance of schools committing to Umalusi’s quality assurance process to enhance the overall quality of education genuinely. Principals are crucial in ensuring teachers’ adherence to Umalusi’s policies, which requires a positive attitude towards Umalusi. Moreover, the findings indicate that teachers’ buy-in regarding the value of quality assurance systems within their schools is vital to prevent superficial implementation of QA measures designed to improve education quality. Teachers’ buy-in is dependent on their principals’ attitudes and commitment to establishing effective QA processes.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die effek van Umalusi se kwaliteitsversekerings- en akkreditasieproses op sestien skoolhoofde en onderwysers by vier verskillende onafhanklike skole in die Wes-Kaapprovinsie van Suid-Afrika ondersoek. Die vier skole wat gekies is deur middel van die doelgerigte steekproef-metode, onthul dat die deelnemers nie glo dat Umalusi enigsins ‘n positiewe impak op die kwaliteit van opvoeding by hul onderskeie skole het nie. Inteendeel, die implementering van Umalusi se beleide het aanleiding tot ‘n groter werkslading vir onderwysers gegee omrede daar van hulle verwag word om bewys van beleidstoepassing te kan lewer. ‘n Fokusverskuiwing is waargeneem vanaf die kernverantwoordelikheid van onderwys na die voldoening aan beleidsvereistes. Ten spyte daarvan dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet en onderwyswetgewing die bestaan van onafhanklike skole ondersteun, voel die deelnemers dat Umalusi se akkreditasieproses die stigting van nuwe onafhanklike skole verhinder. Die kwaliteitsversekerings- en akkreditasieproses is oorgekompliseerd en het ‘n hoë aansoekfooi wat ook kan lei tot duur nagevolge vir nienakoming. Huidige wetgewing en regulasies verhoed Umalusi om spesiale-behoefte skole, wat die KABV aanpas, te akkrediteer. Dit lei tot ‘n eenvormige benadering ten opsigte van die toepassing van kriteria wat nie noodwendig vir alle skole pas nie. Die indruk word ook by die deelnemers gewek dat Umalusi aandring op ‘n hoër vlak van aanspreekbaarheid by onafhanklike skole as wat die onderwysdepartement van staatskole vereis. Terwyl deelnemers negatief gevoel het teenoor Umalusi, kon hulle die noodsaaklikheid van ‘n eksterne evaluasie en monitering van onafhanklike skole insien, spesifiek om kwesbare ouers te beskerm teen uitbuiting. Die navorsing benadruk die belangrikheid dat skole hulself moet verbind tot Umalusi se kwaliteitsversekeringsproses om werklik die kwaliteit van onderrig te verbeter. Skoolhoofde speel ‘n deurslaggewende rol om te verseker dat onderwysers Umalusi se beleide implementeer en‘n positiewe houding teenoor Umalusi het. Die bevindings toon dat onderwysers moet inkoop in die waarde wat kwaliteitsversekeringsprosesse vir hulle inhou om die gehalte van onderrig binne hul skole te bevorder. Dit sal ook ‘n oppervlakkige implementering van beleide verhoed. Die inkoop van onderwysers is afhanklik van skoolhoofde se houdings en verbintenisse om effektiewe kwaliteitsversekeringsprosesse te bewerkstellig.
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenboch University, 2023.