Design and performance evaluation of a HYDROSOL space heating and cooling system

dc.contributor.advisorReuter, H. C. R.en
dc.contributor.authorTerblanche, Johann Pierreen
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Space heating and cooling, as required for chicken poultry farming, is an energy intensive operation. Due to the continuous rise in the prices of fossil fuel, water and electricity, there is a need to develop renewable and sustainable energy systems that minimise the use of fuel or electricity, for heating, and water, for cooling of air. The HYDROSOL (HYDro ROck SOLar) system, developed at Stellenbosch University, is such a renewable energy system that potentially provides a low cost solution. Instead of using conventional gas and electricity heaters for the heating of air during winter, the HYDROSOL system collects solar heat, stores it in a packed bed of rocks and dispatches the heat as required. During hot summer days, when cooling is needed, the rocks are cooled during the night when the ambient temperatures are low and/ or by evaporative cooling by spraying water onto them. During the day, hot air is then cooled when it passes through the colder rocks with minimal water consumption compared to current systems. In this thesis, a prototype of the HYDROSOL system is presented, designed and built for experimental testing. A transient 2-D thermo flow model is developed and presented for the analytical and experimental performance evaluation of this system for solar heating and night air cooling operation. This model is used to conduct a parametric study on HYDROSOL to gain a better understanding of the operation and control of the system. The HYDROSOL concept is intended to be used for heating and cooling of residential buildings, office suites, warehouses, shopping centres, food processing industries e.g. drying of foods, and various agricultural industries e.g. greenhouses. In this thesis, a HYDROSOL system is developed mainly for poultry broiler houses in South Africa focussing on convective dry cooling, charging the rock bed with night-time ambient air, and convective heating, harvesting solar heat during the day, with different modes of operation available.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ruimte verhitting en verkoeling, soos benodig vir hoender pluimvee boerdery, is ‘n energie intensiewe bedryf. As gevolg van die voortdurende styging in fossiel brandstof-, water- en elektrisiteitpryse, het ‘n behoefte ontstaan om hernubare en volhoubare energie-stelsels te ontwikkel wat minder brandstof of elektrisiteit, vir verhitting, en water, vir verkoeling van lug, gebruik. Die HYDROSOL (HYDro ROck SOLar) stelsel, wat ontwikkel is by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, is ‘n hernubare energie-stelsel wat ‘n potensiële lae koste oplossing bied. In plaas daarvan om konvensionele gas en elektrisiteit verwarmers vir verhitting van lug gedurende die winter te gebruik, maak HYDROSOL gebruik van son warmte, stoor dit in `n gepakte bed van klip en onttrek die warmte soos benodig. Gedurende die warm somer dae wanneer verkoeling benodig word, word die klippe gedurende die nag, met kouer omgewings lug en/of met verdampingsverkoeling, deur water op die klippe te spuit, afgekoel. Gedurende die dag word warm lug afgekoel deur die lug oor die koue klippe te forseer met minimale waterverbruik in vergelyking met huidige stelsels. ‘n Prototipe van die HYDROSOL word voorgestel, ontwerp en gebou vir eksperimentele doeleindes. ‘n 2-D tyd afhanklike termo- vloei model word voorgestel vir die analitiese en eksperimentele verrigting evaluering vir son verhitting en nag lug verkoeling. Hierdie model word gebruik om ‘n parametriese studie te doen om die werking en beheer van HYDROSOL beter te verstaan. Die HYDROSOL stelsel is bedoel om die verwarming en verkoeling vereistes van residensiële geboue, kantoor areas, pakhuise, winkelsentrums, voedsel verwerking nywerhede, soos bv. die droging van voedsel, en verskeie landboubedrywe, soos bv. kweekhuise, te bevredig. In hierdie tesis word ‘n HYDROSOL stelsel, hoofsaaklik vir pluimvee kuikenhuise in Suid- Afrika, ondersoek en fokus op die droë verkoeling, deur die rotsbed te laai gedurende die nag, asook droë- verhitting, wat gebruik maak van son energie gedurende die dag en kan beheer word op verskillende maniere.af_ZA
dc.format.extent145 pages : illustrations, mapsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectRenewable energy systemen_ZA
dc.subjectHYDROSOL (HYDro ROck SOLar) systemen_ZA
dc.subjectSolar heaten_ZA
dc.titleDesign and performance evaluation of a HYDROSOL space heating and cooling systemen_ZA
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