The development of a contextually appropriate measure of individual recovery for mental health service users in a South African context

dc.contributor.advisorPretorius, Chrismaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDe Wet, Annelieseen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mental health is a crucial part of the overall wellbeing of persons. Recovery is increasingly recognised worldwide as an essential approach to mental health. In this study recovery is regarded as personal recovery, a multidimensional construct differing from remission. In high-income countries, the study of recovery has developed and expanded to raise individuals’ awareness of, and involvement in, their own recovery and to change mental health services to have a recovery-orientation. With increasing awareness and involvement, and changing orientations, comes the importance to measure individuals’ recovery for personal, professional and funding purposes. Individual recovery measurement has increased worldwide. In South Africa, the study of recovery and its measurement is still emerging in a context of great challenges and resource constraints. Thus, this study aimed to contribute to the growing knowledge of recovery in South Africa by exploring the understanding of recovery among service users, carers and service providers, the barriers to, and facilitators of, recovery, and by developing an individual measure of recovery that is appropriate to a South African context. The study employed an exploratory sequential mixed-method design. Exploring the understanding of recovery through 37 interviews and three focus groups with service users, carers and service providers at three tertiary psychiatric hospitals in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, and comparing these results with recovery processes established through other empirical work, yielded dimensions and sub-dimensions of recovery appropriate to the study context, which were formulated into a South African definition of recovery. The dimensions of recovery were closely linked to each other and confirmed the layered, iterative and non-linear nature of the recovery process. Together with the barriers to, and facilitators of, recovery, which were also explored during the interviews and focus groups and indicated how recovery happens (or does not) in the lives of service users, the definition and dimensions of recovery were used to inform the formulation of items and format of the measure. The items were reduced and format refined through a process of preliminary content validity, which consisted of (a) a Delphi panel of professional experts; (b) cognitive interviews with service users; (c) the matching of items and dimensions by clinical experts; and (d) a readability test. The resultant Measure of Individual Mental Health Recovery for a South African context consists of 38 items. This is the first such measure developed for a South African context and makes it possible for service users, together with carers and direct service providers, to use the results from the administration of the measure as a starting point for discussions about the recovery process for the service user. The measure may also provide recovery-oriented programme implementers with a means to determine how participants are moving along in their recovery to report to funders, either to obtain or retain funding. The emphasis throughout the results on support in various forms as crucial to recovery suggests the appropriate and circumspect development of formal peer support work for South African contexts, which may ultimately be beneficial on many levels. Keywords: mental health recovery, South Africa, definition, barriers, facilitators, measurement, peer support worken_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geestesgesondheid is ‘n deurslaggewende deel van algehele welwees van persone. Herstel (recovery) word wêreldwyd toenemend erken as ‘n noodsaaklike geestesgesondheidsbenadering. In hierdie studie word herstel beskou as persoonlike herstel, ‘n multi-dimensionele konstruk anders as remissie. In hoë-inkomste lande het die studie van herstel ontwikkel en uitgebrei om indiwidue se bewustheid van, en betrokkenheid by, hul eie herstel te verhoog en om geestesgesondheidsdienste se benadering tot ‘n herstelgeoriënteerde benadering te verander. In die lig van toenemende bewustheid en betrokkenheid, asook veranderende benaderings, is dit belangrik om maniere te vind waarop indiwidue se herstel gemeet kan word vir persoonlike, professionele en befondsingsdoeleindes. Indiwiduele herstelmeting het wêreldwyd toegeneem. In Suid-Afrika is die studie en meting van herstel nog ontluikend, in ‘n konteks van groot uitdagings en hulpbronbeperkinge. Dus was hierdie studie daarop gemik om tot die groeiende kennis oor herstel by te dra, deur die begrip van herstel vir diensgebruikers, versorgers en diensverskaffers, en hindernisse tot en fasiliteerders daarvan te verken, asook ‘n indiwiduele herstelmeetintrument, gepas vir ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, te ontwikkel. ‘n Verkennende, opeenvolgende gemengde-metode navorsingsontwerp is aangewend. Die verkenning van die begrip van herstel deur 37 onderhoude en drie fokusgroepe met diensgebruikers, versorgers en diensverskaffers by drie tersiêre psigiatriese hospitale in die Wes-Kaapprovinsie, Suid- Afrika, en die vergelyking van die resultate met herstelprosesse wat deur ander empiriese werk ontwikkel is, het studiekonteks-gepaste dimensies en sub-dimensies van herstel opgelewer, wat in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse definisie van herstel geformuleer is. Die dimensies van herstel was nou verwant en het die laagsgewyse, iteratiewe en nie-liniêre aard van die herstelproses bevestig. Tesame met die hindernisse tot, en fasiliteerders van, herstel, wat ook tydens die onderhoude en fokusgroepe verken is en aangedui het hoe herstel plaasvind (of nie) in diensgebruikers se lewens, is die definisie en dimensies van herstel gebruik ter inligting van itemformulering en die formaat van die meetinstrument. ‘n Proses van voorlopige inhoudsgeldigheidstoetsing, bestaande uit (a) ‘n Delphi-paneel van professionele deskundiges; (b) kognitiewe onderhoude met diensgebruikers; (c) die oppaar van items en dimensies deur kliniese deskundiges; en (d) ‘n leesbaarheidstoets, is gebruik om items te verminder en die formaat te verfyn. Die gevolglike Meetinstrument van Indiwiduele Geestesgesondheidsherstel vir ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks bestaan uit 38 items. Dit is die eerste sodanige meetinstrument wat vir ‘n Suid-Afrikaans konteks ontwikkel is en maak dit vir diensgebruikers, met versorgers en direkte diensverskaffers, moontlik om die resultate van die meetinstrumentadministrasie te gebruik as ‘n beginpunt vir gesprekke oor die diensgebruiker se herstelproses. Die meetinstrument sou ook ‘n middel kon wees vir implementeerders van herstel-georiënteerde programme om te bepaal hoe deelnemers in hul herstelproses voortbeweeg, om aan befondsers verslag te doen om óf fondse te bekom, óf te behou. Die deurgaanse klem in die resultate op die deurslaggewendheid van verskeie vorme van ondersteuning tot herstel, dui op die nodigheid van die gepaste en omsigtige ontwikkeling van formele portuurondersteuningswerk vir Suid-Afrikaanse kontekste, wat uiteindelik op verskeie vlakke voordele mag inhou. Sleutelwoorde: geestesgesondheidsherstel, Suid-Afrika, definisie, hindernisse, fasiliteerders, meting, portuurondersteuningswerkaf_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 468 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMental health services -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectRecovery -- Measurementen_ZA
dc.titleThe development of a contextually appropriate measure of individual recovery for mental health service users in a South African contexten_ZA
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