Vocal training during male puberty : a critical literature review on male voice mutation

dc.contributor.advisorBerger, Martinen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKritzinger, Xanderen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2019en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a country where choral music enjoys a rich heritage especially in schools, little focus has been placed on vocal health and the development of young singers. Very few studies have been done in South Africa in this regard. Furthermore, the question of how to deal with pubescent boys experiencing vocal change during this development period in a choral context has enjoyed even less attention. This study endeavoured to answer the above question by asking another question, namely, what happens physiologically during puberty and how do these changes impact the voice of the pubescent boy? In answering, a physiological overview has been presented to provide a better understanding of this process. The intention is to provide conductors and pedagogues with a basic understanding of how to manage the vocal change of pubescent boys. Contrasting literature has been studied to tap into the thoughts of theorists and researchers regarding the pubescent singer and whether these boys should be allowed to sing as opposed to resting their voices. Once it was established that the modern approach is to let the pubescent boy continue singing, the next step was addressed, namely, how vocal pedagogues should deal with the singing adolescent while they (the pedagogues) had no resources at hand. This study provides the conductor working with pubescent boys with solutions in the form of vocal exercises. The study furthermore elaborates on the use and application of exercises for results in breath control, the improvement of healthy phonation (vowel placement), and the successful mixing of problematic register changes. Exercises are presented for the use in choral rehearsal spaces thus providing choral conductors with practical solutions to deal with the pubescent boy and his changing voice that could result in a generation of pubescent boys equipped with tools to cope with vocal change.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ’n land waar koormusiek ’n ryk herkoms geniet, veral in skole, word min op vokale gesondheid en ontwikkeling van jong sangers gelet. Selfs minder aandag word bestee aan studies oor die problematiese veranderende seunstem. Voorts word die vraag oor hoe om binne koorverband te werk met tienerseuns wie se stemme verander, nóg minder aangespreek. Hierdie studie poog daarin om bogenoemde vraag te beantwoord by wyse van die vra van ’n verdere vraag, naamlik, wat gebeur fisiologies gedurende puberteit en hoe beïnvloed sodanige veranderinge die stem van die tienerseun? Ter beantwoording hiervan en ten einde ’n beter begrip daar te stel is ’n fisiologiese oorsig oor die stemverandering van tienerseuns aangebied. Die doel hiervan is om dirigente en pedagoë te voorsien van die basiese kennis oor hoe om stemverandering van tienerseuns te hanteer en te bestuur. Kontrasterende literatuur is bestudeer om die benadering van teoretici en navorsers oor of tienerseuns toegelaat moet word om voort te gaan met sing of om eerder hul stemme te rus, vas te stel. Die studie het vasgestel dat die moderne benadering is om tienerseuns toe te laat om te sing. Die volgende stap was om vas te stel hoe pedagoë die singende tienerseun moet hanteer terwyl hulle (pedagoë) geen hulpbronne tot hul beskikking het om seker te maak hul hanteer die stemverandering korrek nie. Hierdie studie bied oplossings aan die dirigent wat met tienerseuns werk in die vorm van stemoefeninge. Die studie brei verder uit oor die gebruik en toepassing van oefeninge vir asembeheer, verbetering van gesonde fonasie, en die suksesvolle vermenging van problematiese registerveranderinge. Oefeninge word vir gebruik gedurende kooroefeninge aangebied en voorsien koordirigente met praktiese oplossings om met seuns in puberteit en hul veranderende stemme te werk. Op die manier word ’n bydrae gelewer tot ’n generasie van tienerseuns wat toegerus is met die nodige hulpmiddele om hul veranderende stemme te kan hanteer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent61 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSinging -- Instruction and studyen_ZA
dc.subjectVoice cultureen_ZA
dc.titleVocal training during male puberty : a critical literature review on male voice mutationen_ZA
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