Considerations of long term enterprise selection for the water scarce Little Karoo area

dc.contributor.advisorHoffmann, Willem H.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorEhlers, Jandreen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Agricultural Economics.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : With the current drought and predicted drier future climate conditions for the Little Karoo, it is imperative to find crops that have a high water use efficiency while providing sufficient income. Understanding the future climate and its influences on agriculture production in the Little Karoo area is an important factor to consider when discussing alternative water use efficient crops. According to models, historical and current data on climate change and excessive greenhouse gasses it is predicted that rainfall in the Little Karoo will decrease in the coming decades. This decrease in rainfall is paired with an increase in extreme weather patterns leading to more frequent droughts with higher intensity and longer duration. The different crop industries and morphologies was analysed to determine their responses to a more arid and hotter growing environment. The crops used in the study is best suited for a Mediterranean climate, dry summers and mild/wet winters, as these types of crops will be best suitable for the Little Karoo. The crops used are apricots, almonds, peaches, olives, plums and wine grapes. The morphological aspects concluded that apricots and peaches can handle water deficits for a prolonged period the best, only requiring two thirds of full irrigation water and still delivering an almost full crop load. Whereas olives can cope the best with excessive heat. To determine the best suitable crop in terms of income generation to water use ratio, enterprise budgets were set up to determine the net income generated and paired with the individual water usage of each. Enterprise budget was used to determine the net profit, income minus cost (direct and indirect), of each crop used. The different crops have aspects that either promote or hinder the suitability. These aspects include labour requirement, season length, export or local usage, fresh or processed, density planted and mechanised or not. Income was determined by the Rand per kilogram of fruit. Processed fruits received a great deal less per kilogram than that of fresh and export fruits. Almonds was the most profitable crop with that of wine grapes the least profitable. However, almonds needed the most water to produce a suitable crop load with olives requiring the least amount of irrigation. Therefore, different aspects needed to be taken into consideration when choosing the ideal crop. However not one single crop could fulfil all the aspects need to produce without any hindrance. Thus, diversification was the solution to mitigate or reduce any shortcomings of crops. Therefore this study was conducted to have a better understanding of the existing and pending problem of droughts and how certain crop combinations can be used to successfully produce in the future.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Met die droogte wat tans heers en voorspelde droër toekomstige klimaat toestande vir die Klein Karoo, is dit noodsaaklik om gewasse te vind met hoë water doeltreffendheid wat ook genoegsaam winsgewend is. Die begrip van die toekomstige klimaatsomstandighede en die gepaardgaande effek op landbouproduksie in die Klein Karoo is ʼn belangrike oorweging met die oorweging van alternatiewe gewasse. Bestaande modellevoorspel, op grand van historiese en hedendaagse klimaatsverandering en kweekhuisgas, dat reënval in die Klein Karoo na verwagting sal afneem oor die volgende dekades. Die afname in reënval gaan gepaard met ʼn verwagte toename in ekstreme klimaat insidente wat aanleiding kan gee tot meer langdurige en meer intense droogtes. Die verskillende gewasse en gepaardgaande morfologie was geanaliseer om verwagte reaksie te toets op warmer en droëer omstandighede. Die gewasse wat in die studie ingesluit is, is die beste aangepas my Mediterreense klimaat met droë somers en koel, natter winters, wat beter aangepas is vir die Klein Karoo. Gewasse ingesluit is: appelkose, amandels, perskes, olywe, pruime en wyndruiwe. Die morfologiese aspek wys dat appelkose en perskes water en vog beperkinge oor langer periodes die beste kan hanteer, teen twee derdes van die normale water voorsiening kan bykans vol-oes steeds afgehaal word. Olywe kan ekstreme hitte die beste hanteer. Ten einde die beste gewas te identifiseer in terme van inkomste potensiaal teenoor water behoefte is vertakkingsbegrotings opgestel om die winsgewendheid te paar met water behoefte. Vertakkingsbegrotings is gebruik om inkomste, toedeelbare koste en marges te bereken. Die gewasse het unieke eienskappe wat volhoubare produksie bevorder of beperk. Die eienskappe sluit in: arbeidsbehoefte, duur van die groeiseisoen, uitvoer doelwitte, vars teenoor inmaak of droog, plantdigtheid, en meganisasie opsies. Inkomste is bepaal in R/kg vrugte. Geprosesseerde vrugte se realiseerde prys was betekenisvol laer as die van uitvoer produkte. Amandels wys die hoogste winsgewendheid terwyl olywe en wyndruiwe die mins winsgewende gewasse is. Nietemin is amandels se water behoefte die hoogste en olywe we waterbehoeftes die laagste. Dit wys dat verskeie faktore in ag geneem behoort te word met vestigings besluite. Geen gewas kon identifiseer word wat in alle oorwegings die beste vaar nie. Diversifikasie bleik ʼn moontlike sterk oorweging te wees om tekorte van gewasse te verlig. Die studie bied ʼn beter begrip van die huidige en verwagte toekomste effek van droogte toestande en hoe gewas kombinasies wel oorweeg kan word in die toekoms.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 103 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectCrops and water -- Economic aspects -- Little Karoo (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectDrought-tolerant plants -- Economic aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectWater use -- Little Karoo (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectKlein Karooen_ZA
dc.titleConsiderations of long term enterprise selection for the water scarce Little Karoo areaen_ZA
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