Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd revisited : the possible vicarious liability of a holding company for the delicts caused by its nominee directors on the board of its subsidiary
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Juta Law
In Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd is beslis dat ’n houermaatskappy nie middellik aanspreeklik gehou kan word vir die deliktuele skade, wat sy genomineerde direkteur (wat ’n werknemer van die houer is) op die direksie van sy filiaal vir die filiaal veroorsaak nie. Die outeur ondersoek of hierdie saak nog hedendaags dieselfde beslis sal word.
In Van der Berg v Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty) Ltd skep die hoogste hof van appèl die indruk dat daar wel sodanige aanspreeklikheid in die gegewe konteks mag wees. Die outeur toon dat die hof in hierdie geval slegs die arbeidsregtelike verhouding tussen die houer/werkgewer en die direkteur/ werknemer oorweeg het om die vraag van middellike aanspreeklikheid te oorweeg sonder om die impak van ander regsnorme te oorweeg. In Public Investment Corporation Ltd v Bodigelo noem die hof dat ’n direkteur in sy hoedanigheid as werknemer deur die aandeelhouer aangestel is en skep dus ook die indruk dat sou sodanige direkteur skade vir die maatskappy, waar hy as direkteur dien, veroorsaak, die aanstellende maatskappy middellik aanspreeklik sou wees.
Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak word, is dat ’n hof nie die vraag van middellike aanspreeklikheid bloot op grond van die diensverhouding tussen die houer en die direkteur kan beantwoord nie. ’n Hof behoort ook, soos in die Kuwait Bank-saak, die maatskappyregtelike werklikheid, naamlik dat die houer nie ’n direkteur van die filiaal mag wees nie en dus genoop is om ’n natuurlike persoon as direkteur aan te stel, te oorweeg. Die verhouding is egter dan nie een van werkgewer/werknemer nie, maar die unieke verhouding t ussen ’n aandeelhouer en ’n direkteur wat deur die aandeelhouers verkies word. Die toets vir middellike aanspreeklikheid kan dus nie net vanuit ’n arbeidsregtelike oogpunt beskou word nie, maar ook vanuit ’n maatskappyregtelike oogpunt soos in die Kuwait Bank-saak.
INTRODUCTION: Employers are held vicariously liable for the delicts committed by their employees where such delicts caused loss/harm to a person. Vicarious liability is strict liability, ie there is no need to prove fault on the side of the employer. Although the South African legal system is primarily based on Roman-Dutch law, English law has had a profound impact in various fields of the law. Vicarious liability is one of those fields, as is company law. Generally speaking, employers are held liable for the harm caused by their employees during the course and scope of their employment duties for their employers. The aforementioned statement raises three questions for the purposes of this article: when is a person an employer, when is a person an employee and when did a person act in the course and scope of his/her duties of employment? The first two questions seek to determine whether an employment relationship existed, and within the context of this article, ask whether it would suffice to establish vicarious liability for the employer. The question of whether the person who is alleged to be an employee acted within the course and scope of his or her duty may or may not become relevant.
INTRODUCTION: Employers are held vicariously liable for the delicts committed by their employees where such delicts caused loss/harm to a person. Vicarious liability is strict liability, ie there is no need to prove fault on the side of the employer. Although the South African legal system is primarily based on Roman-Dutch law, English law has had a profound impact in various fields of the law. Vicarious liability is one of those fields, as is company law. Generally speaking, employers are held liable for the harm caused by their employees during the course and scope of their employment duties for their employers. The aforementioned statement raises three questions for the purposes of this article: when is a person an employer, when is a person an employee and when did a person act in the course and scope of his/her duties of employment? The first two questions seek to determine whether an employment relationship existed, and within the context of this article, ask whether it would suffice to establish vicarious liability for the employer. The question of whether the person who is alleged to be an employee acted within the course and scope of his or her duty may or may not become relevant.
CITATION: Stevens, R. 2019. Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd revisited : the possible vicarious liability of a holding company for the delicts caused by its nominee directors on the board of its subsidiary. Journal of South African Law / Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Volume 2019(1):78-90.
The original publication is available at https://journals.co.za/content/journal/jlc_tsar
The original publication is available at https://journals.co.za/content/journal/jlc_tsar
Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd, Vicarious liability, Nominee Directors, Kuwait Asia Bank, National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd
Stevens, R. 2019. Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd revisited : the possible vicarious liability of a holding company for the delicts caused by its nominee directors on the board of its subsidiary. Journal of South African Law / Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Volume 2019(1):78-90.