Imixholo yentlalo nopolitiko kwisihobe sikashasha
dc.contributor.advisor | Zulu, N. S. | | | Sibula, Pumlani Merrington | |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages. | en_ZA | | 2012-08-27T11:34:56Z | | | 2012-08-27T11:34:56Z | | | 2001-03 | |
dc.description | Text in English and Xhosa. | en_ZA |
dc.description | Translation of title: Socio-political themes in the poetry of Shasha. | en_ZA |
dc.description | Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. | |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study of socio-political issues examines Shasha's poetry. Chapter One is the introduction of this study and states the central aim of the study, the scope of the study, as well as the thematic approach followed in the entire study. Chapter Two is divided into five subheadings: • The poetry that is not politically aligned; • Pre-independence poetry; • The poetry about the warriors who fell in the struggle; • Post-independence poetry; and • Reconciliatory poetry. In the poetry that is not politically aligned, the author sometimes writes a poem, which, although not politically aligned, would have a theme dealing with politics. In the pre-independence poetry, the author emphasizes the situation that agonizes the blacks in their own indigenous land. He also stresses how the oppressors have succeeded in their work of oppression: the strategy of dividing and ruling them, and make them kill one another. In the poetry about the freedom fighters, the author portrays the gruesome ways in which they were slaughtered, examples of which are: - Steve Biko; Bathandwa Ndondo; Samora Machel and Chris Hani. Shasha praises these fallen heroes and maintains that their blood has sprinkled the arrival of the liberation. Even though they are dead the author sees them as if they are still alive because of their outstanding contribution in the struggle. In the post-independence poetry, the author highlights the disappointment of the blacks, as the situation is not what they expected, because of the unfulfilled promises by the black government in power. The author expresses disappointment because of unmeasurable corruption in the present government: nepotism is practiced, irrespective of qualifications. In the reconciliatory poetry, the author reconciles the different nations that are hostile to each other: the blacks and whites. He mentions different kinds of actions to be reconciled because he says that these actions happened were because of the apartheid regime. In Chapter Three, the author shows his knowledge about health issues, he does not only warn about different kinds of diseases, he also mentions the causes, effects and symptoms in the victims. It is evident from this chapter that the author is a qualified medical practitioner, as he shows confidence and knowledge in the issues he is writing about. In Chapter Four, the author observes problems that influence the social status of the people. The social issues he writes about stresses the fact that some of these diseases are not caused by physical aspects but also by by social problems. In Chapter Five, the author challenges people to return to the older times of customs and traditions. Studying Shasha's cultural poetry leaves the reader | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek sosio-politieke vraagstukke in die poësie van Shasha. Hoofstuk 1 is die inleiding tot die studie waarin die sentrale doelstelling en omvang van die studie uiteengesit word, asook die tematiese benadering wat in die studie gevolg word. Hoofstuk 2 word in vyf subafdelings ingedeel: • Poësie wat nie polities gerig is nie; • Voor-onafhanklikheids poësie; • Poësie oor vegters wat in die vryheidstryd gesterf het; • Na-onafhanklikheidspoësie; en • Versoeningspoësie. In die poësie wat nie polities gerig is nie, skryf die outeur nietemin soms 'n gedig wat handeloor 'n politieke tema. In die voor-afhanklikheids poësie, beklemtoon die digter die situasie wat pyn veroorsaak vir swartmense in hulle eie land. Hy wys daarop hoe die voormalige onderdrukkers daarin geslaag het om swartmense te onderdruk deur die strategie om hulle te verdeel en te regeer, wat daartoe gelei het dat hulle mekaar doodmaak. In die poësie oor die vryheidsvegters, die digter beeld die grusame wyses uit waarop hulle vermoor is, voorbeelde daarvan is Steve Biko, Bathandwa Ndanda, Samora Machel, en Chris Hani. Shasha prys hierdie gevalle helde en voer aan dat hulle bloed die aankoms van bevryding besprinkel het. Desnieteenstaande dat hulle gesterf het, sien die digter hulle asof hulle steeds leef op grond van hulle uitstaande bydrae tot die bevrydingstryd. In die na-onafhanklikheids poësie, behandel die digter die teleurstelling van swartmense, aangesien omstandighede nie is soos wat hulle verwag het nie as gevolg van onvervulde beloftes van die swart regering. Die digter spreek teleurstelling uit oor die groot mate van korrupsie in die regering van die dag. In die versoeningspoësie poog die digter om die verskillende bevolkingsgroepe wat vyandiggesind is teenoor mekaar, versoen: swartmense en witmense. Die digter noem verskillende tipes aksies wat versoen moet word, wat plaasgevind het weens apartheid. In Hoofstuk 3 toon die digter sy kennis van gesondheidsake. Hy waarsku nie slegs teen verskillende tipes siektes nie, maar verwys ook na die oorsake, effekte en simptome in die slagoffer. Dit is duidelik dat die digter 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn is, aangesien hy vertroue het en kennis wys oor die vraagstukke waar hy dig. In Hoofstuk 4 word gedigte behandel waarin die digter skryf oor sosiale status van mense. Die sosiale vraagstukke wat in die gedigte behandel word, word veroorsaak deur fisiologiese, sowel as sosiale probleme. In Hoofstuk 5 word gedigte behandel wat die tema het dat mense moet terugkeer na tradisionele gebruike. Die studie van Sasha se poësie laat geen twyfel dat hy tradisionele waardes aanhang nie. | af_ZA |
dc.format.extent | 70 p. | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | xh_ZA | xh_ZA |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.rights.holder | Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Shasha, Welile -- Criticism and interpretation | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Politics in literature | |
dc.subject | Social problems in literature | en_ZA |
dc.title | Imixholo yentlalo nopolitiko kwisihobe sikashasha | en_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis |
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