Accuracy and impact of the MTBDRplus v2 and MTBDRsl v2 line probe assays for the detection of first-line and second-line drug resistant tuberculosis

dc.contributor.advisorTheron, Granten_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorde Vos, Margarethaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPillay, Samanthaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Biomedical Sciences. Molecular Biology and Human Genetics.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Combating drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) remains a challenge globally. Treatment success rates are often derailed by under-diagnosis and under-reporting of disease. Patients remain contagious for prolonged periods prior to initiation of appropriate treatment which is further exacerbated by the amplification of drug resistance and poor treatment outcomes. Using current and new diagnostic tools effectively is key to rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis and early detection of drug resistance. Firstly, (chapter 2) line probe assays (LPAs) frequent inability to generate a resistance call in paucibacillary specimens is problematic. We showed that while MTBDRplus and MTBDRsl tests work well on smear-negative specimens for detecting drug resistance, failure rates remained high. We demonstrated with the use of routine key programmatic data how time-to-reporting of results improved with the use of molecular assays and provided evidence on how standard-of-care can be improved in a programmatic context. Secondly, (chapter 3) LPA testing on smear-negative specimens is not always performed causing diagnostic delays and hindering their role as a direct front-line diagnostic tests. Thus, by using Xpertgenerated data we determined the ratio of actionable-to-non-actionable results and the number of missed resistant cases at varying thresholds. We demonstrated that Xpert semiquantitation category is superior to informing reflex LPA testing than smear status. In short, this method provides a framework by which laboratories that currently do not test smear-negative specimens to expand testing. Thirdly (chapter 4) current pathways using Xpert MTB/RIF or Xpert Ultra as frontline tests for diagnosing TB and rifampicin resistance lack further treatment guidance. We did a systematic review and assessed the performance of Xpert MTB/XDR for the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis and resistance to isoniazid, fluoroquinolones, ethionamide, and amikacin. Participants consisted of 1228 for pulmonary tuberculosis detection and 1141 for drug resistance. We found Xpert MTB/XDR is unlikely to test positive as a follow-up test for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in samples that test Xpert Ultra <trace positive= initially. We found accurate sensitivity and specificity estimates for the detection of resistance to isoniazid and fluoroquinolones. We showed that this assay is best used as a rule-out test for ethionamide drug resistance. Lastly (chapter 5), second-line injectable drugs are still of value when the all-new oral TB regimen is unavailable. We showed that MTBDRsl can have false-positive and false-negative results associated with eis promotor mutations. Furthermore, detection of kanamycin resistance is complex, requiring a composite reference standard to determine true drug resistance. In summary, these results show that current diagnostic molecular tools can improve the programmatic standard-of-care and thereby aid in the selection of TB regimens, however, TB detection failure hampers further drug susceptibility testing. We showed that with the use of defined cut-off thresholds, failure rates in downstream LPA testing can be detected earlier. We identified cases that were missed for detecting kanamycin resistance when routinely tested, potentially leading to ineffective treatment regimens. Furthermore, we showed Xpert MTB/XDR has added value for the robust diagnosis of key TB drugs, including fluoroquinolones, an integral component in preserving the integrity of new and repurposed drugs, and this informed a policy decision.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die bekamping van dwelmweerstandige tuberkulose (DR-TB) bly ’n uitdaging wêreldwyd. Behandelingsukseskoerse word dikwels ontspoor deur onderdiagnose en onderrapportering van siektes. Pasiënte bly vir lang tydperke aansteeklik voor die aanvang van toepaslike behandeling, wat verder vererger word deur die versterking van middelweerstandigheid en swak behandelingsuitkomste. Die doeltreffende gebruik van huidige en nuwe diagnostiese instrumente is die sleutel tot vinnige diagnose van TB en vroeë opsporing van middelweerstand. Eerstens is (hoofstuk 2) lynsondetoetse (LPA’s) gereelde onvermoë om ’n weerstandsoproep in paucibacillêre monsters te genereer problematies. Ons het gewys terwyl MTBDRplus- en MTBDRsltoetse goed werk op smeer-negatiewe monsters om middelweerstandigheid op te spoor, het mislukkingskoerse hoog gebly. Ons het gewys hoe tyd-tot-rapportering van resultate met die gebruik van molekulêre toetse verbeter het met behulp van roetine-sleutel-programmatiese data en het bewys gelewer oor hoe standaard-van-sorg verbeter kan word in ’n programmatiese konteks. Tweedens, (hoofstuk 3) is herhaal LPA’s-toetsing op paucibacillêre monsters algemeen, wat diagnostiese vertragings veroorsaak en hul rol as ’n direkte frontlinie-diagnostiese toets belemmer. Dus, ons het gewys deur gebruik te maak van roetine Xpert-gegenereerde data, kan ons ’n proporsie toetse kwantifiseer wat van toetsing uitgesluit kan word deur ’n gedefinieerde drempel te gebruik, aangesien dit waarskynlik nie-uitvoerbare resultate op kliniese monsters lewer. Kortom, hierdie metode kan onnodige LPA-toetsing bespaar en bied ’n raamwerk waarvolgens laboratoriums wat tans nie smeer-negatiewe monsters met MTBDRplus of MTBDRsl toets nie, toetsing kan uitbrei. Derdens (hoofstuk 4) het huidige weë wat Xpert MTB/RIF of Ultra gebruik as voorlyntoetse vir die diagnosering van TB en rifampisienweerstand, kortkom verdere behandelingsleiding. Ons het ’n sistematiese oorsig gedoen en die prestasie van Xpert MTB/XDR vir die opsporing van pulmonale tuberkulose en weerstand teen isoniazied, fluorokinolone, etionamied en amikasien beoordeel. opsporing en 1141 vir middelweerstand. Ons het getoon dat dit onwaarskynlik is dat Xpert MTB/XDR positief sal toets as opvolgtoets vir die opsporing van Mtb in monsters wat aanvanklik Xpert Ultra-spoor positief toets. Ons het akkurate sensitiwiteit- en spesifisiteitskattings gevind vir die opsporing van weerstand teen isoniasied en fluorokinolon. Ons het gewys dat hierdie toets die beste gebruik word as ’n reël-uit toets vir etionamiedmiddelweerstand. Laastens (hoofstuk 5) met vinnig opkomende middelweerstand, is tweedelyn inspuitbare middels steeds van waarde wanneer alle nuwe orale TB-regimen nie beskikbaar is nie. Ons het getoon dat MTBDRsl nie daarin geslaag het om ~<1% eis promotormutasies op te spoor nie en amikasien pDST is oneffektief om kanamisienweerstand alleen op te spoor. Verder is opsporing van kanamisienweerstand kompleks en vereis ’n saamgestelde verwysingstandaard om ware geneesmiddelweerstand te bepaal. Samevattend, hierdie resultate toon dat huidige diagnostiese molekulêre instrumente haalbaar is om TB-regimes te rig, maar TB-opsporingsmislukking belemmer verdere geneesmiddelvatbaarheidstoetsing. Ons het gewys dat met die gebruik van gedefinieerde afsnydrempels mislukkingskoerse in stroomafwaartse LPA-toetsing vroeër opgespoor kan word. Ons het gevalle geïdentifiseer wat gemis is vir opsporing van kanamisienweerstand wanneer dit gereeld getoets is, wat moontlik lei tot ondoeltreffende behandelingsregimes. Verder het ons gewys dat Xpert MTB/XDR waarde toegevoeg het vir robuuste diagnose van sleutel-TB-middels, insluitend fluoroquinolones, ’n integrale komponent in die behoud van die integriteit van nuwe en herdoelde middels.af_ZA
dc.format.extent356 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPulmonary tuberculosisen_ZA
dc.titleAccuracy and impact of the MTBDRplus v2 and MTBDRsl v2 line probe assays for the detection of first-line and second-line drug resistant tuberculosisen_ZA
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