On the ethical desirability of the ‘wrongful life’ delictual action

dc.contributor.advisorHall, Susanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMichel, Gaenor Jayneen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Philosophy.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The wrongful life action is a legal remedy used by a person who is born into a disabled state as a result of the negligence of a medical practitioner, and who would not have been born at all but for the negligence of that medical practitioner, to claim damages. The action, however, is generally argued to be premised upon an un-actionable injury because the wrongful life plaintiff is argued to have suffered no harm. The implicit moral argument therein, moreover, is that allowing a wrongful life claim would be analogous to holding a rescuer liable for injuries that he caused to an endangered person. In this thesis, I propose that this argument rests upon the application of a deeply problematic conception of harm which, upon closer inspection, does not accord with our intuitions regarding harmfulness. I will attempt to show that what is harmful about harm is not that it objectively renders a person worse off, but rather that it causes a subjective clash with, or usurping of, that person’s will. I also argue that harm can be retroactive in nature, in that there can be a time gap between the harmful act or event and the harmful felt effects of that act or event. In this way, the harm paradox within the wrongful life action is resolved and, as a consequence, the ‘unactionable injury’ argument against the wrongful life action fails. In this thesis, I also consider certain policy arguments against the wrongful life action, and I argue that they also fail. In the first place, I consider the argument that the action unfairly discriminates against disabled persons by perpetuating their social inequality. I try to show, however, that the compensation element of the wrongful life action can be viewed as a form of positive accommodation which affirms the worth and dignity of disabled persons by recognising their difference and particularity. In the second place, I consider the argument that permitting the action would lead to a slippery slope whereby children, who feel harmed by coming into existence, would use the action to claim against their parents, and that this would conflict with the parents’ moral right to procreative autonomy. I try to show, however, that procreative autonomy should be limited in any event because it is impermissible to impose harm onto unconsenting individuals purely for the sake of bestowing benefits. This implies that, from a moral standpoint, we ought to take the claims of children who feel harmed by coming into existence seriously.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aksie weens onregmatige lewe (“wrongful life”) is ’n regsmiddel vir gebruik deur ’n gestremd-gebore persoon wat glad nie gebore sou gewees het as dit nie vir die nalatigheid van ’n mediese praktisyn was nie, om skadevergoeding teen sodanige mediese praktisyn te eis. Daar word egter algemeen aangevoer dat die aksie op die premis van ’n onafdwingbare besering berus, deurdat daar betoog word dat die eiser in die onregmatigelewe-aksie geen skade gely het nie. Die implisiete morele betoog hierin is verder dat die toestaan van ’n eis weens onregmatige lewe soortgelyk sou wees daaraan om ’n redder aanspreeklik te hou vir die beserings wat hy of sy aan ’n bedreigde persoon sou aangerig het. In hierdie proefskrif doen ek aan die hand dat hierdie betoog berus op die toepassing van ’n diepliggende problematiese opvatting van skade wat, by nadere ondersoek, nie met ons onmiddellike intuïsies oor skadelikheid ooreenstem nie. Ek toon aan dat wat skadelik aan skade is, nie objektief-gewys is dat dit ’n persoon slegter daaraan toe maak nie, maar eerder subjektief-gewys ’n botsing met, of wederregtelike toe-eiening van, daardie persoon se wil veroorsaak. Ek voer verder aan dat skade terugwerkend van aard kan wees, deurdat daar ’n tydsgaping tussen die skadelike daad of gebeurtenis en die skadelike gevolge gevoel weens daardie daad of gebeurtenis kan wees. Só word die skade-paradoks in die aksie weens onregmatige lewe opgelos, en gevolglik misluk die “onafdwingbarebesering”-betoog teen die onregmatigelewe-aksie. In hierdie proefskrif oorweeg ek verder bepaalde beleidsbetoë teen die onregmatigelewe-aksie, en ek voer aan dat ook hulle misluk. Eerstens oorweeg ek die betoog dat die aksie ongeregmatig teen gestremde persone diskrimineer deur hul sosiale ongelykheid te laat voortduur. Ek wil egter aantoon dat die vergoedingselement van die aksie weens onregmatige lewe gesien kan word as ’n vorm van positiewe bystand, wat die waarde en waardigheid van gestremde persone bevestig deur hul verskille en besondersheid te erken. Tweedens oorweeg ek die betoog dat die toelating van die aksie ’n gevaarlike weg kan oopstel deurdat kinders, wat benadeel voel deur hul ontstaan, die aksie sou kon gebruik om teen hul ouers te eis, wat in stryd met die ouers se morele reg op voortplantingsoutonomie is. Ek probeer egter aantoon dat voortplantingsoutonomie in elk geval beperk behoort te word omdat dit ontoelaatbaar is om skade aan nie-toestemmende individue toe te meet bloot ter wille van voordeleverlening. Dit impliseer dat ons, vanuit ’n morele oogpunt, die eise van kinders wat vanweë hul ontstaan benadeel voel, ernstig moet opneem.af_ZA
dc.format.extent136 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectWrongful Life - Harm - Disabilityen_ZA
dc.subjectMedical negligenceen_ZA
dc.subjectTort liability of medical personnelen_ZA
dc.titleOn the ethical desirability of the ‘wrongful life’ delictual actionen_ZA
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