Development of a wind damage and disaster risk model for South Africa

Goliger, Adam M. W.
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation presents the development process of a wind damage and disaster management support model for South Africa. Several aspects of wind damage are analysed. The impact of wind disasters on human habitat is highlighted by providing selected data of loss due to such events. This is followed by a comprehensive review of relevant research, carried out locally and internationally. The role and relevance of wind loading codification is discussed. The factors influencing wind damage are identified and their applicability to South African conditions is evaluated. An outline of a database of wind damage in South Africa which has been developed during the course of the project is presented. Selected statistics derived from this database are presented. A probabilistic model for assessing wind damage in South Africa is proposed. The model is based on the spatial principle of occurrence of strong wind events. A 'first approximation' division of the country into zones where various types of wind events occur and the characteristics of their generic footprints (i.e. distribution of wind speeds) are developed. The risk model procedure also takes the distribution of wealth, and the vulnerability of the built environment into account.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling bied die ontwikkelingsproses vir 'n hulpmodel vir windskade en rampbestuur vir Suid-Afrika aan. Verskeie aspekte van windskade word ontleed. Die invloed van windskade op woongebiede word beklemtoon deur die aanbieding van geselekteerde data oor relevante plaaslike en internasionale navorsing. Die rol en toepaslikheid van windbelasting in ontwerpkodes word bespreek. Die faktore wat windskade beinvloed, word geidentifiseer en die aanwendbaarheid onder Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede word beoordeel. 'n Beskrywing van n databasis vir windskade in Suid'-Afrika, wat tydens die projek saamgestel is, word aangebied. Sekere statistiek wat uit die databasis afgelei is, word voorgelê. n Statistiese model vir die beraming van windskade in Suid-Afrika word voorgestel. Die model is gebaseer op die ruimtelike beginsel van voorkoms van sterk-wind-gebeurlikhede. 'n "Eerste benadering" - indeling van die land in streke waar verskillende soorte windgebeurlikhede voorkom en hulle karakteristieke kenmerke (bv. verspreiding van windspoed) is ontwikkel. Die werkwyse vir die risikomodel neem die verdeling van rykdom en die kwesbaarheid van die beboude omgewing in ag.
Thesis (PhD (Civil Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 1986.
Dissertations -- Civil engineering, Theses -- Civil engineering, Buildings -- Natural disaster effects, Building failures, Winds -- South Africa, Wind-pressure