Partnership towards self-reliance : back to God movement of South Africa as a case study of holistic mission

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Poverty is an enormous challenge that the church and the world face today, and efforts are being made across societal sectors by mission and development practitioners to overcome it. If holistic mission and development are to be realised, the Church and development practitioners have to partner with the poor in efforts to help them achieve self-reliance. Poverty alleviation through diaconal means, such as feeding schemes and soup kitchens, is beneficial in development, but it is even more beneficial when this partnership translates into developmental projects that help the poor do things for themselves and be self-sustaining, expressing and demonstrating their God-given qualities and talents in society. This study aims to demonstrate how the two components of the gospel mandate, evangelism and social development, complement one another and make mission and development holistic, rather than working in opposition, which is detrimental to the gospel. The poor are affirmed as worthy partners in mission and development, while the Church is affirmed as a strategic partner in the poor's journey out of poverty. This effort advocates for the poor in this partnership to be afforded space and an opportunity to express themselves as worthy mission and development participants. As a result, the partnership ethos that guides the partnership between the Church and the poor is being looked at with the purpose of cushioning and shielding the poor in the journey, as people who often suffer in relationships with development partners. In this study, the Assemblies of God-Back to God (AoG-BtG) church is used as a case study of holistic mission to see how it was founded by Nicholas Bhengu and ministry colleagues to intentionally grow in a manner that helps the poor face the challenge of poverty through self-reliance means and initiatives. The AoG-BtG church has two development projects women's self-help initiatives and the youth education fund. Many in the development sector see women and youth as the face of poverty since they bear the brunt of poverty in society more than males, as a result, this study focuses on developmental initiatives for women and youth, and because this is a mission and development obstacle that cannot be overlooked. The objective of this study is to figure out how the Church can improve its efforts to tackle poverty through a partnership that features comprehensive strategies that help the poor to achieve self-reliance. The argument of this study in Africa is that the African context and philosophies, such as Ubuntu and Black Consciousness, should have an impact on the operations and conduct of the Church and developers, contributing to the comprehensiveness of mission and development. The Church that examines and takes the African context seriously cannot do so while remaining oblivious to the scourge of poverty and the need to address it, and any effort to address poverty should be done in partnership with the very poor who need assistance, instead of being done for them.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Armoede is 'n enorme uitdaging wat die kerk en wêreld vandag in die gesig staar, en pogings word oor samelewingsektore heen deur sending- en ontwikkelingspraktisyns aangewend om dit te oorkom. As holistiese sending en ontwikkeling bereik wil word, moet die Kerk en ontwikkelingspraktisyns met arm mense saamwerk in hulle pogings om arm hulle te help om selfstandig te word. Armoedeverligting deur diakonale intervensies, soos voedingskemas en sopkombuise, is voordelig in ontwikkeling, maar is selfs meer voordelig wanneer hierdie vennootskap omskep word in ontwikkelingsprojekte wat armes help om dinge vir hulself te doen en selfonderhoudend te wees. Op die manier word uitdrukking en bevestiging gegee van hulle Godgegewe eienskappe en talente in die samelewing. Hierdie studie het ten doel om te demonstreer hoe die twee komponente van die evangeliemandaat, evangelisasie en sosiale ontwikkeling, mekaar aanvul en sending en ontwikkeling holisties maak, eerder as om in opposisie te werk, wat nadelig is vir die evangelie. Die armes word as waardige vennote in sending en ontwikkeling bevestig, terwyl die Kerk bevestig word as 'n strategiese vennoot in die armes se oorkoming van armoede. Hierdie poging bepleit dat die armes in hierdie vennootskap ruimte en geleentheid kry om hulself as waardige sending- en ontwikkelingsdeelnemers uit te druk. Gevolglik word daar gekyk na die vennootskaps-etos wat die verhouding tussen die Kerk en die armes definieer met die doel om die armes in die reis te begelei en beskerm, sodat die siklus gebreek kan word waarin armes dikwels ly in verhoudings met ontwikkelingsvennote. In hierdie studie word die Assemblies of God-Back to God (AoG-BtG) kerk gebruik as 'n gevallestudie van holistiese sending om te sien hoe dit deur Nicholas Bhengu en bedieningskollegas gevestig is om doelbewus te groei op 'n manier wat die armes help om die uitdaging van armoede die hoof te bied deur die aanwending van selfstandige bronne en eie inisiatiewe. Die AoG-BtG kerk het twee ontwikkelingsprojekte: vroue selfhelp-inisiatiewe en die jeugopvoedingsfonds. Baie in die ontwikkelingsektor sien vroue en die jeug as die gesig van armoede aangesien hulle swaarder gebuk gaan aan armoede as mans, ‘n realiteit wat ‘n uitdaging vir beide sending en ontwikkeling is en nie misgekyk mag word nie. Gevolglik fokus hierdie studie op ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe vir vroue en die jeug. Die doel van hierdie studie is om uit te vind hoe die Kerk sy pogings om armoede aan te pak kan verbeter deur 'n vennootskap wat omvattende strategieë bevat wat die armes help om selfstandig te word. Die argument van hierdie studie in Afrika is dat die Afrika-konteks en filosofieë, soos Ubuntu en Black Consciousness, 'n impak moet hê op die werksaamhede en optrede van die Kerk en ontwikkelingspraktisyns, wat bydra tot ‘n omvattende geheelbeeld oor sending en ontwikkeling. Die kerk wat die Afrika konteks bestudeer en ernstig opneem, kan dit nie doen en terselfdertyd blind bly vir die vlaag van armoede en die noodsaaklikheid om dit aan te spreek nie, Enige poging om armoede aan te spreek moet in venootskap wees met die armstes, wat begeleiding nodig het eerder as ontwikkeling wat namens hulle gedoen word.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.