The mechanism of pharmacological preconditioning of rat myocardium with beta-adrenergic agonists

dc.contributor.advisorLochner, Amandaen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorMoolman, J. A.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSalie, Ruduwaanen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Health Sciences. Dept. of Biomedical Sciences. Medical physiologyen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Mechanism of -adrenergic preconditioning ( -PC) Ischaemic preconditioning (IPC), a potent endogenous protective intervention against myocardial ischaemia, is induced by exposure of the heart to repetitive short episodes of ischaemia and reperfusion. The protective effects of this phenomenon have been demonstrated to be mediated by release of autocoids such as adenosine, opioids and bradykinin. Release of endogenous catecholamines and activation of the beta-adrenergic receptors (b-AR) have also been shown to be involved in ischaemic preconditioning. However, the exact mechanism whereby activation of the - adrenergic signal transduction pathway leads to cardioprotection, is still unknown. In view of the above, the aims of the present study were to evaluate: (i) the respective roles of the 1-, 2- and 3-AR receptors as well as the contribution of Gi protein and PKA to -adrenergic preconditioning, (ii) the role of the prosurvival kinases, PKB/Akt and ERK 44/p42 MAPKinase in -drenergic preconditioning, (iii) whether b-AR stimulation protect via ischaemia and the formation of adenosine; the respective roles of the A1-, A2-, A3-adenosine receptors as well as the involvement of the PI3-K/PKB/Akt and ERKp44/p42 signal transduction pathways, in the cardioprotective phenomemon of -adrenergic preconditioning and (iv) the contribution of the mitochondrial KATP channels (mKATP), reactive oxygen species and NO to the mechanism of -AR-induced cardioprotection. Methods: Isolated perfused rat hearts were subjected to 35 min regional ischaemia (RI) and reperfusion. Infarct size (IS) was determined using tetrazolium staining (TTC) and data were analyzed with ANOVA. Hearts were preconditioned with 5 min isoproterenol 0.1 μM ( 1/ 2-AR agonist), or formoterol 1 nM ( 2-AR agonist) or BRL 37344 1 μM ( 3-AR agonist) followed by 5 min reperfusion. The roles of the 1-, 2- and 3-ARs as well as NO were explored by using the selective antagonists CGP-20712A (300 nM), ICI -18551 (50 nM), SR59230A (100 nM) and NOS inhibitors L-NAME (50 μM) or LNNA (50 μM) respectively. Involvement of ROS and the mK+ ATP channels was studied by administration of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC, 300 μM) and the mitK+ ATP iv channel blocker 5-HD (100 μM) during the triggering phase. The role of PKA and PI3-K/Akt was investigated by the administration of the blockers Rp-8-CPT-cAMPs (16 μM) and wortmannin (100 nM) respectively, prior to RI or at the onset of reperfusion. Pertussis toxin (PTX), 30 μg kg-1 was administered i.p., 48 h prior to experimentation. The role of adenosine and the adenosine A1, A3, A2A and A2B receptors was studied by using adenosine deaminase and the selective antagonists DPCPX (1 μM), MRS 1191(1 μM), ZM241385 (1 μM) and MRS1754 (1 μM). Activation of PKB/Akt and ERKp44/p42 was determined by Western blot. Results: Infarct sizes of hearts preconditioned with isoproterenol of formoterol were significantly smaller compared to those of non-preconditioned hearts. This was associated with an improvement in postischaemic mechanical performance. However the 3-AR agonist BRL37344 could not reduce infarct size. The 1- and 2-AR blockers CGP-20712A and ICI-118551 completely abolished the isoproterenol-induced reduction in infarct size and improvement in mechanical recovery, while the 3-AR blocker was without effect. Both Rp-8-CPT-cAMPs and wortmannin significantly increased infarct size when administered before 1/ 2-AR preconditioning or at the onset of reperfusion while it reduced mechanical recovery during reperfusion. PTX pretreatment had no significant effect on the reduction in infarct size induced by 1/ 2-AR or 2-AR preconditioning, however it reduced mechanical recovery in the latter. The NOS inhibitors had no effect on the reduction in infarct size induced by 1/ 2-AR preconditioning, but depressed mechanical function during reperfusion. The significant reduction in infarct size by 1/ 2-PC, was associated with activation of ERKp44/p42 and PKB/Akt during the triggering phase, as well as during reperfusion. DPCPX (A1-AdoR antagonist) had no effect on the 1/ 2-PC-induced reduced infarct size or ERK p44/p42 and PKB activation. A2A-AdoR, but not A2b-AdoR, blockade during the trigger phase abolished the reduction in infarct size of 1/ 2-PC. Both antagonists significantly reduced ERK and PKB activation in the trigger phase. In addition, when applied at the onset of reperfusion they significantly reduced ERK p44 / v p42 MAPK and PKB/Akt activation to an even greater extent. MRS-1191 (A3-AdoR antagonist) blocked 1/ 2-PC when applied prior to index ischaemia or when added during early reperfusion, significantly inhibiting both ERK p44 and PKB activation. Cardioprotection of 1/ 2-PC was abolished by inhibition of ROS generation with NAC in the triggering phase as well as at the start of reperfusion. However, the mitoK+ ATP channel blocker 5- HD was without effect. Conclusions: Protection afforded by an acute transient stimulation of the -ARs, depends on the activation of both 1-AR and 2-ARs but not the 3-AR. PKA as well as PI3-K activation prior to sustained ischemia and at the onset of reperfusion were essential for cardioprotection. With functional recovery as endpoint, it appears that NO is involved in 1/ 2-AR preconditioning, while the Gi protein may play a role in 2-AR preconditioning. The production of endogenous adenosine induced by transient b1/b2 stimulation of the isolated rat heart is involved in b−AR preconditioning. Cardioprotection was shown not to be dependent on the A1AdoR while activation of the A3-AdoR occurs during both the triggering and mediation phases. Both the adenosine A2A and, to a lesser extent, the adenosine A2B receptors participate in the triggering phase of b1/b2-PC. Generation of ROS during the triggering and reperfusion phases is involved in eliciting protection, but no role for the mKATP channels could be demonstrated. Finally, activation of the RISK pathway (PKB/Akt and ERKp44/p42) during the triggering phase is a prerequisite for protection. In addition, cardioprotection by b-AR is characterized by activation of the RISK pathway during reperfusion.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Iskemiese prekondisionering (IPC) is ‘n kragtige endogene beskerming teen miokardiale iskemie, wat deur blootstelling van die hart aan kort opeenvolgende episodes van iskemie en herperfusie, ontlok word. Hierdie beskerming word medieer deur vrystelling van outakoïede soos adenosine, opioïede en bradikinien. Vrystelling van endogene katekolamiene en aktivering van die betaadrenerge reseptore (b-AR) is bewys om ook by hierdie proses betrokke te wees. Die presiese meganismes waardeur aktivering van die -adrenerge seintransduksiepad tot miokardiale beskerming lei, is nog onbekend. In die lig van bogenoemde, was die doel van die huidige studie om die volgende te evalueer: (i) die onderskeie rolle van die b1-, b2- en b3-AR sowel as die bydrae van die Gi proteïen en PKA in b- adrenerge prekondisionering, (ii) of b-AR stimulasie beskerming ontlok via iskemie en vorming van adenosien, die onderskeie rolle van die A1-, A2-, A3-adenosien reseptore (AdoRs) sowel as die PI3- K/PKB/Akt en ERKp44/p42 seintransduksie paaie, (iv) die mitochondriale KATP (mKATP) kanale, vry suurstof radikale en NO in b−AR prekondisionering. Metodes: Geïsoleerde, geperfuseerde rotharte is aan 35 minute streeksiskemie en herperfusie onderwerp. Infarktgrootte (IS) is deur die tetrazolium (TTC)-kleuringsmetode bepaal. Data is met behulp van ANOVA analiseer. Harte is geprekondisioneer vir 5 min met isoproterenol 0.1 μM ( 1/ 2-AR agonist), of formoterol 1 nM ( 2-AR agonist) of BRL 37344 1 μM ( 3-AR agonist), gevolg deur 5 min herperfusie, voor streeksiskemie. Die belang van die 1-, 2- en 3-ARs sowel as NO is ondersoek, deur onderskeidelik gebruik te maak van selektiewe antagoniste nl CGP- 20712A (300 nM), ICI -18551 (50 nM), SR59230A (100 nM) en NOS inhibitore L-NAME (50μM) of LNNA (50μM). Die rol van die mK+ ATP kanale en ROS is bepaal deur die toediening van die mK+ ATP kanaal blokker 5-HD (100 μM) en die vrye-radikaal opruimer, N-asetiel cysteine (NAC, 300 μM). Die belang van PKA en PI3-K/Akt is bepaal deur toediening van die PKA blokker Rp-8- CPT-cAMPs (16μM) en wortmannin (100nM) respektiewelik. Pertussis toxin (PTX), 30 μg kg-1 is i.p toegedien, 48 uur voor eksperimentasie. vii Die rol van adenosien en die adenosien A1, A2A, A2B en A3 reseptore is bestudeer, deur gebruik te maak van adenosien deaminase en die selektiewe antagoniste DPCPX (1 μM), MRS 1191(1 μM), ZM241385 (1 μM) and MRS1754 (1 μM),repektiewelik. Die middels is deurgaans toegedien tydens die prekondisioneringsprotokol (“snellerfase”) of tydens vroeë herperfusie. Aktivering van PKB/Akt en ERK p44/p42 is deur Western blot analise bepaal. Resultate: Infarktgrootte van harte wat geprekondisioneer is met of isoproterenol ( 1/ 2-PC) of formoterol ( 2-PC), was beduidend kleiner as díe van ongeprekondisioneerde harte. Dit is geassosieer met ‘n toename in postiskemiese meganiese herstel. Die 3-AR agonis BRL37344 ( 3- PC) het egter geen effek op infarktgrootte gehad nie. Die selektiewe 1- en 2-AR blokkers CGP- 20712A en ICI-118551 het die afname in infarktgrootte heeltemal opgehef, asook die verbetering in meganiese herstel tydens herperfusie terwyl die 3-AR blokker geen effek getoon het nie. Beide Rp- 8-CPT-cAMPs en wortmannin het infarktgrootte beduidend vergroot en meganiese herstel beduidend verlaag, wanneer dit net voor 1/ 2-prekondisionering of tydens die begin van herperfusie toegedien is. PTX voorafbehandeling het geen beduidende effek op die vermindering van infarktgrootte (geïnduseer deur 1/ 2-PC of 2-PC) gehad nie. Meganiese herstel is egter verminder in die geval van 2-PC. Die NOS inhibitore het geen effek op die vermindering in infarktgrootte geïnduseer deur b1/b2 gehad nie, maar het ook meganiese herstel onderdruk. Die beduidende afname in infarktgrootte deur b1/b2 prekondisionering is gekenmerk deur aktivering van ERKp42/p44 en PKB/Akt tydens die snellerfase. Soortgelyke aktivering van hierdie kinases is ook tydens herperfusie van b-AR geprekondisioneerde harte waargeneem. DPCPX (A1-AdoR antagonis) het geen effek op die infarkt-verminderde effek van 1/ 2- prekondisionering of op ERK p44/p42 en PKB aktivering gehad nie. A2A-AdoR, maar nie A2b – AdoR, blokkade tydens die snellerfase, het die effek van b-AR prekondisionering op infarktgroottee opgehef. Beide antagoniste het die aktivering van ERKp42/p44 en PKB/Akt tydens die snellerfase onderdruk. Wanneer toegedien tydens herperfusie, het dit die aktivering van hierdie kinases tot ‘n groter mate onderdruk. MRS-1191 (A3-AdoR antagonis) het infarktgrootte beduidend verhoog en 1/ 2-prekondisionering geblokkeer, beide wanneer dit voor indeks-iskemie toegedien is of tydens vroeë herperfusie, tesame met inhibisie van PKB en ERK p44/p44 aktivering. viii Die kardiobeskerming van 1/ 2-prekondisionering is opgehef deur middel van opruiming van vry suurstof radikale deur NAC in die snellerfase sowel as aan die begin van herperfusie. Die mK+ ATP kanaal blokker 5-HD het geen effek op b-AR prekondisionering gehad nie. Gevolgtrekking: Kardiobeskerming teweeggebring deur ‘n kort periode van stimulasie van die - ARs, is afhanklik van die aktivering van beide 1-AR en 2-ARs, maar nie 3-AR nie. PKA sowel as PI3-K aktivering, net voor volgehoue iskemie en tydens vroeë herperfusie, is aangedui om noodsaaklik vir 1/ 2-AR prekondisionering te wees. Waar funksionele herstel as eindpunt gebruik is, blyk dit dat NO wel betrokke is by 1/ 2-AR prekondisionering, terwyl die Gi protein ‘n rol mag speel in 2-AR prekondisionering. Vorming van endogene adenosien tydens b-adrenerge stimulasie is betrokke by b-AR prekondisionering. Hierdie beskerming is nie van die A1-AdoR afhanklik nie, maar aktivering van die A3-AdoR is nodig tydens beide die sneller en herperfusie fases. Beide die A2A-AdoR, en tot ‘n mindere mate die A2B–AdoR, is ook betrokke by die snellerfase. Vorming van vry suurstof radikale is nodig vir b-AR prekondisionering, nterwyl die mKATP kanale nie betrokke is nie. Ten slotte, aktivering van die RISK seintransduksiepad (ERKp42/p44 en PKB/Akt) tydens die snellerfase is ‘n voorvereiste vir die ontlokking van beskerming. Daarbenewens word b-AR prekondisionering gekarakteriseer deur aktivering van hierdie pad tydens herperfusie.af_ZA
dc.description.sponsorshipSouth African Medical Research Council
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.format.extentxxxiv, 304 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectRat myocardiumen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Medical physiologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Medical physiologyen_ZA
dc.subjectRats as laboratory animals -- Experimentationen_ZA
dc.subject.otherBiomedical Sciencesen_ZA
dc.titleThe mechanism of pharmacological preconditioning of rat myocardium with beta-adrenergic agonistsen_ZA
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