Perceptions of carers of persons with paraplegia, regarding the caregiver training

dc.contributor.advisorKahonde, Callista K.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorGeiger, Marthaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMahlangu, Dineo Preciousen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Centre for Rehabilitation Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Centre for Rehabilitation Studies.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: In South Africa, the Integrated National Disability Strategy and the National Rehabilitation Strategy of 2000 emphasise that the rehabilitation of persons with disability is crucial. There are currently 16 recognized rehabilitation facilities in the whole country. The rehabilitation process leads to re-integration of the person who has acquired disability back into their homes and communities, where caregivers become important role players. Therefore, with the limitation of facilities to provide sufficient rehabilitation services, services empowering caregivers become necessary to ensure continuation of care and promotion of independence. Formal or informal caregivers that are identified will need to be trained well so that the specific needs of the caregivers can be prioritized. Aims: To understand the perceptions of caregivers of persons with paraplegia regarding the caregiver training programme offered at a neuro-rehabilitation facility in Mangaung, Free State Province in South Africa. Objectives: a) To explore and describe the perceptions of caregivers of persons with paraplegia regarding the caregiver training programme; b) To identify the gaps and the strengths of the caregiver training programme. Methods: This study used an exploratory-descriptive study design with qualitative methods of data collection. Participants were primary caregivers of persons with paraplegia who had received rehabilitation and got discharged from the neuro-rehabilitation facility. Semi-structured in-depth telephonic interviews were conducted with eight participants. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: The findings of this study highlighted aspects of the caregiver training programme that the participants appreciated and felt were beneficial and also several gaps that the programme is not addressing. Four themes were generated from the data. These were; 1) components of the caregiver training process, 2) duration and frequency, 3) unmet caregiver expectations and 4) caregiver support. Participants expressed both positive and negative perceptions on their experience of the training programme. Conclusions: The rehabilitation practitioners at Mangaung neuro-rehabilitation facility need to address the gaps within the caregiver training programme that were highlighted by the participants for example, caregiver preparation, increasing the time of training, providing opportunities for hands-on practice, providing follow up services and addressing the caregivers’ individualised support needs. This is important to ensure that the components of the training process address the needs of the caregiver and the person with paraplegia, to promote caregiver competency, good quality of care and quality of life. Currently, the caregiver training seems to be focused on what the rehabilitation practitioners think is important for caregiving and no so much on meeting the real needs of the caregivers.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: In Suid-Afrika beklemtoon die Geïntegreerde Nasionale Gestremdheidstrategie en die Nasionale Rehabilitasie-strategie van 2000 dat rehabilitasie van persone met gestremdheid van kardinale belang is. Daar is tans 16 erkende rehabilitasiegeriewe in die hele land. Die rehabilitasieproses lei tot herintegrasie van die persoon wat gestremdheid in hul huise en gemeenskappe verwerf het, waar versorgers belangrike rolspelers word. Daarom, met die beperking van die fasiliteite om voldoende rehabilitasie-dienste te lewer, word dienste wat versorgers bemagtig, nodig om voortgesette versorging en bevordering van onafhanklikheid te verseker. Formele of informele versorgers wat geïdentifiseer word, moet goed opgelei word sodat die spesifieke behoeftes van die versorgers geprioritiseer kan word. Doelstellings: om die persepsie van versorgers van persone met paraplegie rakende die opleidingsprogram vir versorgers wat in 'n neuro-rehabilitasie-fasiliteit aangebied word in Mangaung, Vrystaat in Suid-Afrika, te verstaan. Doelstellings: a) Om die persepsie van versorgers van persone met paraplegie rakende die opleidingsprogram vir versorgers te ondersoek en te beskryf; b) Om die leemtes en die sterk punte van die opleidingsprogram vir die versorger te identifiseer. Metodes: In hierdie studie is 'n verkennend-beskrywende studie-ontwerp met kwalitatiewe Metodes van data-insameling gebruik: Deelnemers was primêre versorgers van persone met paraplegie wat rehabilitasie ontvang het en ontslaan is uit die neuro-rehabilitasie fasiliteit. Semi-gestruktureerde diepgaande telefoniese onderhoude is met agt deelnemers gevoer. Die data is geanaliseer met behulp van tematiese ontleding. Bevindinge: Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het aspekte van die opleidingsprogram vir die versorger uitgelig wat die deelnemers waardeer en as voordelig beskou, en ook verskeie leemtes wat die program nie aanspreek nie. Vier temas is uit die data gegenereer. Dit was; 1) komponente van die versorger-opleidingsproses, 2) duur en frekwensie, 3) onvervulde versorgerverwagtinge en 4) versorgerondersteuning. Deelnemers het positiewe en negatiewe persepsies uitgespreek oor hul ervaring van die opleidingsprogram. Gevolgtrekkings: Die rehabilitasiepraktisyns by Mangaung-neuro-rehabilitasie-fasiliteite moet die leemtes in die versorger-opleidingsprogram aanspreek wat deur die deelnemers uitgelig is, byvoorbeeld die voorbereiding van die versorger, die opleidingstyd vergroot, geleenthede bied vir praktiese oefening, die opvolging dienste en aandag aan die versorgers se geïndividualiseerde ondersteuningsbehoeftes. Dit is belangrik om te verseker dat die komponente van die opleidingsproses aandag gee aan die behoeftes van die versorger en die persoon met paraplegie, om die versorger se bekwaamheid, goeie versorgingskwaliteit en lewenskwaliteit te bevorder. Tans lyk dit of die versorgeropleiding gefokus is op wat die rehabilitasiepraktisyns belangrik is vir versorging en nie soveel om in die werklike behoeftes van die versorgers te voorsien nie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 52 pages ; includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectParaplegics -- Medical care -- Free State (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectCaregivers -- Knowledge and learning -- Free State (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectCaregivers -- Attitudes -- Mangaung (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectNervous system -- Wounds and injuriesen_ZA
dc.subjectHealth education -- Mangaung (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titlePerceptions of carers of persons with paraplegia, regarding the caregiver trainingen_ZA
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