On becoming whole in "Pentecostal spirituality" : the quest for an integrative approach to pastoral caregiving and healing

dc.contributor.advisorLouw, D. J. (Daniel Johannes), 1944-en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorRoux, Lee-Anneen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigated whether Pentecostal spirituality is contributing to, or a hindrance to healing and wholeness in pastoral caregiving. In the quest for wholeness and healing in Pentecostal spirituality, the methodology of a literature study and hermeneutical approach was employed in this study. To determine whether Pentecostal spirituality is contributing to healing and wholeness, Chapter 2 explored the doctrinal component in Pentecostal spirituality by looking at specific themes, such as doctrine, experience, epistemology, and the cognitive component (which included a reflection on theodicy, paradigms, and schemata of interpretation), as well as the doctrine of healing from a Pentecostal perspective. Chapter 3 explored the anthropological component in Pentecostal spirituality, by reflecting on a number of key themes, namely: the notion of cura animarum (in the quest for the care and cure of the human soul); theory formation; the influence of paradigms on anthropology, and the Pentecostal view of human personhood (trichotomy). In the quest for wholeness and healing, and working towards an integrative approach to pastoral caregiving, Chapter 4 explored a number of key themes, namely: health, wholeness, and an integrative and holistic approach to pastoral caregiving. Chapter 5 provided a brief summary/outline of the main focus of each chapter, a presentation of the key research findings, the limitations of the study, a recommendation for further research, and a final conclusion. It was found that healing encompasses much more than just physical healing and extends to various other dimensions of the human person, including the cognitive, conative, affective, as well as physical, environmental, and spiritual dimensions. Wholeness is for the ‘whole person’ and includes the cognitive, conative and affective, physical and spiritual anthropological dimensions. It also has a relational (interpersonal and intrapersonal) and ecological (cosmos) component. For Pentecostals, it is God’s will that we be made whole in every dimension of our being. This holistic approach to pastoral care is compatible with Pentecostal spirituality and seeks wholeness in each of the anthropological dimensions of the human person, but it was also further extended to include cura vitae (the healing of life itself) and cura terrae (the healing of land) (Louw, 2015), reflecting a broader focus and view. The aim of this study is to ensure that the spiritual, psychological, social, physical and anthropological needs of the human person are attended to holistically. The envisaged outcome is healing of the ‘whole person’ — which will lead to an improved quality of life. The implication of this study is for academics, theologians, and pastoral caregivers to move beyond negative stereotypes and unfair biased criticisms, and begin to take Pentecostal spirituality, and all that it has to offer, more seriously and to recognize the positive contribution that Pentecostal spirituality has had on people’s lives in terms of fostering healing, wholeness, and overall well-being.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie het ondersoek ingestel of Pinkster spiritualiteit bydra tot genesing en heelheid in pastorale versorging, en of dit ‘n hindernis vir genesing is. In die soeke na heelheid en genesing in Pinkster spiritualiteit was die metodologie van 'n literatuurstudie en hermeneutiese benadering in hierdie studie aangewend. Om vas te stel of Pinkster spiritualiteit bydra tot genesing en heeligheid, het Hoofstuk 2 die leerstellige komponent in Pinkster spiritualiteit ondersoek deur spesifieke temas te ondersoek, soos leer, ervaring, epistemologie en die kognitiewe komponent (wat 'n refleksie oor dieododie, paradigmas en skemata van interpretasie), sowel as die leerstuk van genesing vanuit 'n Pinkster-perspektief. Hoofstuk 3 het die antropologiese komponent in Pinkster spiritualiteit ondersoek, deur te besin oor 'n aantal sleutel temas, naamlik: die idee van cura animarum (in die soeke na die versorging en genesing van die menslike siel); teorie vorming; die invloed van paradigmas op antropologie en die Pinkster se siening van menslike persoonlikheid (trichotomie). In die soeke na heelheid en genesing, en in die rigting van 'n integrerende benadering tot pastorale versorging, het hoofstuk 4 'n aantal sleutel temas ondersoek, naamlik: gesondheid, heelheid, en 'n integrerende en holistiese benadering tot pastorale versorging. Hoofstuk 5 het 'n kort opsomming van die hooffokus van elke hoofstuk gegee, 'n voorlegging van die sleutelnavorsingsbevindings, die beperkinge van die studie, 'n aanbeveling vir verdere navorsing en 'n finale gevolgtrekking. Daar is bevind dat genesing veel meer as net fisiese genesing behels, en strek tot verskeie ander dimensies van die menslike persoon, insluitend die kognitiewe, konatiewe, affektiewe, sowel as fisiese, omgewings- en geestelike dimensies. Heelheid is vir die 'hele mens' en sluit die kognitiewe, konatiewe en affektiewe, fisiese en geestelike antropologiese dimensies in. Dit het ook 'n relasionele (interpersoonlike en intrapersoonlike) en ekologiese (kosmos) komponent. Vir Pinksterlinge, is dit God se wil dat ons in elke dimensie van ons wese geheel word. Hierdie holistiese benadering tot pastorale sorg is verenigbaar met Pinkster spiritualiteit en soek heelheid in elk van die antropologiese dimensies van die menslike mens, maar dit is ook uitgebrei om cura vitae (die genesing van die lewe self) en cura terrae (die genesing van land) (Louw, 2015), wat 'n breër fokus en siening weerspieël. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te verseker dat die geestelike, psigologiese, sosiale, fisiese en antropologiese behoeftes van die mens holisties nagesien word. Die beoogde uitkoms is genesing van die 'hele mens' - wat sal lei tot 'n verbeterde lewenskwaliteit. Die implikasie van hierdie studie is vir akademici, teoloë en pastorale versorgers om verder te gaan as negatiewe stereotipes en onbillike vooroordeel kritiek, en begin om Pinkster spiritualiteit en alles wat dit aanbied ernstiger op te neem, en om die positiewe bydra wat Pinkster spiritualiteit op mense se lewens het te erken, ten opsigte van genesing, heelheid en algemene welsyn te bevorder.af_ZA
dc.format.extentix, 296 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPastoral careen_ZA
dc.subjectSpiritual healingen_ZA
dc.subjectPastoral counselingen_ZA
dc.titleOn becoming whole in "Pentecostal spirituality" : the quest for an integrative approach to pastoral caregiving and healingen_ZA
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