Geskiedenis van die US-dameshokkieklub : 1903-1992

dc.contributor.advisorVan der Merwe, F. J. G.
dc.contributor.authorLaubscher, Hanrien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Science.
dc.descriptionThesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to research and document the origins and activities of the University of Stellenbosch Women's hockey club. The core of this study is therefore about the development of the Women's hockey club from 1903 to 1992. Although a lot has been written about sport at the University, most of the information was not preserved and therefore there are gaps in their sport history. This study focuses on sport history and therefore the historic-scientific method was implemented using only primary resources such as the minutes of meetings, reports and interviews with players. The introduction focuses on the development of world hockey and the different forms of the sport that was been played in different countries. Followed by an overview of the development of hockey sticks and ball as well as the evolution of hockey in the nineteenth and twentieth century. The development of women’s hockey in England and the USA as well as the International Federation for Women’s Hockey Association (IFWHA) was discussed. The second chapter is about the history of women’s hockey in South Africa especially the origins of women’s clubs and associations. After that the interprovincial tournament was explained. The All South African and Rhodesia Women’s Hockey Association, their constitution and the South African Hockey Union were discussed. Attention was also given to the Springbok-emblem and tours to and from South Africa. The third chapter explains the methodology of the study as well as the purpose, formulation of the problem, method of research and evaluation of the resources. The fourth chapter discusses the club’s beginning from 1903 to 1958, as well as their hockey fields. The reason why those particular dates was used was because there was no minutes or reports for those years. Therefore there had to be relied on secondary resources. The history of the women’s hostels is explained in chapter five as well as the results of the hostel hockey. The first-years-tournament, hostel league and the Prestige-tournament also formed part of hostel hockey. In chapter six the inter-university tournaments from 1940 is discussed. After each tournament a SAU-team (Protea-team) was chosen to tour overseas or in South Africa. The origins of indoor hockey are described in chapter seven followed by the indoor hockey league at Stellenbosch. In chapter eight the club and league activities are discussed from 1959 to 1992. Individual activities and school camps are highlighted that were presented by the Women's club. Attention was also given to tours and tournaments which the teams undertook and a few coaches that stood out from the rest. Finally the social aspect of the club was examined. The top achievers of the Women’s club, who were all SA-players, are discussed in chapter nine. The study is concluded with a summary of all the important facts and findings. Appendix A to G covers all the SAU-players, players who received sport-colors, the national tournament results, coaches, club awards and provincial players. In 1992 the men’s and women’s hockey clubs merged and became known as the US-hockey club.en
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die oorsprong en gebeure van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Dameshokkieklub na te vors en te dokumenteer. Die kern van die studie handel dus oor die ontwikkeling van die Dameshokkieklub vanaf 1903 tot 1992. Alhoewel daar wel oor die universiteit se sport geskryf is, is die meeste van die klubs se inligting nie bewaar nie en daarom bestaan daar nog groot leemtes in die sportgeskiedenis. Omdat die onderhawige onderwerp sportgeskiedkundig van aard is, is die histories-wetenskaplike metode gevolg. Primêre bronne was hoofsaaklik notules, bestuurs- en voorsittersverslae asook onderhoude met oud-spelers. Die inleiding verskaf ’n oorsig van die ontwikkeling van hokkie regoor die wêreld en die verskillende vorms wat deur verskillende lande gespeel is. Daarna is daar aan die ontwikkeling van die hokkiestok en -bal aandag gegee asook hokkie gedurende die negentiende en twintigste eeu. Die ontwikkeling van vrouehokkie in Engeland en die VSA, asook die Internasionale Federasie vir Vrouehokkieverenigings (IFWHA) word bespreek. Die tweede hoofstuk handel oor die geskiedenis van vrouehokkie in Suid-Afrika. Daar word aandag aan die oorsprong van vroueklubs en –verenigings geskenk, sowel as aan interprovinsiale toernooie wat gespeel is. Die “All South African and Rhodesia Women’s Hockey Association” en hulle grondwet asook die Suid-Afrikaanse Hokkie-unie word aangeraak. Daarna word die ontstaan van die Springbokembleem vir hokkie bespreek asook toere wat na en van Suid-Afrika plaasgevind het. Die derde hoofstuk handel oor die metodiek van die studie. Dit dek die doel, probleemstelling, navorsingsmetode en die evaluering van die bronne. Die vierde hoofstuk handel oor die vroeë geskiedenis van die Dameshokkieklub vanaf 1903 tot 1958, asook die ontstaan van die hokkievelde. Die rede vir hierdie afbakening, is omdat die notules en verslae vir daardie jare ontbreek en daar dus op sekondêre bronne staatgemaak moes word. Die geskiedenis van die dameskoshuise word in hoofstuk vyf bespreek en daarna word die uitslae opgesom. Die eerstejaarstoernooi, koshuisliga en Prestige-toernooi vorm almal deel van koshuishokkie. In hoofstuk ses word inter-universitêre toernooie vanaf 1940 bespreek. Na afloop van elke toernooi is daar ’n SAU-span (Proteaspan) gekies wat verskeie toere onderneem het. Die ontstaan van binnenshuise hokkie op nasionale sowel as universiteitsvlak word in hoofstuk sewe behandel. In hoofstuk agt word die klub- en ligabedrywighede vanaf 1959 tot 1992 bespreek. Prestasies van individue word uitgelig asook skolekampe wat aangebied is. Aandag word geskenk aan toere en toernooie wat die spanne onderneem het, ’n paar afrigters wat ’n groot aanwins vir die klub was asook die sosiale aspekte rondom die klub. Die toppresteerders van die Dameshokkieklub, wat almal Springbokspelers was, word in hoofstuk nege behandel. Die studie word afgesluit met ’n samevatting van al die belangrike feite en bevindinge. Bylaes A tot G sluit al die SAU-ererolverteenwoordigers, spelers wat erekleure ontvang het, die nasionale toernooi-uitslae, afrigters, klubtoekennings en ’n lys van provinsiale spelers vir veldhokkie en binnenshuise hokkie in. Nadat die Dameshokkieklub vir 89 jaar afsonderlik gefunksioneer het, het die mans- en damesklub in 1992 saamgesmelt om die US-hokkieklub te vorm en is dit steeds hoe hulle vandag
dc.format.extent141 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectDissertations -- Sport scienceen
dc.subjectTheses -- Sport scienceen
dc.subjectUniversity of Stellenbosch Women's hockey club -- Historyen
dc.titleGeskiedenis van die US-dameshokkieklub : 1903-1992en_ZA
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