Investigating the diffusion and adoption of organic and biodynamic winemaking in the Western Cape

dc.contributor.advisorDonaldson, S.E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDouglas, Moniqueen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sustainable development has become a constant concern, especially in the agricultural sector. Pesticides and herbicides were introduced in South Africa in the late 1970s and early 1980s and quickly became the agricultural norm. Undesirable consequences such as soil-erosion, dwindling soil fertility, water pollution, human exposure to toxins and ecosystem poisoning followed. In the twenty-first century the environmental deterioration caused by these agricultural chemicals gave the incentive for a second green revolution and a growing environmental consciousness that promotes innovations, waste reduction and eco-friendlier practices. Current extraordinary circumstances such the changing climate and COVID-19 also contributes to fuelling the health revolution demanding healthier and ‘greener’ alternative agricultural products and innovations. The innovation in this study was organic and biodynamic (O/Bio) winemaking. O/Bio winemaking have lesser impacts on the environment with higher levels of soil vitality and micro-and macro-organisms present. The innovation adoption also supplied a unique selling proposition and market differentiation which works in favour of the five wine farms as the O/Bio produce market in South Africa is emerging. In this study the diffusion of innovation (DoI) theory by Rogers (2003) was used as an analytical tool to identify and understand the adoption and diffusion of O/Bio winemaking practices in the Western Cape. Six case studies were compiled from qualitative interviews conducted, three certified organic and three biodynamic (two Demeter certified). In-depth interviews were also conducted with professionals from the organic agriculture and the wine industry. Application of the DoI theory showed that O/Bio winemaking in the Western Cape is still in its infancy, with all the participants placed in the first quarter of the bell-shaped innovation curve. Findings that motivate or discourage adoption and diffusion of the innovations were also analysed. The six participants overall deemed their O/Bio adoption and conversion as very successful and have growing wine markets nationally and internationally. Despite identified barriers, perceived and/or real risk sand limitations like dwindling crop yields and no governmental support, the reported conversions were generally regarded as being worth the pain and labour. Active internal support among O/Bio wine farmers was found but available education on O/Bio agricultural methods and winemaking was deemed inadequate. The greatest hindrance to the adoption and conversion process of O/Bio winemaking in the Western Cape was the third-body certification costs. The six case studies met EU and USDA organic standards, thus there aped the export advantages. O/Bio winemaking was found to be not necessarily cheaper than conventional winemaking as money saved by O/Bio wine farmers not buying biocides eventually evens out. This is because of organic and/or biodynamic certification costs; the emerging South African organic produce market; and O/Bio wines are in a higher premium price class because of the unavoidable lower crop yields. Five of the six participants tated that the benefits of O/Bio winemaking outweighed the unavoidable smaller crops. Avenues for future studies include research on wine farmers in South Africa planning to convert to O/Bio winemaking, in-conversion O/Bio farms and farms who aborted the adoption of the innovation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volhoubare ontwikkeling het ‘n konstante bekommernis geword veral in die landbou sektor. In die laat 1970’s en vroeë 1980’s was plaagdoders en onkruiddoders bekendgestel in Suid Afrika en het spoedig ‘n landbou norm geword. Ongewenste gevolge soos gronderosie, kwynende grond gesondheid, waterbesoedeling, menslike blootstelling aan gifstowwe en ekosisteem vergiftiging het begin plaasvind. In die 21ste eeu het die agteruitgang van die omgewing, wat veroorsaak is deur die toevoeg van chemiese produkte, die motivering vir ‘n tweede groen revolusie geword. Daar is ‘n toename in omgewingsbewustheid wat innovering, afvalstof-vermindering en ekovriendelike praktyke, aanmoedig. Ongewone omstandighede soos klimaatsverandering en COVID-19 vuur ook die gesondheidsrevolusie aan deur aan te dring op gesonder, ‘groener’ alternatiewe produkte. Die innovasie in die studie is die organiese en biodinamiese(O/Bio) wynmaakproses. Die proses het minder impak op die omgewing met hoër vlakke van grond gesondheid waar makro-en mikroörganismes voorkom. Aanneming van die innovasie verskaf ook ‘n unieke verkoop proposisie en mark differensiasie wat gunstig werk in die vyf wynplase soos die opkomende O/Bio produkmark in Suid Afrika groei. In die studie is die diffusie van innovasies (DoI) teorie deur Rogers(2003) gebruik as ‘n analitiese maatstaf om die aanneming en diffusie te identifiseer en verstaan. Ses gevallestudies, drie organies gesertifiseerde wynplase en drie biodinamies plase (waarvan twee Demeter-gesertifiseer is), is d.m.v. kwalitatiewe navorsing deur onderhoude, saamgestel. Onderhoude was ook gevoer met professionele persone van die organiese landbou sektor asook van die wynbou industrie. Die DoI teorie het bewys dat O/Bio wynmaak prosesse in die Wes-Kaap nog jonk is, met al die deelnemers geplaas in die eerste kwart van die klokvormige kurwe. Bevindings wat die aanneming en diffusie van die innovasie motiveer of ontmoedig, is ook geanaliseer. Die ses deelnemers het algeheel hul O/Bio aanneming en aanpassing geag as baie suksesvol en hul nasionale-en internasionale markte toon groei.Ten spyte van geïdentifiseerde struikelblokke, waargenome en/of regte risiko’s en beperkings soos kwynende krop opbrengste en geen staatsondersteuning nie, is die aanpassing oor die algemeen beskou as die moeite werd. Dit is gevind dat daar aktiewe interne ondersteuning tussen die O/Bio wynboere is, maar dat daar ver tekort skiet aan inligting en opvoeding oor dié boerdery metodes en wynmaak prosesse. Die grootste belemmering van die veranderings proses van O/Bio wynmaak in die Wes-Kaap, is die derde party sertifiseringskoste. Die ses gevalle studies met EU en USDA organiese standaarde het baie baat gevind met die uitvoer voordele. Daar is ook bevind dat O/Bio wynmaak nie noodwendig goedkoper is as konvensionele wynmaak nie. Geld wat gespaar word deur O/Bio wynboere wat nie addisionele stowwe koop nie, plat wel uiteindelik af. Dit is as gevolg van organiese en/ of biodinamiese sertifiseringskoste en die opkomende organiese produkmark. O/Bio wyne val in ‘n hoër premium prysklas as gevolg van laer oes opbrengste. Vyf van die ses deelnemende plaas verteenwoordigers het genoem dat die voordele van O/Bio wynmaak swaarder weeg as die onvermydelike kleiner oeste.Toekomstige studies kan insluit die navorsing van wynplase in Suid Afrika wat organiese en biodinamiese omskakeling beplan, wynplase besig met O/Bio omskakeling en plase wat die aanneming van die innovasie nie meer ondersteun nie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 195 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectOrganic agriculture -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectBiodynamic agriculture -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable developmenten_ZA
dc.subjectDiffusion of innovationsen_ZA
dc.subjectInnovations, Diffusion ofen_ZA
dc.subjectAgricultural innovationsen_ZA
dc.subjectSustainability scienceen_ZA
dc.subjectOrganic wines -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectO/Bio wines -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectCOVID-19 (Disease)en_ZA
dc.titleInvestigating the diffusion and adoption of organic and biodynamic winemaking in the Western Capeen_ZA
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