Exploring organisational culture, talent development environments and team cohesion of the top six water polo high schools in the Western Cape.

dc.contributor.advisorGrobbelaar, Heinrichen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorFahlstrom, Per Goranen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMadi, Lwazi Nqaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction and aims: Water polo is a fast-growing school sport in South Africa. Swimming South Africa adopted a Long-Term Participant Development (LTPD) model in 2010 to guide the development of players from grassroots to elite level. It appears if the model is implemented ineffectively within the sport and the competitive school sport system in particular. Talent development environments (TDES), team cohesion and organisational culture are popular sport psychology topics, and provide an interesting avenue to explore contributing factors to water polo success and player development approaches within competitive high school sport settings. The study consisted of two phases, with three distinct aims. Phase one: 1) To compare the talent development environments (TDE) and team cohesion of the leading six water polo high schools’ in the Western Cape province, and 2) to determine the correlation between the respective TDE and team cohesion variables. Phase two: To explore the role of organisational culture in creating effective TDEs from the perspectives of coaches and captains of selected schools. Article 1: A cross-sectional design was used and 146 boys (M (SD) age: 15.51 (1.23) years) completed the TDEQ-5 and YSEQ before the start of the 2020 Mazinter Cup. Successful (top-3) and less successful (bottom-3) teams were compared on various TDE and team cohesion variables, based on the final log position of the Mazinter Cup, a high school’s tournament involving six leading schools (independently for the u/15 and u/18 age-groups). Correlations between these variables were also determined. The top-3 u/18 teams had higher TDEQ-5 (Overall), Alignment of Expectations, Support Network, YSEQ (Overall Cohesion), Task Cohesion and Social Cohesion scores than the bottom-3 teams. There were no differences at the u/15 level as the players competed in their first tournament at this level. Moderately strong positive correlations existed between various TDE and cohesion variables for the total sample. Article 2: The organisational cultures of two purposively selected schools were explored to understand how one school performed consistently better than the other in the tournament utilising a comparative case study design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the coaches and captains of both schools (u/15s and u/18s). Using Henriksen et al.’s (2011) Environment Success Factors (ESF) model as the theoretical framework, similarities and differences between the two TDEs were noted, pertaining to their preconditions, processes and organisational cultures. The consistently performing school maintained strong coach-to-coach relationships, encouraged frequent interaction between the age-group coaches and implemented similar processes, thereby contributing to a stronger organisational culture. Conclusions: High schools should provide their athletes with a nurturing TDE that incorporates group interventions aimed at fostering team cohesion, as it may enhance team performance and foster long-term player development. Stable TDEs with more robust organisational cultures and well-aligned processes from u/15 to u/18 age-group levels performed consistently better. A positive organisational culture may facilitate the transition and long-term development of players from junior to senior level, which should be a focal point of all high school sport TDEs. Simultaneously, this may explain differences in short to medium term team performance.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding en doelstellings: Waterpolo is ’n snelgroeiende skoolsport in Suid-Afrika. Swem Suid-Afrika het in 2010 ’n Langtermyn Deelnemer Ontwikkelingsmodel (LTDO) aanvaar om die ontwikkeling van spelers van voetsoolvlak na elite vlak te lei. Dit blyk dat die model ondoeltreffend binne die sport en veral die mededingende skolesportstelsel geïmplementeer word. Talent ontwikkeling omgewings (TOO), spankohesie en organisasiekultuur is gewilde sportsielkunde onderwerpe en bied ’n interessante invalshoek om bydraende faktore tot waterpolo sukses en speler ontwikkelingsbenaderings binne mededingende hoerskoolsportomgewings te verken. Die studie het uit twee fases met drie afsonderlike doelwitte bestaan. Fase een: 1) om die TOO en spankohesie van die voorste ses waterpolo hoërskole in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie te vergelyk en 2) om die korrelasie tussen die onderskeie TOO en spankohesie veranderlikes te bepaal. Fase 2: om die rol van die organisasie kultuur in die skep van effektiewe TOOs vanuit die perspektiewe van afrigters en kapteins van die geselekteerde skole te verken. Artikel 1: ’n Deursnit ontwerp is gebruik en 146 seuns (G (SA) ouderdom: 15.51 (1.23) jaar) het die TDEQ-5 en YSEQ voor die aanvang van die 2020 Mazinter Beker voltooi. Die suksesvolle (top 3) en minder suksesvolle (onderste 3) spanne is op verskeie TOOs en spankohesie veranderlikes vergelyk, wat gebaseer was op die finale rangorde van die Mazinter Beker, ’n hoerskool toernooi wat die ses voorste skole betrek (O/15 en O/18 ouderdomsgroepe). Korrelasies tussen hierdie veranderlikes is bepaal. Die top 3 O/18-spanne het hoer TDEQ-5 (Algeheel), Belyning van Verwagtinge, Ondersteuningsnetwerke, YSEQ (Algehele Kohesie), Taakkohesie en Sosiale Kohesie tellings gehad as die onderste 3 spanne. Daar was geen verskille op die O/15-vlak waargeneem nie, omdat die spelers aan hul eerste toernooi op hierdie vlak deelgeneem het. Matige sterk positiewe korrelasies het tussen verskeie TOOs en kohesie veranderlikes vir die totale steekproef voorgekom. Artikel 2: Die organisasie kulture (OKe) van twee doelbewus geselekteerde skole is ondersoek om te bepaal hoe een skool konsekwent beter as die ander in die toernooi gevaar het deur van 'n vergelykende gevallestudie ontwerp gebruik te maak. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met die afrigters en kapteins van beide skole (O/15 en O/18 spanne) gevoer. Deur die Omgewing Sukses Faktore (OSF) model van Henriksen et al. (2011) as die teoretiese raamwerk te gebruik, is ooreenkomste en verskille tussen die twee TOOs, met betrekking tot hul voorwaardes, prosesse en OKe waargeneem. Die skool wat konsekwent presteer het, sterk afrigter-tot-afrigter-verhoudings gehandhaaf, gereelde interaksie tussen die ouderdomsgroep afrigters aangemoedig, soortgelyke prosesse geïmplementeer en daardeur bygedra tot ’n sterker OK. Gevolgtrekkings: Hoerskole behoort atlete te voorsien van 'n koesterende TOO wat groepsintervensies insluit wat daarop gemik is om spankohesie te bevorder omdat dit spanprestasie kan verbeter en langtermyn spelerontwikkeling kan bevorder. TOOs wat stabiel was en meer robuuste OKe en goed belynde prosesse van O/15 tot O/18 ouderdomsvlakke gehad het, het konsekwent beter presteer. ’n Positiewe OK kan die oorgang en langtermynontwikkeling van spelers van junior tot senior vlak fasiliteer en behoort ’n fokuspunt van alle hoerskoolsport TOOs te wees. Terselfdertyd kan dit verskille in kort- tot mediumtermyn spanprestasie verklaar.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 157 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectWater polo players -- Physical education and training -- Education, Secondary -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectWater polo players -- Physiological aspects -- Education, Secondary -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectWater polo players -- Psychological aspects -- Education, Secondary -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectTeam sports -- Education, Secondary -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectCorporate cultureen_ZA
dc.subjectAchievement motivation in children -- Education, Secondary -- Water polo -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.titleExploring organisational culture, talent development environments and team cohesion of the top six water polo high schools in the Western Cape.en_ZA
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