Economic requirements analysis for table grape check weighing
Smit, R.
Treurnicht, N. F.
Blanckenberg, M. M.
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Industrial Engineering, Stellenbosch University
South Africa’s table grape industry exports most of its production to the developed world
where customer satisfaction is very important and strictly regulated. Severe penalties are
levied for underweight packaged products and contracts could even be lost. This study
aims to determine the feasibility of automated check weighing of final product prior to
shipping. The frequency of occurrence of underweight packages is investigated by means
of structured interviews conducted within the industry. The probable financial impact of
underweight packing is estimated and the paper concludes with a presentation of the
capital amount producers can spend to eliminate underweight packaging profitably.
The original publication is available at
Presented at the ISEM 2011 Proceedings, September 21-23, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Conference theme - Innovative Systems Thinking: Unravelling Complexity for Successful Solutions
Presented at the ISEM 2011 Proceedings, September 21-23, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Conference theme - Innovative Systems Thinking: Unravelling Complexity for Successful Solutions
Grapes industry, Exporting grapes, Packaging grapes
Smit, R, treurnicht, N. F. & Blanckenberg, M. M. 2011. Economic requirements analysis for table grape check weighing. Presented at the ISEM 2011 Proceedings, September 21-23, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.