Establishing and applying speed-flow relationships for traffic on South African freeways

dc.contributor.advisorBester, C. J.
dc.contributor.authorRoux, Jacques
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Peak mornmg traffic-flow data were obtained from video footage of three representative freeway sections on the Nl and N2 westbound towards Cape Town. Flow, speed, and density measurements were made from the footage with the aid of a stopwatch. Many researchers (2-12) have originated and developed models to describe the relationships between traffic flow characteristics (speed, flow, and density) on freeways. In this report, a number of these models have been investigated with data obtained from South African freeways. The ability of each model to predict flow parameters over the entire range of data was evaluated with the aid of statistical methods. The tests were performed by regressing average speed vs. average density. Flow-density and speed-flow relationships were derived through application of the steady-state equation (2.6). In each case, a final model was chosen through visual inspection that consisted of two separate curves, one for the uncongested flow regime and one for the congested flow regime. Furthermore, speed-flow relationships were examined for individual lanes and compared to relationships established for average lanes. The models were also compared to models obtained from overseas studies (1,16,19) as well as from studies done locally (17). A secondary objective of this study is to investigate the performance of existing freeway facilities through application of the relevant models to the traffic-flow data of a particular facility. The current peak-morning performance of the N2 freeway section is investigated in terms of travel-time and travel cost. The particular study section consists of three lanes, the right hand lane being an HOY lane dedicated to taxis and buses. Different hypothetical cases are investigated. The first hypothetical case is an investigation into the traffic situation on the freeway section without the influence of the HOY lane. The second hypothetical case investigates the traffic situation on the section with perfect operation of the HOY lane. The current performance of the N2 section is compared to the performance of each of the hypothetical cases.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oggend-spits verkeersvloei data is verkry vanaf drie verteenwoordigende seksies op die Nl en N2 deurpaaie naby Kaapstad met die gebruik van 'n video kamera. Vloei, spoed, end digtheid opnames is gemaak met behulp van 'n stophorlosie. Verskeie navorsers (2-12) het modelle gepostuleer en ontwikkelom die verhoudings tussen verkeersvloei eienskappe (spoed, volume, en digtheid) op deurpaaie te beskryf. In hierdie verslag word 'n aantal van hierdie modelle ondersoek met data wat verkry is van Suid-Afrikaanse deurpaaie. Die vermoë van elke model om vloei eienskappe oor die hele bestek van die data te voorspel is geëvalueer met behulp van statistiese metodes. Statistiese toetse behels 'n regressie analise van gemiddelde spoed teenoor gemiddelde digtheid. Volume-digtheid en spoed-volume verwantskappe is direk afgelei vanaf Vergelyking 2.6. Vir elke geval is 'n finale model m.b.v. visuele inspeksie gekies wat bestaan het uit twee afsonderlike kurwes, een kurwe vir die vryvloei regime en 'n ander kurwe vir hoë-digtheid toestande. Verder word spoedvolume verwantskappe vir afsonderlike deurpad-lane ondersoek en vergelyk met verwantskappe wat verkry is vir gemiddelde lane. Die modelle word ook vergelyk met modelle wat verkry is vanaf oorsese studies (1,16,19), sowel as met modelle wat plaaslik verkry is (17). 'n Sekondêre doel van hierdie studie is om die prestasie van bestaande deurpadfasiliteite te ondersoek deur die verskillende modelle aan te wend tot die verkeersvloei data van 'n betrokke fasiliteit. Die prestasie van die N2 deurpad seksie gedurende oggend-spits verkeer is ondersoek in terme van reistyd en ryskoste. Die betrokke seksie bestaan uit drie lane, waarvan die regter laan gereserveer is vir busse en taxis. Verskeie hipoteses is ook ondersoek. Die eerste hipotese is 'n ondersoek na die verkeers-vloei kondisie op die seksie sonder die invloed van die bus- en taxi-laan. Die tweede hipotese ondersoek die seksie met perfekte werking van die bus- en taxilaan. Die huidige prestasie van die N2 seksie is vergelyk met die prestasie van elk van die hipoteses.af_ZA
dc.format.extent126 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTraffic flow -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectExpress highways -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectTraffic engineering -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Civil engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Civil engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleEstablishing and applying speed-flow relationships for traffic on South African freewaysen_ZA
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