HIV/AIDS prevention and care for learners in a higher education institution in Lesotho

dc.contributor.advisorPienaar, Abel J.
dc.contributor.authorMphana, Mateboho Patriciaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing Science.
dc.descriptionThesis (MCur (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV/AIDS is considered as a global problem with the number of people living with HIV infection continuing to increase. At the end of 2007 HIV/AIDS had already claimed 25 million lives. Of all new HIV infections 71% were diagnosed in the Sub-Saharan region in 2008, remaining the worst affected region globally. UNAIDS (2008:43) indicated that heterosexual intercourse remained the main origin for HIV infection in the Sub-Saharan region. Therefore the researcher is of the opinion that prevention strategies should focus mainly on sexual transmission of the disease. HIV/AIDS affects mainly people between the ages 15-24 years, notably the age group of most of the learners in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Lesotho, a country in the Sub- Saharan region, presents with the third highest HIV adult prevalence (23.2%) in the world and in the region. In an attempt to address the prevailing situation, Lesotho has a number of programmes geared towards addressing HIV/AIDS in the country. However, all these attempts exclude the learners in HEIs, yet the majority of learners are found within the most affected age group. It is also to be noted that Higher Education provides the bedrock for socio-economic and political development in Africa. Some studies have identified insufficient knowledge as being at the root of the increasing HIV infections among youth. However, other studies have shown that there is adequate knowledge among the young people, but still a challenge remains and that is to facilitate changes in behavioural patterns as a component to be linked to the knowledge. Studies conducted in other African countries have shown that there are anti-AIDS programmes and clubs for learners in HEIs where learners are involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS. No publication indicating the same for Lesotho’s HEIs could be found, except for the National University of Lesotho (NUL) that only launched its HIV/AIDS policy for learners in 2009. The researcher is of the opinion that HEIs in Lesotho are not doing enough to combat HIV/AIDS and hence intends to focus on HEIs in Lesotho. This study had two objectives namely:  To determine the knowledge of learners in a specific HEI in Lesotho regarding HIV/AIDS prevention and care.  To explore the needs of learners in a specific HEI in Lesotho regarding HIV/AIDS prevention and care. This mixed method study was conducted, comprising of both quantitative and qualitative designs. Quantitative phase used a questionnaire for determining the knowledge of learners. The questionnaire was adopted from a study that was performed to determine knowledge of South African educators in public schools with some modifications. The qualitative phase was used to explore the needs of the learners through the focus group discussions with the leaders of the learners. Sample was drawn from the entire population using stratified random sampling for the quantitative phase. The qualitative phase used the purposive sampling to obtain in-depth information concerning learners’ needs. Quantitative data was analysed through the use of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and qualitative data was analysed using the thematic analysis and open-coding. All ethical principles were adhered to especially the principle of respect for persons. The findings from the quantitative phase of the study showed that learners had adequate knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS prevention and care and the findings from the qualitative phase showed the various needs of the learners with regards to prevention and care of HIV/AIDS in a specific HEI in Lesotho. Recommendations have been proposed based on the findings from the two phases of the study. Limitations observed by the researcher have also been identified. In conclusion the objectives of the study were met and the research questions had been answered.en
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIV/Vigs word as ‘n internasionale probleem erken, siende dat daar ‘n verhoging in die toename van MIVgeïnfekteerde indiwidue tans is . Einde 2007 het MIV/Vigs het reeds 25 miljoen lewens ge-eis . In 2008 is 71% van al die nuwe MIV-infeksies in die Sub-Sahara streek gediagnoseer, wat aandui dat die streek die mees geaffekteerde streek tans is. UNAIDS (2008:43) het aangedui dat heteroseksuele omgang die hoofoorsaak van MIV-oordrag in die Sub-Sahara-streek is. Laasgenoemde het daartoe gelei dat die navorser van mening is dat voorkomende strategieë meestal op seksuele oordrag van die siekte moet fokus. MIV/Vigs affekteer meestal mense in die ouderdomsgroep 15-24, opmerklik is dit die ouderdomsgroep waarby meesste leerders in Hoëronderwysinstellings (HOI) is. Lesotho, ‘n land in die Sub-Sahara-streek, het tans die derde-hoogste MIV-voorkoms (23.2%) in die wêreld en in die streek. Lesotho het verskeie programme ontlont om MIV/Vigs te bekamp in ‘n poging om die huidige situasie te beredder . Nieteenstaande sluit al die programme leerders in HOI uit, alhoewel die leerders in die ouderdomsgroep van die mees-geaffekteerde groep val. Dit is ook duidelik dat Hoëronderwys die fondasie vir sosio-ekonomiese- en politieke ontwikkeling in Afrika verskaf. Sommige studies het onvoldoende kennis as die wortel van die verhoging van MIV-infeksies onder die jeug geïdentifiseer. Ander studies, daarenteen, wys dat kennis voldoende is onder jeug, alhoewel veranderinge in gedragspatrone om by die kennis aan te sluit ‘n uitdaging bly. Studies uit ander Afrikalande dui daarop dat daar anti-Vigs programme en klubs is waarby HO leerders betrokke is om teen die verspreiding van MIV/Vigs te veg. Geen publikasies in hierdie verband word in Lesotho aangetref nie, behalwe ‘n MIV/Vigs-beleid wat in 2009 deur “National University of Lesotho’ (NUL) gepubliseer is. Dus is die navorser van mening dat HOI nie genoeg doen om MIV/Vigs te beveg nie, daarom fokus sy op HOI in Lesotho. Hierdie studie het twee doelstellings ten doel gehad, naamlik om die leerders in ‘n sekere HOI in Lesotho se kennis aangaande MIV/Vigs voorkoming en sorg te bepaal en die behoeftes van die leerders aangaande MIV/Vigs voorkoming en sorg te verken. ‘n Studie met beide kwantitatiewe- en kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik om die doelstellings te verwesenlik. In die kwantitatiewe fase is ‘n vraelys gebruik om leerders se kennis te bepaal. Die vraelys is verkry uit ‘n vorige studie wat in RSA gedoen is, maar aangepas om in die Lesotho-konteks te gebruik. Gedurende die kwalitatiewe fase is fokusgroep besprekings met die leiers van die leerders gehou om die behoeftes indiepte te verken. Die steekproef was uit die totale populasie getrek deur van gestratifiseerde streekproefneming gebruik te maak in die kwantitatiewe fase en ‘n doelgerigte steekproefneming is in die kwalitatiewe fase te gebruik. Die navorser het ‘n kwantitatiewe data-analise sagteware (SPSS)gebruik om kwantitatiewe data te ontleed en tematiese- oopkodering is gedurende die kwalitatiewe fase gebruik. Etiese kode is ten volle gerespekteer, veral die respek vir mense gedurende navorsing. Bevindinge van die kwantitatiewe fase het bewys dat leerders voldoende kennis aangaande die voorkoming en sorg van MIV/Vigs besit en die kwalitatiewe bevindinge het die behoeftes van leerders met betrekking tot die voorkoming en sorg van MIV/Vigs in ‘n spesifieke HOI in Lesotho geopenbaar. Die aanbevelings is gemaak, gebaseer op die bevindinge uit die twee fases. Beperkinge in die studie is uitgelig. Ter afsluiting is die doelstellings in die studie bereik en die navorsingsvrae
dc.format.extentxv, 135 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectHIV/AIDS for learnersen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV/AIDS --Lesothoen_ZA
dc.subjectAids (Disease) -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Lesothoen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV/AIDS -- Preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectAids (Disease) -- Treatmenten
dc.subjectAids (Disease) -- Preventionen
dc.subjectDissertations -- Nursingen
dc.subjectTheses -- Nursingen
dc.titleHIV/AIDS prevention and care for learners in a higher education institution in Lesothoen_ZA
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