'n Huweliksberaadmodel vir huwelike waarin buite-egtelike verhoudings voorkom

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Extra-marital relationships remain one of the prominent reasons for marital problems. Attempting to determine a way in which the marriage counsellor can handle the complexity of marriage problems caused by extra-marital relationships was, accordingly, the major motivation for this study. Although considerable research has already been undertaken concerning the nature and appearance of extra-marital relationships, only a few researchers were found to have attempted the structuring of guidelines for a strategy of marriage counselling for this specific problem. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to develop a relevant model for marriage counselling for marriages in which extra-marital affairs occur. The main objective was to merge all existing social work approaches toward family- and marriage counselling, in order to create a new, integrated model for therapy. With the use of such a model, marital problems could be assessed and an intervention strategy could be drawn up. In order to develop new social work technology for this marriage counselling model, the development model was used as method of research. However, in this study only the first four phases of the development model were utilised, namely analysis of the problem, design, development and evaluation of the theoretical model. The empirical research was limited to the client system and marriage counsellors of FAMSA Western Cape. The selection of the random sample was effected through a deliberate, non-probability process, inasmuch as all cases in which extra-marital relationships were given as the presented problem, were included. The period of the random sample was furthermore restricted to six months. Information was obtained from the client system by means of a file study and a telephonic interview; the last taking place on the basis of a semistructured interviewing schedule. The evaluation phase in the process of research was concluded by involving all the marriage counsellors, by means of group supervision discussions and a structured questionnaire, in the evaluation of FAMSA's existing services, as well as the utilisation value of the newly developed model.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Buite-egtelike verhoudings bly steeds een van die vernaamste oorsake vir huweliksprobleme. Die belangrikste motivering vir hierdie studie was daarom om te probeer bepaal hoe die huweliksberader die verwikkeldheid van huweliksprobleme wat deur buite-egtelike verhoudings veroorsaak word, kan hanteer. Alhoewel heelwat navorsing reeds oor die aard en voorkoms van buite-egtelike verhoudings onderneem is, kon daar slegs enkele navorsers gevind word wat gepoog het om riglyne of 'n strategie vir huweliksberaad vir hierdie spesifieke probleem te ontwikkel. Die doelstelling van hierdie studie was derhalwe om 'n toepaslike model te ontwikkel vir huweliksberaad aan huwelike waarin buite-egtelike verhoudings voorkom. Die vernaamste doelwit was om alle bestaande maatskaplikewerk benaderings tot gesins- en huweliksberaad in 'n sintese te vervat, ten einde 'n nuwe, geintegreerde model vir hulpverlening daar te stel. Met so 'n model kan hierdie huweliksprobleem geassesseer en 'n intervensiestrategie vir hulpverlening opgestel word. Ten einde nuwe maatskaplike tegnologie vir hierdie huweliksberaadmodel tot stand te bring, is die ontwikkelingsmodel as navorsingsmetode benut. In hierdie studie is slegs die eerste vier fases van die ontwikkelingsmodel benut, naamlik ontleding van probleem, ontwerp, ontwikkeling en evaluering van die teoretiese model. Die empiriese navorsing is beperk tot FAMSA Wes-Kaap se klientsisteem en huweliksberaders. Die steekproef waar dit die klientsisteem betref, bet volgens 'n doelbewuste, nie-waarskynlikheid seleksie geskied, deurdat alle gevalle ingesluit is waar buite-egtelike verhoudings as aanmeldingsprobleem vermeld is. Die periode van hierdie steekproef is verder beperk tot ses maande. Inligting van die klientsisteem is bekom deur middel van sowel 'n leerstudie as 'n telefoniese onderhoud; laasgenoemde het aan die hand van 'n semigestruktureerde onderhoudskedule geskied. Die evalueringsfase in die navorsingsproses is afgesluit deur al die huweliksberaders by FAMSA deur middel van groepsupervisiesamesprekings en 'n gestuktureerde vraelys te betrek by die evaluering van sowel FAMSA se bestaande dienste, as die nuutontwikkelde model se benuttingswaarde.
Proefskrif (D. Phil) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1992.
Adultery, Marriage counseling, Dissertations -- Social work