An investigation into the functionalization of poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) with calixarenes and their potential applications

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work describes the development of a new method for the synthesis of a calixarene grafted polymer. The method involves synthesizing a mono-alkylated calixarene that contains an amino-tether suitable for grafting onto polymers such as the polystyrene-maleic anhydride copolymer (PSMA). The amino-tether was synthesized through a Gabriel synthesis on the parent phthalimide-derivatized calix[4]arenes. Having successfully optimized the method, the next stage investigated the potential applications for this technology. Two divergent applications were investigated: 1) a colorimetric mercury sensor, and 2) supramolecular hydrogel formation. The first application was based on the known sensing ability of functionalized calixarenes for the detection of different guests (cations, anions, neutral species, etc.). The most interesting one has been the colorimetric approach. Of interest in this work was the reported distal bis- allyl bis-arylazo calix[4]arene (also known as Chung’s sensor), which is capable of detecting mercury cations with a rapid color change in the solution media (yellow to pink). Therefore, a polymer-supported version of the same calix[4]arene was targeted for synthesis to facilitate the formation of a sensing instrument for mercury. Despite all efforts (trying eight synthetic routes), the required functionalized calixarene could not be obtained. Several suggestions for future work have been offered to solve this challenge. The second application aimed at in this project was to attach water-soluble calix[4]arenes to PSMA in order to make the polymer water soluble and to form a potential hydrogel. The most well-studied compound in this category has been the p-sulfonated calix[4]arene, which has been shown to form supramolecular complexes with bis-quaternary amines in aqueous solution. The possibility to achieve hydrogelation through a p-sulfonated calix[4]arene-grafted PSMA was therefore investigated. The primary amine-tethered p-sulfonated calix[4]arene was successfully synthesized and grafted onto PSMA. Unfortunately, the resulting grafts were unable to form a hydrogel in the presence of multiple quaternary amine-based compounds in spite of varying a large number of experiment parameters (i.e. stoichiometry, pH, temperature, concentration and so forth). One problem was that the grafts were not as water soluble as expected. Thus a second option was to replace PSMA with another polymer with higher water solubility upon grafting with the calix[4]arene. The polymer investigated was a polyvinylpyrrolidone maleic anhydride copolymer (PVP-MA). The grafting reaction was successfully carried out and much higher water solubility for the graft was achieved, but once again a hydrogel could not be formed. It is believed that this failure most likely is due to the conformational issue of the calix[4]arene or the low degree of functionalization for the grafts. Several solutions to this these failures have been proposed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werk beskryf die ontwikkeling van 'n nuwe metode vir die sintese van 'n kalixarene- geënte polimeer. Die metode behels die sintetisering van 'n mono-gekalikeerde kalixarene wat 'n aminoteter bevat wat geskik is vir die inplanting op polimere soos die polistireen- maleïensanhidried kopolimeer (PSMA). Die aminoteter is gesintetiseer deur 'n Gabrielsintese op die ouer ftalimied-afgeleide kalix[4]arene. Met die suksesvolle optimalisering van die metode het die volgende stadium die moontlike toepassings vir hierdie tegnologie ondersoek. Twee uiteenlopende toepassings is ondersoek: 1) 'n kolorimetriese kwikssensor, en 2) supramolekulêre hidrogelvorming. Die eerste aansoek was gebaseer op die bekende sensibilisering van funksionaliseerde kalixarenee vir die opsporing van verskillende gaste (katione, anione, neutrale spesies, ens.). Die interessantste is die kolorimetriese benadering. Belangrik in hierdie werk was die gerapporteerde distale bis-allyl bis-arylazo kalix[4]arene (ook bekend as Chung se sensor), wat in staat is om kwik katione op te spoor met 'n vinnige kleurverandering in die oplossing media (geel na pienk). Daarom is 'n polimeergesteunde weergawe van dieselfde kalix[4]arene gerig op sintese om die vorming van 'n senserende instrument vir kwik te fasiliteer. Ten spyte van alle pogings (probeer agt sintetiese roetes), kon die vereiste funksionaliseerde kalixarene nie verkry word nie. Verskeie voorstelle vir toekomstige werk is aangebied om hierdie uitdaging op te los. Die tweede aansoek wat in hierdie projek gemik is, was om wateroplosbare kalix[4]arene aan PSMA te heg ten einde die polimeer wateroplosbaar te maak en 'n potensiële hidrogel te vorm. Die mees goed bestudeerde verbinding in hierdie kategorie is die p-gesulfoneerde kalix[4]arene, wat getoon is om supramolekulêre komplekse te vorm met bis-kwaternêre amiene in waterige oplossing. Die moontlikheid om hidrolgasie te verkry deur 'n p- gesulfoneerde kalix[4]arene-geënt PSMA is derhalwe ondersoek. Die primêre amien- vasgemaakte p-gesulfoneerde kalix[4]arene is suksesvol gesintetiseer en op PSMA ingeënt. Ongelukkig kon die resulterende grafte nie in staat wees om 'n hidrogel te vorm in die teenwoordigheid van verskeie kwaternêre aminebaseerde verbindings ten spyte van 'n groot aantal eksperimentparameters (dws stoïgiometrie, pH, temperatuur, konsentrasie en so meer). Een probleem was dat die grafte nie so wateroplosbaar was soos verwag nie. So 'n tweede opsie was om PSMA te vervang met 'n ander polimeer met hoër wateroplosbaarheid tydens die enting met die kalix[4]arene. Die polimeer wat ondersoek is, was 'n polivinielpirrolidoon-maleïensanhidried kopolimeer (PVP-MA). Die entreaksie is suksesvol uitgevoer en 'n veel hoër wateroplosbaarheid vir die transplantaat is behaal, maar weer kon 'n hidrogel nie gevorm word nie. Daar word geglo dat hierdie mislukking waarskynlik die gevolg is van die konformasionele kwessie van die kalix[4]arene of die lae mate van funksionalisasie vir die grafte. Verskeie oplossings hiervoor is voorgestel.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Calixarenes, Polystyrene, Anhydrides, NMR spectroscopy