Die beheer van rooikatte (Felis caracal) en bobbejane (Papio ursinus) in Kaapland met behulp van meganiese metodes

dc.contributor.advisorNel, J. A. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBrand, D. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Agrisciences. Dept. of Animal Sciences.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1989.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wye verspreiding van rooikatte oor Kaapland in al die hoofplantegroeitipes en in 'n wye verskeidenheid van terreintipes is aangetoon. Rooikatte blyk heterogene habitatte, geskep deur gebroke terrein en/of verskeidenheid van plantgemeenskappe, te verkies bo homogene habitatte, terwyl die grootste kleinveeverliese (deur rooikatte) in eersgenoemde habitatte voorkom en die meeste rooikatte ook daar gevang is. Die doeltreffendheid en selektiwiteit van rooikatbeheeroperasies met vanghokke en slagysters is hoofsaaklik beïnvloed deur die opleiding en motivering van operateurs, en die teikendierdigtheid, terwyl beheeroperasiekoste grotendeels deur studiegebiedgrootte bepaal is. Temperatuur, relatiewe humiditeit en reenval blyk nie 'n effek op beheerresultate te he nie, terwyl sterk wind, windrigting en maanfase moontlik 'n effek, en habitat en veldtipe 'n statisties betekenisvolle effek daarop het. Meer rooikatmannetjies as wyfies, waarvan 'n klein persentasie dragtig of lakterend was, is gevang. Die meerderheid rooikatte wat gevang is, was jonger as twee jaar. Ses-en-dertig persent van die rooikatte is in die eerste vier dae van 'n beheeroperasie gevang waarna 'n geleidelike daling in die aantal rooikatte gevang met 'n toename in vangdae plaasgevind het. In Suidwes- en Suid-Kaapland is bobbejane, veral in besproeiingsgebiede, tot die gebroke en bergagtige terrein beperk. Bobbejaanskade in hierdie dele is hoofsaaklik tot gewasse beperk alhoewel bobbejane ook kleinveeverliese veroorsaak en skade aan draadheinings, waterkrippe en pypleidings aangerig het. Die gebruik van bobbejaanvanghokke kon in die algemeen as 'n doeltreff ende en ekonomiese beheermetode (in vergelyking met ander probleemdierbeheermetodes) beskou word mits die voorgeskrewe vanghokke gebruik en die aanbevole vangprosedure gevolg is. Doeltreffende bobbejaanbeheer kon ook deur menslike aktiwiteite, ongure weersomstandighede, alternatiewe voedselbronne, Iokaaskeuse en alternatiewe beheermaatreels beïnvloed word, terwyl tropsamestelling nie beheerresultate blyk te beïnvloed nie. Bobbejaanvanghokke is hoogs selektief in beheeroperasies aangewend en 'n minimum nie-teikendiere is gevang. Hierdie inligting dra by tot kennis om verbeterde voorligtings- en opleidingsprogramme oor die beheer van rooikatte en bobbejane daar te stel.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The wide distribution of caracal in all the main veld types as well as a wide range of terrain types in the Cape Province is given. Caracal appear to prefer heterogeneous habitats, created by broken terrain and/or a variety of plant communities, to homogeneous habitats. Not only are the former habitats those in which the largest caracal-induced small stock losses occur, but they also represent those in which the largest number of caracal were caught. The efficiency and selectivity of caracal control operations with cage traps and gin-traps is mainly influenced by the training and motivation of operators, and the density of target animals, while the cost of control operations is largely determined by the size of the study area. Temperature, relative humidity and rainfall appear to have no influence on the results of control operations, whereas strong wind, direction of the prevailing wind and phase of the moon probably have an effect, and habitat and veld type have a significant statistical effect. More caracal males than females, of which a small percentage of the latter were pregnant or lactating, were caught. The majority of these caught, were younger than two years. Thirty-six per cent of the caracal were caught during the first four days of control operations, whereafter catches gradually decreased with an increase in trapdays. In the south-western and southern Cape Province, especially in areas under irrigation, baboons are confined to broken and mountaineous terrain. Baboon damage in these regions was mainly restricted to crops, although they also caused small stock losses and damage to fences, water-troughs and pipe-lines. The use of baboon cage traps may generally be considered as an efficient and economic control method (in comparison with other problem animal control methods), provided that the prescribed cage traps are used and the recommended capture procedures are followed. Efficient baboon control can also be influenced by human activities, bad weather conditions, alternative food sources, bait choice and alternative control measures, whilst troop composition appears to have no influence on control results. Baboon cage traps are highly selective, and during control operations a minimum of non-target animals was caught. This information contributes to the knowledge of caracal and baboon control, and facilitates the formulation of better extension and training programmes.en_ZA
dc.format.extent236 pages : illustrations, mapsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectChacma baboon -- Controlen_ZA
dc.subjectFelis -- Controlen_ZA
dc.subjectBaboons -- Controlen_ZA
dc.subjectWildlife pests -- Control -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hopeen_ZA
dc.titleDie beheer van rooikatte (Felis caracal) en bobbejane (Papio ursinus) in Kaapland met behulp van meganiese metodesaf_ZA
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