Exploring the programme-related experiences of graduates of a pilot preventative intervention for adolescent girls at risk to gang activity in a peri-urban community

dc.contributor.advisorNaidoo, Anthony V.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPohl, Susanna Mariaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gangsterism is a perennial problem that negatively affects disadvantaged communities worldwide. This thesis describes how a local non-governmental organization responded to the increasing concern regarding gangsterism and its impact on adolescent girls in a peri-urban Stellenbosch community. It examines formative participant feedback regarding Usiko Stellenbosch’s attempts to intervene with vulnerabilities that one group of high school girls face due to high levels of gang activity in their community. The thesis expands on the limited body of psychological and community knowledge regarding girls and gangs. It provides recommendations for interventions aimed at this group and describes how research collaboration with community partners led to empowerment in order to address the problem of gangsterism in the target community. Being epistemologically rooted in the community psychology paradigm, this study assumed a qualitative, Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) design. Ecological approaches linked to the theories of Bronfenbrenner and Prilleltensky and Nelson were utilised in making meaning from the participants’ feedback regarding their subjective experiences of the Usiko Women with Vision (UWWV) programme. Feedback data constituted of archival recordings of four group processes that had taken place as part of the intervention, and post-programme interviews that were conducted with eight UWWV graduates. ATLAS.ti software was used to conduct a thematical analysis of the data. Analysis of the data resulted in four themes: (1) Programme impacts and outcomes; (2) Intervention characteristics; (3) Sisterhood; (4) Amelioration of gang risk. These indicated that the UWWV programme effectively contributed to buffering its participants against the gang-related risks embedded in their context. The findings also provided specific directions for further programme development. Core findings included confirmation of gender differences that are described in the literature pertaining to adolescent gang-involvement, and identification of methods to satisfy gender-specific needs which often pre-empt gang involvement in girls.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bendes is ‘n voortslepende probleem wat minderbevoorregte gemeenskappe wêreldwyd benadeel. Hierdie tesis beskryf hoe ‘n plaaslike nie-regeringsorganisasie op groeiende kommer rakende bende-bedrywighede en die impak daarvan op adolessente meisies in ‘n buite-stedelike gemeenskap na aan Stellenbosch gereageer het. Dit ondersoek die deelnemers se formatiewe terugvoering op Usiko Stellenbosch se pogings om tussenbeide te tree met die kwesbaarhede wat een groep hoërskoolmeisies ervaar vanweë die hoë vlakke van bende-bedrywighede in hulle gemeenskap. Die tesis brei uit op die beperkte beskikbare kennis binne Sielkunde en Gemeenskapsielkunde oor meisies en bendes. Dit verskaf aanbevelings vir intervensies gemik op hierdie groep en beskryf hoe navorsingsamewerking met gemeenskapsvennote hulle bemagtig het om die probleem van bendes in hul midde aan te spreek. Hierdie studie was epistemologies gegrond in die gemeenskapsielkunde-wêreldsiening en het as sulks ‘n kwalitatiewe, gemeenskapsbaseerde, deelnemende navorsing-ontwerp gehad. Ekologiese benaderings, gekoppel aan die teorieë van Bronfenbrenner en Prilleltensky en Nelson, is gebruik om betekenis van deelnemers se terugvoer oor hul subjektiewe ervarings van die Usiko Women with Vision (UWWV) te maak. Terugvoer-data het bestaan uit argief-opnames van vier groepsprosesse wat as deel van die program plaasgevind het, sowel as onderhoude wat met agt UWWV deelnemers gevoer is nadat die program voltooi is. ATLAS.ti sagteware was gebruik om die tematiese analise van die data uit te voer. Die analise van die data het vier temas opgelewer: (1) Program-impakte en -uitkomstes; (2) Progam-eienskappe; (3) Susterskap; (4) Vermindering van bende-verwante risiko. Hierdie temas het aangedui dat die UWWV program bygedra het om deelnemers effektief teen bende-verwante risiko’s wat in hul konteks ingebed is, te buffer. Bevindinge het ook spesifieke riglyne vir verdere program-ontwikkeling aangedui. Kernbevindinge het die bevestiging van geslagsverwante verskille verwant aan bende-betrokkenheid onder adolessente wat in die literatuur beskryf word, ingesluit. Dit het verder ook metodes identifiseer waarop die geslag-spesifieke behoeftes wat dikwels bende-betrokkenheid onder meisies voorloop, aangespreek kan word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent240 pagesen_ZA
dc.subjectAdolescent Girlsen_ZA
dc.subjectAt Risken_ZA
dc.subjectGang interventionen_ZA
dc.titleExploring the programme-related experiences of graduates of a pilot preventative intervention for adolescent girls at risk to gang activity in a peri-urban communityen_ZA
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