A case study of the response of ABSA Bank to the challenge of HIV/AIDS in the workplace.
Meyambo, Abia Ngaji
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this case study is to give a chronological narration of how Absa Bank addresses
the HIV/AIDS pandemic within its workforce. Through the research I intend to look beyond five
years; depending on the availability of documents and cooperation of staff who have access to the
relevant information.
The introduction includes a short story about how the bank came into existence and the vital role
it plays in the South African economy. Second in line is a brief history on the origins of
HIV/AIDS from its early stages up to 2008.This will include a brief statistics on the prevalence of
the virus globally, with some reasons on the glaring disparities of the prevalence rates among the
This is followed by the brief report from the National HIV Survey, whose research methods
involves sampling a cross-section of society, including a large number of people from different
geographical, racial and social groups. Their researchers claim to take great pains to try to make
the samples as representative as possible.
As for Absa which is mainly an employer of the predominantly so called “white collar workers”,
I have briefly given an anecdote on the studies concerning this particular group and their
relationship with HIV/AIDS. This is the group that considers itself immune to the disease.
Following will be an introductory statement and notes on the pandemic as a threat to the bank, by
the Group’s Risk Department. I will also endeavour to elaborate on show how the Executive
Committee responded to the potential threat and challenges facing the bank.
The ABSA integrated Wellness and Health Policy, born out of all the top managerial endeavours
to mitigate the impact of the pandemic within its ranks will be thoroughly treated.
Part of they method will be identifying the originators and stakeholders of the organisation’s
HIV/AIDS and Life Threatening Policy. Included will be the information on what really triggered
the Bank’s response, to the point of drafting the HIV/AIDS Programme and subsequently
implementing it...
The Absa HIV/AIDS Policy is part of the integrated Health and Wellness Programme. The
question that begs an answer: “Is Absa winning the fight against HIV/AIDS within its ranks or
not? This paper will endeavour to analyse whether or not the Bank is effective in its fight against
this fast-growing pandemic.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk het ten doel om die respons van ABSA (een van die groot bankgroepe in Suid- Afrika) op te teken in die vorm van ‘n gevallestudie. Aan die begin van die werkstuk word ‘n kort oorsig van die MIV-pandemie in Suid-en Suider Afrika gegee. In die volgende hoofstuk word die respons van ABSA kronologies en in detail geboekstaaf. Finale gevolgtrekkings word in die laaste hoofstuk gemaak.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk het ten doel om die respons van ABSA (een van die groot bankgroepe in Suid- Afrika) op te teken in die vorm van ‘n gevallestudie. Aan die begin van die werkstuk word ‘n kort oorsig van die MIV-pandemie in Suid-en Suider Afrika gegee. In die volgende hoofstuk word die respons van ABSA kronologies en in detail geboekstaaf. Finale gevolgtrekkings word in die laaste hoofstuk gemaak.
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
HIV/AIDS in the workplace -- South Africa, ABSA Bank, HIV/AIDS -- Prevention -- South Africa, HIV/AIDS policy, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management