Development of a digital rapid training course for improving the additive manufacturing adoption rate - fused filament fabrication

dc.contributor.advisorHagedorn-Hansen, Devonen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVon Leipzig, Konraden_ZA
dc.contributor.authorvan Wageningen, Roelof Pienaaren_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies, such as Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), have a slow adoption rate. Training on these AM technologies is typically not included in primary to tertiary education curriculums and studies have shown that the lack of education on it, negatively affects the adoption rate. This issue was addressed in this study by developing a digital rapid training course on FFF. A literature study was first performed to gain a better understanding of the different AM technologies and the adoption thereof. The focus was then shifted to a set of learning methods and platforms that are used in the educational sphere. After completing the literature study, it was concluded that training users in FFF can help improve the adoption rate of the technology. The knowledge gained through the literature study was then used to develop a cross-platform digital training course (Web, iOS, and Android), aimed at introducing users to and educating them in FFF. The course consists of teaching sessions, tests, and questionnaires. The course was made available to the general public (free of charge) for a year with no specific target group, allowing users with and without FFF experience to participate. The training course automatically gathered quantitative and qualitative data by recording users’ answers during tests and questionnaires respectively. The course was completed by 198 participants. This data was then analysed to determine whether the training course increased the users’ knowledge of, confidence to engage with, and likelihood to adopt the FFF technology. From the group of participants, 87% claimed that their level of knowledge and understanding of FFF increased by participating in the course. The majority (94%) of the participants stated they are more likely to interact with the technology after participating. The users with no prior knowledge/experience with the technology were found to have benefited the most from the course. Such individuals can be targeted during the development and deployment of AM courses to have the biggest impact on the adoption rate. It was concluded that the training course increased the majority of users’ knowledge of, confidence to engage with, and likelihood to adopt the FFF technology.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Additive Manufacturing (AM) tegnologieë, soos Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), het 'n stadige aannemingstempo. Opleiding oor hierdie AM tegnologieë word tipies nie by primêre tot tersiêre onderwyskurrikulums ingesluit nie. Studies het getoon dat die gebrek aan onderrig oor die onderwerp ‘n negatiewe invloed op die annemingsyfer het. Dié kwessie is in hierdie studie aangespreek deur 'n digitale opleidingskursus oor FFF te ontwikkel. 'n Literatuurstudie is eers uitgevoer om 'n beter begrip van die verskillende AM-tegnologieë en die aanneming daarvan te verkry. Die fokus is toe verskuif na 'n stel leermetodes en platforms wat in die opvoedkundige sfeer gebruik word. Na voltooiing van die literatuurstudie, is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat opleiding van gebruikers in FFF kan help om die aannemingstempo van die tegnologie te verbeter. Die kennis wat deur die literatuurstudie opgedoen is, is toe gebruik om 'n kruis-platform digitale opleidingskursus (Web, iOS en Android) te ontwikkel wat daarop gemik is om gebruikers bekend te stel aan en hulle in FFF op te voed. Die kursus bevat onderrigsessies, toetse en vraelyste. Die kursus is vir 'n jaar beskikbaar gestel aan die algemene publiek (gratis), sonder 'n spesifieke teikengroep. Dit het gebruikers met en sonder FFF-ervaring toegelaat het om deel te neem. Die opleidingskursus het outomaties kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data ingesamel deur gebruikers se antwoorde tydens onderskeidelik toetse en vraelyste aan te teken. Die kursus is deur 198 deelnemers voltooi. Hierdie data is toe ontleed om te bepaal of die opleidingskursus die gebruikers se kennis van, selfvertroue om die FFF-tegnologie te gebruik, en die waarskynlikheid om dit aan te neem, verhoog het. Uit die groep deelnemers beweer 87% van hulle dat hul vlak van kennis en begrip van FFF toegeneem het sedert hulle die kursus voltooi het. Die meerderheid (94%) van die deelnemers het gesê dat hulle meer geneig is om die tegnologie te gebruik nadat hulle deelgeneem het. Daar is gevind dat die gebruikers, met geen vorige kennis van/ervaring met die tegnologie, die meeste by die kursus baat gevind het. Hulle kan geteiken word tydens die ontwikkeling en ontplooiing van AM-kursusse om die grootste impak op die aannemingstempo te hê. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die opleidingskursus die meerderheid van gebruikers se kennis van, selfvertroue om die FFF-tegnologie te gebruik, en die waarskynlikheid om dit aan te neem, verhoog het.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 125 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellensbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAdditive manufacturingen_ZA
dc.subjectThree-dimensional printingen_ZA
dc.subject3D printingen_ZA
dc.subjectIndustry 4.0en_ZA
dc.subjectImproved adoption rateen_ZA
dc.titleDevelopment of a digital rapid training course for improving the additive manufacturing adoption rate - fused filament fabricationen_ZA
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