Developing a strategy to distribute short shelf life products in the high crime township of KwaMashu in South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorMuller, Hans Peter
dc.contributor.authorGill, Paramjit Singh
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Science. Dept. of Information Science. Centre for Knowledge Dynamics and Decision-making.en
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: United National Breweries (SA) (PTY) Limited (UNB) has been manufacturing, marketing and distributing sorghum beer for the last twenty years. Sorghum beer has a short shelf life of five days and hence requires an integrated and efficient distribution system to back its production and marketing. Though the company has changed owners twice during this period, it has retained its knowledge base. The company has outgrown most of its competitors over the last four years, however in order to maintain its leadership, it has identified better market penetration through improved distribution as a major area of opportunity. Almost seventy percent of UNB products are sold and consumed in the townships. These products are almost exclusively consumed by black South Africans. The analysis done by the company on the basis of population and market segmentation indicates that the maximum opportunity of product growth lies in townships most of which are affected by high level of crime. KwaMashu is one such township in Durban. B B Bakeries (BBB) has been manufacturing, marketing and distributing bread in most provinces of South Africa. They are part of Premier Foods. Though their business has been growing in KwaZulu Natal for the last three years, they have been focussing on improving distribution in these markets. Bread, like sorghum has a short shelf life and hence depends heavily on an effective and efficient distribution system. New product variations are also being explored to gain more market share. The aim of this study project was the development of an effective physical distribution system for short shelf life products in crime affected KwaMashu township. “An analysis of the external environment is undertaken to discover the opportunities and threats that are evolving and that need to be addressed by the organization” (Drummond & Ensor; 2005: 33). The external environment for analysis was broken down into three key steps, each becoming more specific to the organization. The first step was an analysis of the macro- environmental influences that the organization faces. This was followed by an examination of the competitive environment the organization operates within and for this Porter’ five forces model was chosen. Finally the integration of such inputs which emerged out of the social environment, business understanding and empirical data was done to come up with a comprehensive strategy. The departure point was the analysis of the characteristics of the environment prevailing in the township. These included study of crime, inputs from police and community policing forum, needs of informal businesses, role of locals to the trade, their possible impact on thefts and hijackings and changes if any envisaged in the near future. The outcome of the study addresses the penetration of the retail segment despite the crime environment. It had to take risk to vehicles, staff and cash while planning distribution while ensuring that the company maintains a hold on the retail market to a reasonable degree. Company’ future growth plans which included new product introductions also had to be taken into account. Out of the possible alternatives, the outsourcing of distribution to local vendor drivers was recommended. Practical guidelines regarding the implementation of such a system keeping in view the unique environment, in which business is conducted, were discussed. Recommendations were made keeping such challenges in view while also supporting the company’ current and future plans.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: United National Breweries (SA) (PTY) Beperk (UNB) vervaardig, bemark en versprei sorghum bier vir die afgelope twintig jaar. Sorghum bier het ‘n kort rakleeftyd van vyf dae and vereis dus ‘n geïntegreerde en effektiewe verspreidingstelsel om die produksie en bemarking te rugsteun. Alhoewel die maatskappy twee keer van eienaars verwissel het oor die afgelope vier jaar, het die kennisbasis behoue gebly. Die maatskappy het die meeste van sy kompetisie ontgroei oor die afgelope vier jaar maar om voor te bly is markpenetrasie deur verbeterde verspreiding as ‘n belangrike geleentheid gedefiniëer. Byna sewentig persent van UNB se produkte word verkoop en verbruik in swart woongebiede. Hierdie produkte word byna uitsluitlik verbruik deur swart Suid- Afrikaners. Die analise wat die maatskappy on die basis van die bevolking en marksegmentasie gedoen het dui aan dat die maksimum groeipotensiaal in juis in dié swart woonbuurte lê wat deur hoë vlakke van kriminaliteit geaffekteer word. KwaMashu is een so ‘n woonbuurt in Durban. BB Bakeries (BBB) produseer, bemark en versprei brood in die meeste provinsies van Suid-Afrika. Die maatskappy is deel van Premier Foods. Alhoewel die besigheid in KwaZulu Natal gegroei het oor die afgelope drie jaar, het hulle ook gefokus op die verbetering van verspreiding in hierdie markte. Brood is ‘n kommoditeit wat net soos sorghum bier, ‘n kort rakleeftyd het en dus afhanklik is van effektiewe en suksesvolle verspeidingsisteme. Nuwe produktvariasie word ook ondersoek ten einde groter markaandeel te verkry. Die doel van die studie is om die ontwikkeling van fisiese verspreidingsisteme vir kort rakleeftydprodukte in die kriminaliteit geaffekteerde KwaMashu woongebied. “An analysis of the external environment is undertaken in order to discover the opportunities and threats that are evolving and that need to be addressed by the organization” (Drummond & Ensor 2005:33). ‘n Analise van die eksterne omgewing moet afgebreek word in drie sleutel stappe waarvan elkeen telkens meer spesifiek op die organisasie toegespits word. Die eerste stap is die analise van die makroekonomiese faktore wat die organisasie beïnvloed. Dit word opgevolg deur ‘n ondersoek van die kompetisie (mikro) omgewing waarbinne die organisasie sake doen. Hirvoor is Porter se bekende ‘five forces’ model gekies. Laastens word ‘n spesifieke kompeterende analise gedoen waarin die kragte wat voorspruit uit die sosiale omgewing, besigheidsbenadering en empiriese date geintegreer word vir ‘n omvattende strategie. Die vertrekpunt is die analise van die eienskappe van die omstandighede in ter sake swart woongebiede. Hierdie sluit die studie van kriminaliteit met polisie, gemeenskap en polisiëringsforums-perspektiewe, die behoeftes van informele besighede met die rol van plaaslike handelaars en hul impak op diefstal en skakings asook veranderings wat in die nabye toekoms geantisipeer word. Die resultaat van die studie het implikasies vir die deurdringingskrag van die kleinhandel ten spyte van die kriminaliteit in die omgewing. Risiko ten opsigte van voertuie, personeel en kontant moet in ag geneem word tydens verspreidingsbeplanning. Daar moet verseker word dat die maatskappy sy houvas op die kleinhandel mark tot ‘n redelike mate behou. Daarmee word die maatskappy se toekomstige groeiplanne met die invoer van nuwe produkte ondersteun. Van die moontlike alternatiewe word die uitkontraktering van plaaslike afleweraars aanbeveel. Praktiese riglyne vir die implimentering van sodanige sisteme word bespreek en aanbeveel in terme van die maatskappy se huidige en toekomstige beplanning.af_ZA
dc.format.extent89 leaves
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectPhysical distribution of goods -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natalen_ZA
dc.subjectCrime -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natalen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Information scienceen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Information scienceen_ZA
dc.titleDeveloping a strategy to distribute short shelf life products in the high crime township of KwaMashu in South Africaen_ZA
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