Developing a results-based monitoring and evaluation system for the child support grants programme in Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Results-focused Monitoring and Evaluation (RBM&E) systems are critical to support informed strategic policy-making, planning, budgeting, management and improvement and informed reporting that contributes to accountability and integrity. The systematic development of an RBM&E system balances the demand for practical, accurate and reliable information to support policy and program implementation decisions with the accompanying cost and capacity implications of developing the system. A well-developed monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system requires proper planning, efficient management and sufficient resources for maintenance and sustainability. It is important that monitoring and evaluation systems are institutionalized to effectively support the long-term development mandates of the government so that the accepted results can be successfully delivered. Institutionalized M&E systems ensure consistent approaches to measuring development results and identifying any deviations. This study identifies a limitation in the available M&E data that measures the realized outcomes for the beneficiaries of cash transfer programs in support of child well-being in Namibia. The problem is addressed by (a) a literature review of concepts, theories and context for RBM&E systems that identify best practices that can be applied in the development of the RBM&E system for the child support grants (CSG) program; b) an assessment of the Namibian public sector RBM&E policy frameworks given international best practice guidelines in the development of such systems; c) identifying the mechanisms and intended results of cash transfer programs, including the objectives, implementation plan and intended child welfare outcomes; (d) a historical overview of child support monitoring and evaluation practices in the Namibian context; e) the assessment of the applicability of the existing RBM&E system for the CSG program as administered by the relevant Ministry; (f) the development of an improved RBM&E system for the child support grant program in Namibia and similar contexts; and (g) further recommendations for policy makers, administrative officers and academic researchers contributing to the improvement of RBM&E systems for child sensitive cash transfer programs. The study adopts an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory qualitative design given the specific aim and objectives. A comprehensive review of the existing M&E processes in the public sector development programs is supported by an analysis of the intended outcomes of cash transfer programs that promote child well-being. Existing indicators and theories of change that focus on the desired improvement in child welfare are analyzed. The empirical part of the study assesses the suitability of the existing RBM&E for the CSG program as currently in operation in the Namibian Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare. The study lead to the development of an improved RBM&E system for the CSG program in Namibia and similar contexts. The improved RBM&E system is further improved by input from specifically selected program managers and officers from the Directorate: Social Protection who are responsible for the implementation of the CSG programme, as well as managers and officers from the Directorate: Policy Planning and Research who are responsible for M&E in the Ministry. The proposed RBM&E system for the CSG program in Namibia provides valuable insight for cash transfer programs supporting child welfare in similar contexts. The study describes in detail the steps for the development of an RBM&E system, the creation of institutional support, the development of outcome-oriented indicators, requirements for data collection, verification and storage as well as reporting, the application of M&E information and creating sufficient financial and further capacity for the successful implementation of the RBM&E system.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Resultaat-gefokusde Monitering en Evaluering (RBM&E) stelsels is krities om ingeligte strategiese beleidmaking, beplanning, begrotings, bestuur en verbetering en ingeligte verslagdoening wat bydra tot aanspreeklikheid en integriteit te ondersteun. Die sistematiese ontwikkeling van ‘n RBM&E-stelsel balanseer die vraag na praktiese, akkurate en betroubare inligting om beleid en program implementeringsbesluite te ondersteun met die meegaande koste en kapasiteit implikasies van die ontwikkeling van die stelsel. ‘n Goed-ontwikkelde monitoring en evaluation (M&E) stelsel vereis behoorlike beplanning, doeltreffende bestuur en voldoende hulpbronne vir instandhouding en volhoubaarheid. Dit is belangrik dat monitering- en evalueringstelsels geinstitusionaliseer word om die langtermyn ontwikkelingsmandate van die regering effektief te ondersteun sodat die aanvaarde resultate suksesvol gelewer kan word. Geinstitusionaliseerde M&E stelsels verseker ‘n konsekwente benaderings tot die meet van ontwikkelingsresultate en die identifisering van enige afwykings. Hierdie studie identifiseer ‘n beperking in die beskikbare M&E data wat die gerealiseerde uitkomste vir die begunstigdes van kontant-oordrag programme ter ondersteuning van kinderwelstand in Namibie meet. Die problem word aangespreek deur (a) 'n literatuuroorsig van konsepte, teoriee en konteks vir RBM&E-stelsels wat beste praktyke te identifiseer wat toegepas kan word in die ontwikkeling van die RBM&E-stelsel vir die kinderondersteuningstoelaes (CSG)-program; b) ‘n assessering van die Namibiese openbare sector RBM&E-beleidsraamwerke gegee internasionale beste praktykriglyne in die ontwikkeling van sulke stelsels; c) die identifisering van die meganismes en beoogde resultate van kontantoordragprogramme, insluitend die doelwitte, implementeringsplan en beoogde kinderwylsynuitkomste; (d) 'n historiese oorsig van kinderondersteuningsmonitering en -evalueringspraktyke in die Namibiese konteks; e) die assessering van die toepaslikheid van die bestaande RBM&E-stelsel vir die CSG-program soos geadministreer deur die betrokke Ministerie; (f) die ontwikkeling van ‘n verbeterde RBM&E-stelsel vir die kinderondersteuningstoelae program in Namibie en soortgelyke kontekste; en (g) verdere aanbevelings vir beleidmakers, administratiewe beamptes en akademiese navorsers wat bydra tot die verbetering van RBM&E-stelsels vir kindersensitiewe kontantoordragprogramme. Die studie aanvaar 'n verkennende, beskrywende en verklarende kwalitatiewe ontwerp gegee die spesifieke doel en doelwitte. 'n Omvattende oorsig van die bestaande M&E-prosesse in die openbare sektor ontwikkelingsprogramme word ondersteun deur 'n analise van die beoogde uitkomste van kontantoordragprogramme wat kinderwelstand bevorder. Bestaande indikatore en veranderingsteoriee wat fokus op die gewensde verbetering in kinderwelsyn word ontleed. Die empiriese gedeelte van die studie assessering die geskiktheid van die bestaande RBM&E vir die CSG-program soos tans in werking in die Namibiese Ministerie van Geslagsgelykheid, Armoede-uitwissing en Maatskaplike Welsyn. Die studie lei tot die ontwikkeling van ‘n verbeterde RBM&E-stelsel vir die CSG-program in Namibie en soortgelyke kontekste. Die verbeterde RBM&E-stelsel word verder verbeter deur insette van spesifiek geselekteerde programbestuurders en -beamptes van die Direktoraat: Maatskaplike Beskerming wat verantwoordelik vir die implementering van die CSG-program, asook bestuurders en beamptes van die Direktoraat: Beleidsbeplanning en Navorsing wat verantwoordelik vir M&E in die Ministerie. Die voorgestelde RBM&E-stelsel vir die CSG-program in Namibië bied waardevolle insig vir kontantoordrag programme wat kinderwelsyn ondersteun in soortgelyke kontekste. Die studie beskryf in besonderhede die stappe vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n RBM&E stelsel, die skep van institutionele ondersteuning, die ontwikkeling van uitkoms-gerigte indikatore, vereistes vir data-insameling, -verifiering en –storing asook verslagdoening, die toepassing van M&E inligting en die skep van voldoende finansiele en verdere kapasiteit vir die suksesvolle implementering van die RBM&E stelsel.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.