Contemplation, the long take, Sátántangó, Slow Cinema, South African rural idyll, ruin.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is in conversation with the poetic documentary film, Rou/Raw, a 117-minute long film shot in Nthoroane/Greylingstad, a South African small town. In this project, the two components explore the aesthetic and ethical dimensions of Slow Cinema within the unique backdrop of Nthoroane/ Greylingstad. The emphasis is on the historical context and techniques of Slow Cinema, specifically its extremely long take and the film Sátántangó (1994) directed by Béla Tarr. It investigates the representation of the South African rural idyll on screen. This practice-based study delves into the potential of long takes to convey multiple temporalities, illuminating the intricate interplay of time, place and the state of ruin/s in the rural milieu. In this thesis, I suggest that in order to reveal how time flows over the hills of Nthoroane/Greylingstad,we need to slow down to the town’s pace and rhythms and wander in its milieu as this exposes moments of both wonder and slow violence. In the film the long take and its unfolding durée facilitates this oreorientation towards the South African rural landscape, revealing multiple temporalities within the same environment from seconds and minutes to the grandiose timescale of the cosmos, all linked to nature and its cyclical patterns and unfolding decay. It reflects on the similarities between Slow Cinema and documentary film techniques, and offers an account of Tarr’s journey from documentarian towards minimalist stylization, all the time keeping his own sense of “truth” and the “real” intact. This thesis includes a written long take, a combination of autoethnographic reflections, production diary entries and images, alongside a close analysis of a long take from Sátántangó. Through this, the thesis echoes the structure of Sátántangó while discussing the history of Slow Cinema and the capacity of the long take to provide moments for contemplation outside of time but inside the moment. Boredom, often experienced in the long take, becomes an ethical act for considering the nature of labour and leisure through the lens of slow violence in the ruin/s of the South African small town.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is in gesprek met die poëtiese dokumentêre film, Rou/Raw, ‘n 117 minute lange film wat in Nthoroane/Greylingstad, ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse klein dorpie, verfilm is. Hierdie projek ondersoek die twee komponente die estetiese en etiese dimensies van Slow Cinema binne die unieke agtergrond van Nthoroane/Greylingstad. Die klem is op die historiese konteks en tegnieke van Slow Cinema, spesifiek die uiters lang duur van die long take in die film Sátántangó (1994) geregisseer deur Béla Tarr. Dit ondersoek die uitbeelding van die Suid-Afrikaanse plattelandse idille op die skerm. Hierdie praktyk -gebaseerde studie delf in die potensiaal van die lang duur in die long take om veelvuldige temporaliteite oor te dra, wat die ingewikkelde wisselwerking van tyd, plek en die toestand van verval in die landelike milieu verlig. In hierdie tesis stel ek voor dat om te verstaan hoe tyd oor die heuwels van Nthoroane/Greylingstad vloei, ons stadiger moet beweeg, dink en insink tot die dorp se pas en ritmes en dwaal, om beide oomblike van wonder en slow violence te kan waarneem. Binne die film fasiliteer die long take se durée hierdie heroriëntasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse landelike landskap wat verskeie temporaliteite binne dieselfde omgewing openbaar van die enkele minuut tot die grootheid van die kosmos, maar alles is gegrond in die natuur en sy sikliese patrone van ontvouende verval. Dit reflekteer op die ooreenkomste tussen Slow Cinema en dokumentêre filmtegnieke en Tarr se reis van dokumentêre filmmaker na meester van minimalistiese stilering en hoe hy sy eie oortuigings van “waarheid en “realiteit” ongeskonde gehou het. Hierdie tesis sluit ‘n geskrewe long take in wat opgemaak is uit ‘n kombinasie van outo-etnografiese refleksies, produksiedagboekinskrywings en fotos in, saam met ‘n ontleding van ‘n long take uit Sátántangó. Hierdeur eggo die tesis die struktuur van “Sátántangó”, terwyl die geskiedenis van Slow Cinema en die long take se vermoë bespreek word om oomblikke vir kontemplasie buite tyd maar binne die oomblik te verskaf. Boredom, wat dikwels in die lang duur ervaar word, verander in ‘n etiese daad om arbeid en ontspanning deur die lens van slow violence in die ruïnes van die Suid-Afrikaanse klein dorpie te verlig.
Thesis MA (VA)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.