Applying process mining to analyse business process performance in the Physical Asset Management environment

dc.contributor.advisorJooste, J. L.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGreyling, Berno Theoen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Physical Asset Management (PAM) has become a vital part of asset intensive organisations in recent years. The rise of standards associated with Asset Management (AM) and the competitive nature of large organisations has resulted in a demand for performance improvements in terms of the value created by physical assets. This thesis addresses this need by calling on an interdisciplinary approach to help improve the processes that support these physical assets within an organisation’s PAM strategy execution environment. Improvement is facilitated by the use of Business Process Management (BPM) and Workflow Management (WfM) principles in conjunction with process mining. While BPM and WfM provide the tools, process mining generates the metrics and models to be improved. This thesis starts by examining the literature of PAM and how processes form part of the enablers that support execution functions of a PAM strategy. Linkage between these enablers and physical assets creating value is then examined. The review finds that there is a lack of structured and mathematical analysis involved with PAM processes as they are executed in the real world. This lack results from the inability to monitor exactly how work is being done in relation to how it was planned. BPM and WfM are discussed to construct a theoretical basis on which process improvement can occur while process mining addresses the lack of being able to monitor real world activity. This thesis continues to develop a methodology that aims to construct a framework by which process mining can first be applied to a practical environment, followed by principles inherent in BPM and WfM. As BPM, WfM and process mining entail numerous different analytical tools, the most applicable of these techniques are chosen for the PAM environment. The developed methodology is applied to a case study where a maintenance process is investigated to determine the validity of the methodology. By applying the process mining methodology, important performance attributes of PAM process are identified and highlighted. Ultimately, application of the methodology is deemed a viable option to incorporate within a PAM environment to improve supporting processes. Future iterations based on this research can investigate improvements to this thesis and build on the results to improve PAM processes and incorporate on-going process mining within the PAM strategy.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fisiese batebestuur (FB) het ’n belangrike deel van bate intensiewe organisasies in afgelope jare geraak. Die opkoms van standaarde wat verband hou met batebestuur en die mededingende aard van groot organisasies het gelei tot ’n aanvraag vir prestasie verbeteringe in terme van waarde geskep deur fisiese bates. Hierdie tesis spreek hierdie behoefte aan deur ’n beroep te maak op ’n interdissiplinêre benadering met betrekking tot optimalisering van prosesse wat fisiese bates in die batebestuur strategie omgewing ondersteun. Optimalisering word vergemaklik deur gebruik van Besigheids Proses Bestuur (BPB) en Werkvloei Bestuur (WvB) beginsels in samewerking met proses ontginning. Terwyl BPB en WvB die gereedskap verskaf vir optimalisering, genereer proses ontginning statistieke en modelle vir optimalisering. Hierdie tesis begin deur die literatuur van FB te ondersoek en hoe prosesse deel vorm van uitvoering funksies van ’n batebestuur strategie. Die verband tussen hierdie ondersteunende prosesse en waardeskepping van fisiese bates word dan ondersoek. Literatuur hersiening bevind dat daar ’n gebrek aan gestruktureerde en wiskundige analise betrokke is by prosesse soos dit uitgevoer word in die werklike wêreld. Hierdie gebrek is ’n oorsaak van ‘n onvermoë om werkvloei te monitor presies hoe dit gedoen word met betrekking tot hoe dit beplan is. BPB en WvB word dan bespreek om ’n teoretiese basis te bou waarop optimalisering kan plaasvind terwyl proses ontginning die gebrek aan die onvermoë om werklike wêreld aktiwiteit te monitor aanspreek. Hierdie tesis gaan dan voort om ’n metode aan mekaar te stel wat daarop gemik is om ’n raamwerk te vorm waarmee proses ontginning eerste toegepas kan word in ’n praktiese omgewing, gevolg deur toepassing van beginsels geaard aan BPB en WvB. BPB, WvB en proses ontginning behels talle verskillende analitiese gereedskap, die mees toepaslike van hierdie tegnieke work dan gekies vir die FB omgewing. Die ontwikkelde metode word dan toegepas op ’n gevallestudie waar ’n onderhoud proses ondersoek word om die geldigheid van die metodologie te bepaal. Deur die toepassing van die proses ontginning metode is belangrike aspekte van ‘n proses geïdentifiseer en uitgelig. Uiteindelik is die toepassing van die metode geag as ’n lewensvatbare opsie om te inkorporeer in ’n FB omgewing om ondersteunende prosesse te optimaliseer. Toekomstige iterasies wat op hierdie navorsing gebaseer is kan verbeteringe aan hierdie tesis ondersoek en bou op die resultate om FB prosesse te verbeter en deurlopende proses ontginning binne die FB strategie te inkorporeer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent182 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPhysical Asset Management (PAM)en_ZA
dc.subjectBusiness Process Managementen_ZA
dc.subjectWorkflow managementen_ZA
dc.subjectProcess mining methodologyen_ZA
dc.titleApplying process mining to analyse business process performance in the Physical Asset Management environmenten_ZA
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