Cardiovascular Disease : Exploring the barriers to lifestyle modification in a Cape Town setting

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Introduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a growing problem worldwide and is the second highest cause of death in South Africa. It can be avoided by controlling modifiable risk factors such as blood pressure, food consumption and exercise. However, many people seem to struggle with modifying and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Methods: The aim of this study was to explore the barriers to lifestyle modifications experienced by persons identified at moderate risk for CVD in the Blaauwberg suburb of Cape Town. One-on-one semi-structured telephonic interviews, guided by an interview schedule, were conducted with eleven participants. Thematic data analysis was performed. Findings: Individuals conveyed a vague understanding of heart disease. However, it was enough to encourage lifestyle modification. Modifiable risk factors revealed in this study included eating habits, physical activities, and smoking. Three themes emerged from the findings: CVD “You can prevent it”, Lifestyle modification “It just feels like an insurmountable task”, A better lifestyle “It’s all about self-awareness, self-love.” Information gathered on the barriers/facilitators for the risk factors (above) was further categorized into sub-headings including Health and quality of life, Physical environment, Sociocultural factors, Access to information and resources, and Psychological factors. Conclusion: Barriers that occur repeatedly include time, financial constraints, and support. Safety concerns when exercising, the availability of free exercise equipment in parks and free organised group physical activities are elements specific to SA.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Inleiding: Kardiovaskulêre siektes (KVV) is 'n groeiende probleem wêreldwyd en is die tweede grootste oorsaak van sterftes in Suid-Afrika. Dit kan vermy word deur aanpasbare risikofaktore soos bloeddruk, voedselverbruik en oefening te beheer. Dit lyk egter asof baie mense sukkel om na ‘n gesonde lewenstyl te verander en te handhaaf. Metodes: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die hindernisse vir lewenstylveranderinge te ondersoek wat deur geïdentifiseerde persone met 'n matige risiko vir CVS, in die Blaauwberg-voorstad van Kaapstad ondevind word. Een-tot-een semi-gestruktureerde telefoniese onderhoude, gelei deur 'n onderhoudskedule, is met elf deelnemers gevoer. Tematiese data-analise is uitgevoer. Bevindinge: Individue het 'n vae begrip van hartsiektes gehad. Dit was egter genoeg om lewenstylverandering aan te moedig. Veranderlike risikofaktore wat in hierdie studie geopenbaar is, het eetgewoontes, fisieke aktiwiteite en rook ingesluit. Drie temas het na vore gekom uit die bevindinge: CVD "Jy kan dit voorkom", Lewenstylmodifikasie "Dit voel net soos 'n onbegonne taak", en 'n beter leefstyl “Dit gaan alles oor selfbewustheid, selfliefde." Inligting wat oor die hindernisse / fasiliteerders vir die risikofaktore (hierbo) versamel is, is verder ingedeel in onderopskrifte, waaronder gesondheid en lewenskwaliteit; fisiese omgewing, sosio-kulturele faktore, toegang tot inligting en hulpbronne, en sielkundige faktore. Afsluiting: Hindernisse wat herhaaldelik voorkom sluit tyd, finansiële beperkings en ondersteuning in. Bekommernisse oor veiligheid tydens oefening, die beskikbaarheid van gratis oefentoerusting in parke en gratis georganiseerde groepsfisiese aktiwiteite is spesifieke elemente vir SA.
Thesis (MHumanRehabSt)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Lifestyles -- Health aspects -- Cape Town (South Africa), Cardiovascular system -- Diseases -- Risk factors -- Cape Town (South Africa), UCTD